Forms Data Controls :: Compare Value From Two Tables?

Apr 5, 2010

I have a Grid View and show data from my sql database table1 ,when click on link button then genrate a pop up box nd data show in any control like detail view bt col_id show in textbox .

I have two tables


firt table fields are id,name,add,status,

second table fields r id,name add,status ,new staus,

whn i click on link button data comes from table2 if exists this record otherwise comes from table1 .

how to compare id from both tables .

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Data Controls :: Compare Two Data Tables Without Using LINQ

May 7, 2015

I want to compare two data tables to find out any idetical row are there, and my project not support linq ...

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ADO.NET :: Compare Columns In Two Data Tables

Dec 3, 2010

is there an easy way to compare two columns in two datatable to see if they match? I need to check if the values in column["x"] of datatable1 occur in column ["y"] of datatable2, without iterating through both tables (for each value in column of dt1, check column of dt2). I tried:

foreach (DataRow dr in dt1.rows)

if (dt2.rows.find(dr["x"]) but this checks the whole row and if finds an "x" in any column, "if" condition is true. I need to only check one column of dt2. Tables have different columns but the same primary column and that's what I need to check

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DataSource Controls :: How To Compare Datarows Of 2 Tables

Apr 21, 2010

I want to make some check before I add a list of data

so I create a temp table


and this is the qeury I retrive from DataBase


so now I get 2 data resultI just want to knowhow to compare these 2 data result?


then now allow to add new data...

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How To Compare Two Tables Qty Based On Purchase and Sales?

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SQL Server :: Compare Two Tables For Changes?

Jan 11, 2011

Im using this script to flag if a record has been altered in two indentical tables :


Is there a simple way to check which fields have altered and update these fields (ie - add a *c* in at the start of each field)??

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Web Forms :: Setting A Compare Validator To Compare With Control In Different Content Area

Jan 10, 2011

When attempting to place controls in different content areas using Masterpages and trying to use a compare validator, I get the error: Unable to find control id 'txtStartDate' referenced by the 'ControlToCompare' property of 'cvlDate'. I have also attempted to set it within the c# code behind in page load: cvlDate.ControlToCompare = txtStartDate.ID and by using findControl there must be an easy way to achieve this?

<asp:Content ID="Content4" ContentPlaceHolderID="leftForm" Runat="Server">
<asp:Label ID="lblStartTimeEnter" runat="server" Text="Start Time:" Width="100px"/>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtStartTime"runat="server" MaxLength="50" Width="250"/>
<asp:Content ID="Content4" ContentPlaceHolderID="rightForm" Runat="Server">
<asp:label ID="lblEndDateEnter" CssClass="formMargin labelInput" runat="server" Text="End Date:" Width="100px"/>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtEndDate" CssClass="formMargin" runat="server" MaxLength="20" Width="250" ClientIDMode="Static"/>
<asp:CompareValidator ID="cvlDate" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtEndDate" ControlToCompare="txtStartDate" Operator="GreaterThan" Type="Date" ErrorMessage="Start Date must be before End Date" > *</asp:CompareValidator>

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Compare Database Value With New Updated Value

Feb 15, 2011

i want to compare my database value with my new updated value. what should i do ? e.g : on page load i am excuting one procedure which bring 10 columns and fill it against the 10 fields using for loop on the page. then i am changing value of two columns. ok. when i press update button then there is one more procedure which updates all the new and old columns into database. Its working fine. just i want to know that, should i update only two columns(which are modified) insted of updating all 10 columns ? Is there any csharp code that brings my page load columns into array and then compare it with new ones and updates only those columns which are mismatch with array. i am not sure but there is some way to do this.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Compare The Values Of The Columns

May 23, 2010

If I have a GridView with 4 columnsthree of them displaying different prices of the same product and the fourth one should display the can I compare the values of the columns ??

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Compare The Rows In Gridview

Oct 6, 2010

i have a gridview with check box in it and I also have a button separately.The gridview contains students name and their school name.User will select rows in gridview with the check box and click the button.Now what I want is, if user select students from two different school, system will display message ("wrong selection").But if user select student with in the same school, system will work as it should, how can I compare the rows??

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Compare Data In Database And Listbox

Jul 26, 2010

I have listbox which retrieve data from database as follow


if the user want to access editpage , and he made some changes on listbox2 by removeing or adding more rows , it should be edited in database I need the best way to edit it , the way that I am doing now is deleting all record and then entring new record from listbox2 , but sometime it's adding duplicate record.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Styling - Compare The Value And Bold The Higher Value

Jun 25, 2010

I have a gridview control having the following columns.

Public Votes
Judges Votes
Public Percentage
Schedular ID

On the basis of SchedularID i want to compare the value in column total and make the one with higher value as bold. But the problem is i am calculate the Total column at run time inside Row databound even. So any solutions?


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Forms Data Controls :: Compare Sortedlist Object Property Changes And Update Value?

Oct 30, 2010

i have a sortedlist who values contain a Product objects. i wish to set the Quantity property of a selected Product object ( from gridview) when the Quantity field changes?

how do i compare whether the product row Quantity field in the gridview is the same as the Product Quantity property in the sortedlist and update accordingly?

note. i have converted to a list(of product) to bind to gridview. then update the sortedlist values

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Web Forms :: Using Compare Validator To Compare Date?

Feb 15, 2010

I am using compare validator to compare date... But Its not working ...I have used calendar extender...with date format as "dd/MM/yyyy"...

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Forms Data Controls :: Compare Integer Value To Primary Keys Of A Detailsvew Datasource?

