Forms Data Controls :: Display A List Of Data In One Column Of Listview With Hyperlink?

Jan 10, 2010

in i want to display a list of data in one column of listview with hyperlink. All the data should should apper in tabular format.

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<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList8" runat="server"
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
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Forms Data Controls :: Open A New Window From Listview Hyperlink?

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Text='<%# Eval("BarName") %>'></asp:HyperLink>

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Aug 26, 2010

I am having trouble finding how to solve the following issue :

I am using nested listviews to display Sales and Sales details.

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ASPX Markup Code :


C# Behind Code :


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Is it possible to do this?

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Jan 6, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: ListView Control Does Not Render First Row Of Data In Database Column

Aug 5, 2010

using .NET 4, SQL 2008 R2 and VS2010:

My issue is that the first row of data in my db table does not seem to be output to my ListView control when I run the page. The first item in the ListView control is the 2nd row of my db table.

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The ListView control is defined as follows:


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Remove Hyperlink When The Gridview Column Value Is 0

Mar 8, 2010


BroughtForward and Pending both columns contain hyperlink values. When we click the values then another page opens with the details. I don't want to open another page if user click 0 in any column or in other words how to remove hyperlink if there is 0 in any cell?

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Forms Data Controls :: Modify The Link Of A Hyperlink Column?

Aug 27, 2010

I'm a bit new to this game. I'm trying to build a web page that simply scans a directory in the server and creates a web page with links to the files in that directory - sounds simple and should be easy to do !So I have a bit of code that reads the myDocuments folder in my web site and then populates a grid view hyperlink column with the filenames in the folder - wow it works !The only thing I am struggling with now is getting the hyperlink correct within the GridView so that the user goes to the actual document.So my code behind is;


which reads the file info in the directory myDocuments and binds the info to a datasource.So now I'm using that datasource to display the filenames in a gridview so that the user can click on a name and open the file.


But of course the Name field in the hyperlink column is only the name of the file - how do I append the relative link to the filename to make the full path to the file correct.I tried to make the Hyperlink column a template field and do something like EVAL("~/path/"&"Name") but that doesn't work :(


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Sep 5, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Data On Hyperlink Selected Value?

Feb 21, 2011

I would like to use the following hyperlink control as parameter values for the sqldatsource query bound to grid from the same page.

so when i click a link the page is refreshed with new results.


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Forms Data Controls :: Preventing The Display Of Titles For Data Fields If The Data Field Is Empty In ListView?

Nov 14, 2010

I have a listview control bound to an SqlDataSource. As part of the formatting I want to add a title to the data returned from my database. For instance if the data base returns a phone number I want to add 'Tel.' first. However I do not want to diplay this
title if the datafield is empty. Here is what I have done so far.

<asp:Label ID="BusinessLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# "Tel. "+Eval("Business") %>' CssClass="TeleStyle" />

Or This:Tel.
<asp:Label ID="BusinessLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("Business") %>' CssClass="TeleStyle" />

Business is a phone number. If the data field contains a number I get: Tel. 1234 123456. If the field is empty I get Tel. If Business is null I want nothing dsplayed, how do I do this?

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Feb 10, 2011

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I attach my code as below, what i want to do is to output 2 columns in gridview, and the first column should be a hyperlink. However, now the first column still shows nothing.

Web page code:


C# code:


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Jan 3, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Format GridView Column Head Hyperlink?

Jun 18, 2010

I have created a Gridview that has sorted columns. Using the HeaderStyle-CssClass ="GridViewHeader" The background = medium Blue and the Font Color = White. Looks cool, except for sorted columns. There the text is medium blue because it is a hyperlink. Is there any way to change the color for these hyperlinks?

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