Web Forms :: What Is The Easiest Way With JavaScript To Change The Width And Height Of An Webpage?
Dec 22, 2010
I now that I can just define the width and height of a page with the div tag to allow for dragpanels to work, but it messes things up with some browsers when rendering, sometimes shrinking the actual content to allow for the complete page and width to be shown such as on the IPAD. I have tried the Javascript below, but it doesn't work, and whenever I try to resize a page manually, it puts my computer into never never land.
Anyone have a clean Javascript that will change the width and height dynamically as I am moving a dragpanel.
I can move the dragpanel, but it snaps back as soon as I let go so in essense it doesn't work.
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Apr 3, 2010
I've been working with this tutorial:
It's basically how to create an editable gridview.
I've got it up and working, but I need to change the width/height of the textboxes when the gridview is in edit mode.
The problem is, when the textboxes are rendered, they don't have ID's so I can't use FindControl to modify the textboxes.
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My question is, how can I find these textboxes & change their height/widths, or how can I find these textboxes & assign ID's to them...so I can modify their height/widths?
Here's a snippet of what I've been playing with....haven't had any luck though...I'm probably way off:
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But how do i set the background of a column and also set height,width.Ok height may not work because i have an itemtemplate with predefined height.
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Imageid bigint, ImageWidth bigint,ImageHeight bigint,Image varchar(128)
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Mar 4, 2010
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How I can do that ?
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I have a button on my webpage and I set its Width=0px and Height=0px so if I check in Internet Explorer 7, its not displayed but if I see this form in IE 8, its displayed with a little height and width. Its not completly visible False.
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Aug 16, 2010
can anyone tell me how to add the textbox control at the position that I want with same width and height as the div.
I don't know why the textboxs will be more big after browse the website.
take a look at the HTML text. I have added the styles in the same page.
past the code to your VS.net. In the design mood every thing is in the position that I want. However, after browse the website by IE the textboxs will be more big than it should be. is this mean that I should make the div more big than the textboxs!
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Feb 9, 2010
I know there's been a lot of dicussion about removing inline styles that asp.Image control renders by default. I have applyed soultion mentionedhere. But I am facing another problem with this control. If I set Width and Haigth attributes on Image control and the result HTML is:
Source code:
<asp:Image ImageUrl="~/style/images/image_big.png" CssClass="someclass" runat="server" AlternateText="Image alt" Width="179" Height="53"/>
Result code:
<img src="style/images/image_big.png" class="someclass" alt="Image alt" style="height:53px;width:179px;" />
What I would like to have is separate Width and Height rendered outside style attribute. Like when having server HTML control. And let's say that I cannot subsitute asp.net image control with HTML server control.
Is there a way to somehow render Width and Height for asp.Image separatly?
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