Forms Data Controls :: Disabling A Checkbox In A Gridview?
Jul 8, 2010
I have a gridview that gets populated with database records. If a record's"Inactive" column is "1", I want to disable the checkbox as it is loading. I am trying
RowDataBound event, but app doesnt stop when I put a breakpoint in RowDataBound event.
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Similar Messages:
Jan 12, 2010
I need to disable the edit command link if a record has links to other records within the tables.
I have a table that has worktype and that is captured when certain records are entered. So if a record exists with that value, then i want to disable the "Edit" link for that record within my gridview.
I want to provide them access to add more worktypes, but if they want to edit a worktype, i need to make sure its not used anywhere in the other tables, before they can edit it. For now atleast, because i will need to allow full editing and deletion functions for this table. how to do this or maybe suggestions on other things i can do to give them full functionality?
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Mar 31, 2011
I was just wondering if there isa way to disable GridView rows from being highlighted with the mouse when user clicks and drags over the row.
I was thinking this may be possible by disabling the onclick atttribute but I use this as each row is a hyperlink to another page.
Just trying to think of an alternative method; is it possible to change the color to be somehow transparent on the drag?
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Dec 18, 2010
I have a gridview with Templatefields checkbox, equipname,rate1,rate2 ,rate3,rate4.The equipname name field is a dropdownlist templaefield and I am populating it with data from datatable.
The equipname are A,B,C,D.
When I check the checkbox the corresponding equipname field of the checked row will be active and I select a equipname from the dropdownlist.
Rate1 is for Equipname 'A'
Rate2 is for Equipname 'B'
Rate3 is for equipname 'C'
Rate4 is for equipname 'D'
Now what I need is when I check the first row and select equipname 'A' only the
rate1 column of the first row should be active.
When I check the secondrow and selected equipname only the rate1 column of the second row should be active
and that of row1 should be inactive and so on.
I was able to do everything except that when I check a particular row and selected equipname 'A' allother fields (ie,rate2,rate3,rate4 ) becomes inactive but all otherrows of rate1 irrespective of the checked row becomes also can I do this
I s there any way for getting that particular checked rowindex so as to compare it with
View 8 Replies
Oct 20, 2010
I am filling a gridview with data.
column 1 is a dropdownlist <ddlGrade>
column 2 is a checkbox <cbxNeverAttended> not visible
column 3 is a textbox <tbxLastDate> not visible
in the 'GridView_RowDataBound'
i determine if a ddlGrade value already exists and if so, make it selected in the dropdownlist
also, if the value of ddlGrade is a "U" I make cbxNeverAttended and tbxLastDate visible
However, if cbxNeverAttended or tbxLastDate are both empty strings (and ddlGrade has the value "U"), I want to disable all instances of ddlGrade in the gridview (essentially forcing the user to enter a value for cbxNeverAttended or tbxLastDate before moving on to enter another ddlGrade).
But I have been unable to figure out a way to accomplish this on the 'Gridview_RowDataBound',
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Feb 1, 2010
I am using VS 2008 and C#. I have a nested datagrid attached to access database where date column is the PKey and takes system date.
I want to unable the user to edit/update the the rows more then 3 days old.
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Aug 20, 2010
I want to select all checkBox in Gridview when click to header checkBox.I have created design such that CheckBox is not available to header of Gridview.It is in other table. Below is design of gridview.
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Dec 30, 2010
I have grid view containing check box column as one column,a drp down and button outside the grid..
for example drop down has two options like first and second,if i select first i want to change the name of the button to first and if i select second button name should be second,,and also i want to disable the checkboxes in gridview when button name is second..
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Apr 6, 2010
I have a gridview with a select link (Not auto created) One of my columns is a date column Another column is essentially a 'group code' For rows that have the same group code I want to disable or make the link button not visible for all but the most recent row. I wasn't sure how to go about doing this.
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Dec 13, 2010
Is there any way to disable autogenerated edit, delete buttons in gridview. As they don't have names to use find contro, how can I find the edit button in the row and disable it and enable when required.
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May 7, 2015
when i checked the checkbox in parent gridview, all checkbox in child gridview will be checked.
how can i select the checkbox of child gridview checkbox in the when i select the checkbox from the parent gridview?
code behind
protected void OnCheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
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Jan 18, 2011
I have read through a number of posts but cannot find solution to my requirement. I need
1. Use DeclarativeCatalogPart to list ALL my webparts. I do not want to use PageCatalogPart because I want the user to always see ALL web parts available in the catalog, regardless if they are closed or not.
