Forms Data Controls :: Use Multiple Datakeys In Nested Gridview?
Jul 22, 2010
my page based on master and Details. there are two gridview one is header and other detail.detail gridview is inner when i click on + symbol then details should diplay.i use dataKeys for display Inner gridview record.when i use one datakeys then it is working fine but i need two condtion for show Inner Gridview. how can use multiple datakeys here?my HTML code is below. just modify it for multiple Datakeys
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May 7, 2015
URL....When the user creates a new child record (2nd gridview) how can I ibsert a field from the parent level (obviously from the line where they clicked from).
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Aug 19, 2010
I've got this page where I display a 3 level nested gridview. First gridview displays data, 2nd one displays data based on the 1st one's row and 3rd one displays data based on the 2nd gridview. All of this works perfectly, including the edit mode for the 3rd gridview.
The issue comes when I make each gridview collapsible, again, it works fine but when I click on "Edit" on the 3rd gridview all the grids collapse, I can then re-open them and the "edit mode" is still present and I can still save my updated data. But that collapsing thing is quite annoying. I based a lot of my code from this page: [URL] And I understand how I can fix my issue on a 2 level nested gridview, by simply adding the C# code:
This makes allows me to save the index and prevent it from collapsing when I'm editing. Unfortunately, because I'm actually editing the 3rd gridview, if I code:
That simply doesn't work because I get the error "GridView2 does not exist in the current context". I also tried adding it to the .designer.cs page, but that doesn't change anything and still doesn't work. I'm not at work atm, and hence cannot paste the entire code, however, would anyone still have any idea as to how I can fix that issue?
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Jul 16, 2010
I have a gridview with a linkbutton in each row. When I click the linkbutton it should update the status of a field from enabled to disabled. I am using a stored procedure to achieve this but i need to pass in a ApplicationID which i am retrieving from the gridview through the use of datakeynames. I am using the code below to get this value into a variable.
iAppID = gvApplications.DataKeys(gvApplications.SelectedIndex).Values("iApplicationID")
However when it runs it gives me the following error:
Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index
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Feb 15, 2010
i want to clear datakeys of gridview from code behind
here is gridview
<asp:GridView ID="gv" runat="server" DataKeyNames="row_ID" AllowSorting="True" AutoGenerateColumns="false">
and i added columns dynamically from code behind
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Aug 31, 2010
I am trying to update a row of the child gridview through a link button template field but how do I fetch the datakeys of the child gridview ?
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Jun 21, 2010
I'm using a Gridview with Paging enabled. Also i'm using the Datakeys in Gridview. I can able to get the DataKeys values on first page. But when i click on the second page, i'm not able to get the DataKeys values. How to get the DataKeys values on Paging.
View 5 Replies
Mar 3, 2013
I found the article about Nested GridView Example in ASP.Net using C# and VB.Net
I tried it with a third level, but have problems of binding data. How it could work?
<asp:GridView ID="gvCustomers" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false" CssClass="Grid"
DataKeyNames="t1000_customer_id" OnRowDataBound="OnRowDataBound">
<img alt="" style="cursor: pointer" src="./images/plus.png" />
<asp:Panel ID="pnlOrders" runat="server" Style="display: none">
View 1 Replies
Mar 6, 2011
I have the following gridview (ID=Gridview1)
I have added pid (primary key), chkblood,chkurine,chkstool,chkmalaria as datakeynames.
what I want to pull off here is .... when I click select I'll be redirected to this wizard
I did I want to hide / skip steps in the wizard depending on the condition of checkboxes (chkblood, chkurine,chkstool,chkmalaria)
but I cant get the value from these non-primary datakeynames...
View 2 Replies
Mar 1, 2011
I'm trying to create a nested gridview, but I'm stuck at the editing/deleting part of the nested gridview. (Below is my code).The nested gridviews are filling out nice, I've set the DeleteParameter in the SQLDataSource, but I'm still getting this error when trying to delete a criteria: 'The Gridview 'gvCriteria' fired event RowDeleting which wasn't handled.'I've tried to create a method 'gvCriteria_RowDeleting', but that didn't seem to work out.Someone who can give me a piece of advice? Would it be possible to fill the gridview without using gvDomain_rowDataBound? Dries
And the C# behind:
View 10 Replies
Jun 17, 2010
Is there a better, cleaner way to do this in ASP.NET 2.0?
