Forms Data Controls :: Dropdownlist1 Doesn't Get Selecteditem "value"?

Jan 18, 2011

I am using the following code :

Protected Sub DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DropDownList1.SelectedIndexChanged
Response.Redirect("memberlogin.aspx?d=" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString)
End Sub

but DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString expression returns the TEXT of the selectedItem.

Here is the dropdownlist aspx side :

<asp:ListItem meta:resourcekey="ListItemResource1" Text="Turkçe" Value="tr"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem meta:resourcekey="ListItemResource2" Text="English" Value="en"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem meta:resourcekey="ListItemResource3" Text="Russki" Value="ru"></asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem meta:resourcekey="ListItemResource4" Text="Français" Value="fr"></asp:ListItem>

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Forms Data Controls :: DropDownList1.SelectedIndexChange Is Not Getting Fire From Gridview?

Jan 14, 2010

I am problem with gridview pager template,i have a dropdownlist in my pagercontrol butdl.selectedindexchange is not getting fired up if i am trying to bind gridview at code behind.But if iam using sqldatasource instead its working fine.


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Forms Data Controls :: 'DropDownList1' Has A SelectedValue Which Is Invalid Because It Does Not Exist In The List Of It?

Jan 24, 2011

We use gridview for showing a data from table.It show fine in certain case like in table field dispostion is data and test but in table we put the string Ineligible Member/Member No Longer Enrolled - Spoke to Target and Wrong Number After Skip Tracing then it gives error. 'DropDownList1' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items.

The following is snippest my code ,tell me where i am wrong.


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Forms Data Controls :: Getting - "'DropDownList1' Has A SelectedValue Which Is Invalid Because It Does Not Exist?

Dec 29, 2010

I've got a gridview which displays records from a table in SQL Server. Next I've got a details view which displays the details from the selected record. This works fine.

When the user selects a record, which then gets displayed in the details view, I'd like to make it possible for the user to edit the record. I've done searchs for this online, and found lots of responses, but none quite displaying an answer to the question I've got. I'm sure it is a simple thing I've done wrong, but at this point I don't know what it is I've done wrong. I've getting this error,"'DropDownList1' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items.Parameter name: value".

I've got a SqlDataSource to display the data in the details view. And then I specified another SqlDataSource to use for the dropdownlist control in the details view. I converted the field, in the details view, to a template field and have been replacing it. Here's the SqlDataSource controls definitions:


and here's the info for the details view:


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Forms Data Controls :: Detailsview EditMode / 'DropDownList1' Has A SelectedValue Which Is Invalid

Jul 23, 2010

i have a detailstview and sql datasource I am retrieveing the data so far no problems but afteradding a dropdownlist in edit mode and clicking edit button I get this error"

'DropDownList1' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items.

Parameter name: value.[Code]....

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Forms Data Controls :: How To ListView SelectedItem SelectedItemChanged

Apr 11, 2010

I give up. After many hours of scouring the internet, cannot find a simple example of binding a simple object to a ListView and figure out which one is selected in the SelectedIndexChanged event.

Many people talk about the SelectedItem and SelectedItems properties; which somehow, according to intellesense, do not even exist on my ListView. I must have a "special .Net build" :)

If I have a collection of "Books" bound to a ListView. How do I get the "selected book" in the SelectedIndexChanged event? (Multiselect = false)

I would think it's something like:

Book MyBook = (Book)ListView1.SelectedItem
I'd even settle for
Book MyBook = (Book)ListView1.SelectedItems[0]

No such luck. My very special ListView does not seem to have either property.

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Forms Data Controls :: Trying To Find SelectedItem In Collection?

Apr 13, 2010

I've been pulling my hair out over this one... I've searched on the net and even in the forums, but can't seem to come up with an answer for a simple question.I tried the following code inside my html to get the selected value that comes from our database into the grid and it doesn't work. I am positive that a value exists for the itemType. It is 1. Instead of Checked, I tried SelectedItem and SelectedIndex. Neither of those worked.

Checked='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "itemType")%>'

I erased the above code from my grid and inside the ItemDataBound event, I placed the following code, but don't know what other code I should place next after it. I know the value inside "itemType" is 1 by debugging it.

RadioButtonList itmtype = e.Item.FindControl("rblItemType") as RadioButtonList;

How can I simply find the selecteditem in the list coming back from the database inside the itemdatabound event?

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdownlist Doesnt Return Selecteditem's VALUE?

Jan 18, 2011

I am using the following code :

Protected Sub DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DropDownList1.SelectedIndexChanged
Response.Redirect("memberlogin.aspx?d=" + DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString)


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Add A Method To Collect All (list) Data From DropDownList1?

Aug 11, 2010

i have create 2 drop down list..and i set value for first's working good..

now i trying to add a method to collect all (list) data from DropDownList1 and split into words and display into DropDownList2..

when i add method to Default.aspx.cs page it nt working...

here's my code(no errors):


<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server"


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Web Forms :: The Name DropDownList1 Does Not Exist In The Current Context

Jul 19, 2010

I get the message "The name DropDownList1 does not exist in the current context". Without using a master page, I can get it to work. It's when I bring this code over to a master page is when I get this error. I'm trying to auto populated a drop down list. Here is my code...

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.IsPostBack == false)
{ [code]....