Mar 8, 2010

I have a textbox that takes an integer value, and a submit button that when clicked passes the value to a detailsview to display the database record at that index.

What I'd like to do is, when the button is clicked, compare the number to the keys in the detailsview's datasource so that if the record ID doesn't exist, I can display a label telling the user that the ID# doesn't exist.

How would I go about doing this? Is there some sort of compare method for the datakeynames property?

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Forms Data Controls :: See If CheckBox In Populated GridView Is Checked And Compare To SQLDataReader?

May 13, 2010

I'm a little new in ASP.NET, so i don't know how the .NET machine fully works..I'm using two strategies to solve my problem, both invoked by a Button.Click event, but i don't know which one is better..My worries are about the server overload and page load time.This is the regular approuch i've used..


The second one is by using a funtion (named checkIfNumberExistsInDataTable) that does a binary search in a datatable to find a number

Dim dr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
Dim da As New DataTable()


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Web Forms :: Compare Two Dates In "dd Mmm Yyyy" Format In Compare Validator

Apr 17, 2010

I am trying to check for a condition such that a date in an input control (textbox) is not greater from a date 1 years from current date(exactly) and also it should not be less than a date 1 year back from current date. for eg. if today's date is "21/dec/1990" then usen cannot enter a date in textbox which is less than 21/dec/89 and it should not be greater than 21/dec/1991. for this i first tried to confirm the greater than condition, i wrote the following code:


but this gave an error: The value '' of the ValueToCompare property of 'CompareValidator1' cannot be converted to type 'Date'.

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DataSource Controls :: Schema And Data Compare

Feb 24, 2010

I already may have access to the solution i am after but cant find a way to keep the data and schema the same during deployment, ie development server SQL database to be the same thing as what i put on the sql server host during the deployment of the web application

i was using Quest Rocket compare to sync data and schema, it worked fine but they dropped that project with the intro by MS of VS08, ie the Quest plug-in works in VS05 but not in VS08 anyway, i probably have the solution I am after at my disposal due to my MSDN subscription which includes SQL server products, but my first problem there, is that i cant identify which MS tool to download and to use that will do the same thing or better than the Quest Rocket compare product,

i believe the solution i need is the full version of SQL Management Studio (which i think i have due to my MSDN subsctiption but my second problem 2) is i cant find in that full studio download in my MSDN subscriber area) also is it only the full verison of SQL Mgt studio and not the Express version that might have the "sync" capabiltiy, is that correct? or is there a way (I am a intemediate on SQL techonologies), within the Express Management Studio to painlessly sync both the schema and the data? I am using VS08 Pro, so mayber there is a way in the VSIDE to do the syncing, I think i tried the Publisher but ran into difficulties, am going to try that again and repost here what those difficulties were,

SO really just after a nice tool or utility that will keep SQL database schema and data the same during the deployment process for the web application i build, kinda urgent to as am buried and dont have time to breath.

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DataSource Controls :: Compare Data In Two Datatables?

Jun 30, 2010

I have two datatables with same columns. I want to compare those two tables and I want to know whether data in those tables is same or different. If both Prod and Qty are same then I have to get true or else false.

That is

Prod Qty
A 2
B 2
C 3

Prod Qty
A 1
B 2
C 2

As of now I am looping thoruh all the rows. Is that the only solution or is there any best way to do this ?

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DataSource Controls :: Compare 2 Different Datatable Data?

Jun 15, 2010

How can I loop through each column and determine what data is different in the two said data tables?

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Forms Data Controls :: 1 Gridview From 2 Or More Tables?

Oct 2, 2010

How do I create 1 gridview for data found in 2 or more seperate tables? Is that even possible?

I have a Customers Table and a Business Owners Table... I need to get at the data from both?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview For All Tables?

Sep 30, 2010

I have a task to create grid view for 8 different tables. I am wondering if there is a better way to create those gridviews. The following features has to be in almost all 8 gridviews

1. Add / Edit / Delete / Sort
2. Some of the grid view has to contain a combo box when editing the row
3. A check box has to be in first column of the gridview
4. When editing the grid view, I need to have an edit form pop up
5. Confirm delete dialog box has to show before delete.It is not smart to create 8 grid views ( I am trying to avoid creating the grid manytimes)

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Forms Data Controls :: Data From Multiple Database Tables Displayed On The Same Page?

Aug 20, 2010

i would like to find out how to go about displaying data from multiple database tables on the same page. What i mean is it would look like the feeds on the facebook home page where you can see the information like newply uploaded photo or a new post.

I have two tables, and i want to display any newly created row on my home page from either table in the same control. Currently, i have two gridviews, but i want the data from both tables be displayed together.

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Gridview To Extract Data From Linked Tables

Jun 8, 2010

How do I display table database information from two or multiple databases tables where they are linked by one field? For instance, I have an Orders Table and Customer Table, and both are linked by OrderID, and I'd like to display all Orders and the corresponding Customer information.

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Forms Data Controls :: Showing Data From Multiple Tables In A Listview?

Jan 22, 2010

I have a listview that shows the user the details of the members who have sent friendship request. The table from which the data come has two fields namely, sender_id[id of the one who sends friendship request] and receiver_id[id of the one to whom the request is sent].

There will be two columns in the listview. The first would show the pic and the name of the user. The problem is that how am I going to show the pic and the name if the table from where the data come does not contain these info. I know that the sender_id can be used to fetch the pic and name of the sender, but how should it be done?

Earlier I would do something like <%#Eval("fieldName")%>. But in the above described scenario the field is not present in the current table but the other one.

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