An ASP.NET 2.0 page displays a datalist of records. Each record can have many dates, so the dates are in a nested gridview (I chose a gridview over a datalist here because we want to be able to delete a date and this is easier done in a gridview). The parent record can never be deleted.
The display works fine: the nested gridview gets its datasource during the parent datalist's OnItemDataBound event.
The problem: the nested gridview's delete function. The date gets deleted without a problem (handled in the OnRowDeleting event), but somehow the redisplay is untying all the other nested gridviews from their datasources. The delete does not appear to cause a page postback, so I don't know how the other nested gridviews are losing their datasources.
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Jan 24, 2016
I have followed this article: [URL] ....
I have added textbox and checkbox in nested(child) gridview....
View 1 Replies
Dec 5, 2013
In Nested Grid, we get a '+' sign. The problem is that '+' sign appears all times, even if there are no child records for that row. 1. Can we enable/disable OR Hide/Unhide '+' sign. depending on if child rows exits.2. OR alteast we can put some bgcolor indicating to user that this record do have child rows. Without any indicator user may feel quite annoying to click on '+' sign and nothing happens.
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Sep 1, 2010
a FormView that is linked to SqlDataSource1a Repeater control (inside the formview) that is linked to SqlDataSource2Thus representing a simple "1 to many" or "parent/child" relationship in the database!qlDataSource1 is simple in that it just retrieves a straight set of records from a table and they are displayed back in the FormView (nothing special happening there).SqlDataSource2 has parameters that filter the contents of the repeater based on the record that is shown in the Formview. This would normally be simple enough to set up by setting the parameter to the formview.selectedvalue property.HOWEVER - THE PROBLEM ARISES...The formview has multiple DataKeyNames because the table that the SqlDataSource1 links to has a compound key. So to filter the Repeater correctlySqlDataSource2 needs to map 3 parameters to 3 data key values in the formview.Any ideas how to do this?I've tried setting the SqlDataSource2 parameters to:
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="FormView1" Name="Parameter1" PropertyName="DataKey(0)" />
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="FormView1" Name="Parameter2" PropertyName="DataKey(1)" />
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Jan 11, 2011
I have 3 nested repeaters and in my code behind I can't seem to lock onto the second level repeater. I have written code for the third level but I will once I figure out how to get to the second level. My code is written below.
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Oct 7, 2010
I have a complicated report that nests six deep and so really hits the database hard. I want to use SqlDataReaders NOT DataAdapters and DataSets because I don't want big tables in memory.
MARS can get me the data fast, all from the one connection. But all the examples show it binding to a treeview.
I want to bind it to nested GridViews (six deep!).
Any examples of MARS binding to nested gridview/list/repeater controls of any kind?
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Jan 24, 2016
I have designed a collapsible nested gridview project using this article as a reference Collapsible Nested GridView with Paging using ASP.Net. I am trying to modify the code to collapse a gridview when another gridview is expanded so that only one nested gridview will be open at a time.
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Dec 1, 2010
In nested gridview, i am finding some problem, i want to show child Grid headers in Parent Gridview. Can anyone tell me that how it is possible? Its very urgent. Waiting for quick response.
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Aug 24, 2010
How To Access Gridview's Datakeys In Javascript...and How To make gridview Column Visible true in javascript
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Mar 9, 2011
I have a Datagrid one of the colums is a checkbox and when it is selected I' m supposed to update that row. I have a button to update this outside the Datagrid. It seems to work well for the first two rows but after that meaning starting 3 to any it just doesnt update no errors but doesnt update. When I look into the id it seems to be empty.