2. Disable the checkbox in DeclarativeCatalogPart for the WebParts that already exist on the page.
I wrote all the code to determine if WebPart exists, but I cannot figure out how to get access to that checkbox next to each WebPart.
View 1 Replies
May 7, 2015
There is a Gridview(say with 5 rows) in my web page with Delete button inside it.
I want that when I delete any row( say I deleted 5, 2, 3, 1) and then when I try to delete the last remaining row i.e., 4 then it should not get deleted.I want that remaining any last row(can be any) in Grid should not get delete.How to achieve that?
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Aug 22, 2012
disable linkbutton if gridview is empty in child pages. I have a Export to Excel LinkButton in master page and in child page I have textbox wherein I pass the input based on which the gridview loads. When the child page loads the Export linkbutton should be disabled. After entering the input in textbox on click of the button the gridview will be loaded wherein now the Export linkbutton should be enabled to export to excel.
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May 3, 2010
I have a GridView that I was previously populating via an ObjectDataSource, and this code was working perfectly (ie, when the checkbox was checked Checkbox.Checked = true):
View 9 Replies
Mar 11, 2011
<asp:CheckBox ID="chkRDR1" runat="server"/>
Dim checkbox As CheckBox = CType(row.FindControl("chkRDR1"), CheckBox)
View 2 Replies
Aug 2, 2010
table a
a1 a
1 qw
2 asa
i have two grid views
gridview1 has check box[a1] and one value[a](in total two columns) with objectdatasource1 for datareferencing from database
another gridview2 has to select only the selected/checked value of gridview1 of checkbox1
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Mar 6, 2011
anyone got idea on how to create a gridview with checkbox?
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Mar 15, 2010
I have Grid view on my WebForm, a Checkbox placed in a Grid view,i have 70 field/column values right below grid view,when ever i select the GridView Checkbox ,entire record should be displayed in field/column values.How can i acheive this please provide
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May 4, 2010
I'm a little bit confused. I'm trying to pass in some values to the associated database table from a gridview.I have a databound gridview fetching values from a database, on each row a checkbox is generated to each item in the list. For exapmple, the gridview fetches data from the table "Interests" and prints it out on the page, and the visitor is supposed to check in those checkboxes that corresponds to his/hers personal interests.When clicking submit, the Table UserInterests in DB gets the values:
UserID = 1 (gets a unique ID from a previous step)
InterestID = 45 (Shopping)
UserInterestID = (auto increment)
What i need help with is how to check if the Checkboxes is checked or not, and how to pass in the true or false to the db.I have read Step 2 in this tutorial, and it seems like my solution will be somewhat similair to this: it's a tricky question when not knowing the structure of the project, but i'll be glad for some pointers and tips!
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Mar 25, 2010
I have a gridview with autogenerated fileds in Rowdatabound i am adding checkbox using stringwritter then when i try to get checkbox value using Findcontrol it shows me an errorBelow the code samples which i have used .aspx
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server"></asp:GridView>
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Feb 10, 2011
can i add commandname or commandargument to a checkbox-control in a gridview?
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May 12, 2010
i would like to uncheck a checkbox in my gridview when the user clicks on that row... how do i do that in vb.
also, when trying out my website, when i do uncheck the checkboxs and click on the link to go back to the home page, the gridview on that page which links to the same table does not update the checkboxes with the new values.
View 5 Replies
Feb 10, 2010
I have GridView control with a checkbox in one of the columns. When I click a button to submit, I want to see if the checkbox is selected, but when I do, it only gets "Yes" for Label but false fo Checked. I know I am accessing the column because I get the Label. Wha tam I missing?
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="OverRide">
<asp:CheckBox ID="OverRide" runat="server" Text="Yes" />
//Code Behind
//Where i = the row
CheckBox cb2 = ( CheckBox )GridView2.Rows[j].Cells[7].FindControl("OverRide");
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May 8, 2010
i need to find out whether the checkbox is true or false in my gridview...
i've written this simple code which works but only works on the row i specify...
however... i need to check the whole gridview and tell me what checkboxes are checked...
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