This isnt a project, I made a New Website. I can't figure out why this will work outside of my master page and not in .

Oh and im not putting this code inside the SMC.master.cs file, It goes inside my Tool.aspx.cs file

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Web Forms :: DropDownlist Selecteditem Not Updateing?

Mar 29, 2011

I have a dropdownlist in a Usercontrol defined in a table as:


i have the AutoEventWireup="True"; I have a breakpoint in the code behind on the SelectedIndexChange event.
The event does fire but the index is not changing. No matter what item in the list I select, the SelectedIndex always = 0. The list is bound to a dataset and the DataTextField and DataValueField are both set to the same value. Why is the index and SelectedValue not updating?

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Web Forms :: FindControl SelectedItem In Dynamic DropDownList

Jun 5, 2010

First post here, I usually try not posting until I am completely lost. I have a webform that gets a dynamic dropdownlist added to a placeholder in a method during pageload. During a submit of the page, I want to be able to get the selectedItem in the DropDownList that was also added dynamically from a DB. I know the ID of the DropDownList, and I know the Value of all the ListItems. Although when I am trying to use FindConrol(ID), and assign it to a DropDownList, the Control comes back Null and I get an error saying "Object Reference not set to and Instance of an Object", I believe because its not finding the control.


Can anyone show me how to use this to get access to the properties of the dynamic DropDownList properties, especially the ListItems within.

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Jun 15, 2010

I have several lines of code like this:
How can I do this?

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Web Forms :: How To Get SelectedItem.Value From Dynamically Populated RadioButtonList(s)

Apr 12, 2010

Here is my attempt:


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Enable Dropdownlist2 When Dropdownlist1 Index Changed?

Mar 10, 2011

using 2005

I have 2 dropdownlists, dropdownList1 and dropdownlist2.

when the user changes index on dropdownlist1 I want dropdownlist2 to be enabled. How to do this?

I am doing this in an ajax enabled website, which means its inside the <asp:content> tag.

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Web Forms :: DropDownList Accessing SelectedItem Property After Binding It ?

Oct 28, 2010

So here is the problem , Is it possible to get the "SelectedItem.Text" of a binded dropdownlist? because everytime I'm getting null Even though I'm having
items in the dropdownlist.

I'm getting the items that I want in the dropdownlist but I can't find out which one is selected.


here is my aspx code:


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Web Forms :: Get Values For 'Text' And 'Value' Properties Of A RadioButtonList.SelectedItem?

Feb 18, 2010

here is (part of, its 50 items long) the radiobuttonlist


and i use the value of the 'Value' attribute to make a selection


then I want the 'text' property of SelectedItem to be in the subject line of an email


but no matter what i do, it uses the 'Text' property of the first item in the list that has the same 'Value' as the one from the selection

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Web Forms :: DropDownList SelectedItem Object Reference Not Set Error?

May 27, 2012

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
if((drpdept.SelectedItem.Text != "--Select--")|| (drpdept.SelectedItem.Text !=null))

i hve above line but i get Object reference not set 

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Web Forms :: Populate The Dropdownlist1 With Country And Dropdownlist2 With City Of That Country From Web

Dec 3, 2010

I want populate the dropdownlist1 with Country and dropdownlist2 with City of that Country from web

Is there a place on web where we can get a list of countries and cities handy, and then populate into our dropdownlists in page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdown Doesn't Load With The Relevant Data When Select A Value From The First

Jun 10, 2010

I am experimenting with 3 dropdowns bound to 3 different datasources. I want the contents in each dropdown depending on what is selected from the above dropdown and the datasource queries reflect this.

<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList_CostCentres" runat="server" Height="16px"
Width="138px" DataSourceID="CostCentreDataSource" DataTextField="CostCentre"
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="CostCentreDataSource" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%&#36; ConnectionStrings:corkABCConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [CostCentreID], [CostCentre] FROM [CostCentres]">
<br />
<br />
<asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text="Manager:" Font-Bold="True"></asp:Label>
<br />
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList_Managers" runat="server" Height="16px"
Width="138px" DataSourceID="ManagerDataSource" DataTextField="EmployeeName"
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="ManagerDataSource" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%&#36; ConnectionStrings:corkABCConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [EmployeeID], [EmployeeName] FROM [Employees] WHERE ([CostCentre] = @CostCentre)">
<asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DropDownList_CostCentres" Name="CostCentre"
PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="String" />

However, the second dropdown does not load with the relevant data when I select a value from the first dropdown (stays blank). Must I still provide an event handler and how do I combine this with the sqldatasource?

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Forms Data Controls :: DataGrid Doesn't Show Data After Postback?

Jan 21, 2010

I have a web application that takes information entered by the user and displays it in a few datagrids, that are located withing a multiview.

In order to enter a row to a datagrid the user enters some information and clicking on a button calls a function that adds the data to an arraylist, which is the source of the datagrid. In addition, every postback the data is binded to the datagrid.

It all works fine in the first time, but from the second row and on it enters only parts of the data and ignores the rest.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Data Doesn't Change On Paging?

Sep 27, 2010

I have used objectdatasource with Gridview.

I have total 3000 records in DB.

In gridview settings:


but on click on page number in the footer the page is changing but data is not refreshing.

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