Private Sub btnInactivateAllSelected_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnInactivateAllSelected.Click
'Function declarations
Dim currentMethod As String = MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod.Name
'Object declarations
'Variable declarations
Dim ruleID As Guid = Nothing
Dim oRule As PSXSTL.Digecenter.Rule = Nothing
Dim changetext As String = Nothing
'Start Try...Catch statement
_moduleName = "btnInactivateAllSelected_Click"
For Each item As DataGridItem In GroupDataGrid.Items
If CType(item.FindControl("chkApprovalCheck"), CheckBox).Checked = True Then
ruleID = GroupDataGrid.DataKeys(CInt(item.ItemIndex))
oRule = New PSXSTL.Digecenter.Rule(DirectCast(Session("CustomerID"), Guid), ruleID)
If oRule.Complete Then
oRule.RuleStatus = False
oRule.ActiveDate = Now.ToString
changetext = "On " + Now + " " + Session("FirstName") + " " + Session("LastName") + " deactivated the Rule."
If Not oRule.ProofReviewed Then
changetext = changetext & " PDF not viewed"
End If
LogEditHistoryItem(changetext, ruleID)
' Call
' added 10/19/2004 by Rob MacMorran
End If
End If
' Server.Transfer("customer_clientrules_results.aspx")
Catch ExceptionObject As Exception
'Write the exception out to the event log.
EventLogHelper.LogException(ExceptionObject, _moduleName, "Error occurred in " & _moduleName & "/" & currentMethod & ControlChars.CrLf & ExceptionObject.StackTrace, EventLogEntryType.Error, 55555)
'Object disposal
If Not oRule Is Nothing Then
oRule = Nothing
End If
'Variable disposal
ruleID = Nothing
changetext = Nothing
'Function variable disposal
currentMethod = Nothing
End Try
End Sub
View 5 Replies
Mar 19, 2010
I've got a big problem here with the ListView control. Basically I've got very basic code, yet it seems to break the control completely.
Here's the deal, I got a simple ListView using an ItemTemplate containing a hyperlink. Obviously the hyperlink has to lead somewhere after clicking, so the datakeys enter the scene since I need to hook up a hyperlink containing the Id of the record it's in as a parameter.
Normally this shouldn't be a problem, so in the itemcreated event I look up the link control and add the url using data foud in the datakeys.So far so good, this all works out fine.
Now this contains a number of records, too many to display on one page, so I decided to implement paging by using a DataPager, which is the way to get the ListView to support paging. This didn't work.
After a little tinkering around with the code, I found that if I didn't get any datakeys in the itemcreated event, that it all works fine. However, I need to use the datakeys or I won't be able to hook up a url to the hyperlink.
Basically, that one line of code completely kills paging. Commenting it out immediately sets things right, but that's not an option.
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Feb 21, 2011
When the page is displayed have labels, textboxs, and dropdownlists on top part of the page then the gridview at the bottom with the page numbers at the bottom of the gridview. Create the columns and add data to the gridview programmatically with several hidden columns. Use DataKeyNames on the source page and use DataKeys in VB.Net code behind to get data from the hidden column cells of the selected row. On the
first page when a row is selected, the textboxes and dropdownlists have thecorrect information from the gridview hidden columns. When select another page from pages numbers at the bottom of the gridview and select a row from the new page, get theinformation from the hidden column from the first page andcorrect data from the columns that are displayed onnewly selected page.
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Jun 25, 2012
I have trying your solution [URL] .... in nested grid view. But it is not working with nested grid view. How to solve it.
Error "object reference not set to an instance of an object" ....
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Oct 12, 2010
i have the following nested gridview
i could get the inner gridview onRowDataBound working by setting that directly in the gridview
but i cannot get the linkbutton's onrowCommad inside the inner gridview working!!!
it does not fire the event even i have set it directly in the gridview
here is the code in my app_code page
View 12 Replies
Oct 28, 2010
I have a nested gridview which has been working fine. Now I need to turn the inner gridview off based on some condition: a IF block is added to the existing RowDataBound event of the outer gridview. Now I'm getting "the Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error. What should be the proper way to go about this? The code:
In addition, is there a way to "switch" columns of the inner gridview? For example, column 1 is "City", column 2 is "Price". If user selects to sort by "Price", I woud like column 1 be "Price" and column 2 be "City". Is this has to be done programmatically or if there's other way?
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