Forms Data Controls :: Finding A SQL Server Table From 3.5 Master Page And LINQ To Entities?
Jan 20, 2010
I have placed a textbox, dropdownlist and command button in a section of my master page. The textbox, named txtsearch, will be used to input a search string. The dropdownlist, named ddlsearch, will be used to specify in which field to search in the table, either part name or NSN.
What VB code do I use to save the value entered into txtsearch as a search string? How do I pass that value to my entitydatasource? How do I tell entitydatasource to search in either the part name or NSN field based on the value of ddlsearch?
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Jun 25, 2010
I recently built a table dynamically on a page.
this is how I pulled the value back to fill in the text box in the table. With no master page.
TextBox tb = (TextBox)table.Rows[i].Cells[j].FindControl("TextBoxRow_" + i + "Col_" + j);
tb.Text = Request.Form["TextBoxRow_" + i + "Col_" + j];
Now that I've added a master page to this things apparently have gotten more complicated. This won't fill the value for the textbox in the table cell that I want. I know the value still exists because if I do this
Request.Form.GetValues("ctl00$MainContent$TextBoxRow_" + i + "Col_1")[0]
Has the value that I want to put into that text box. I know the text box gets created because it's there when the page refreshes. But I can't seem to find that text box so i can put a value in it.
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Nov 4, 2010
I have a table of user ids that is huge.
I have an array of user ids that I want.
I have two tables that have a foreign user id key.
What is the best way to get this information performance wise?
Ideally in SQL the final result would be somewhat like this (null values if there is no user ID in one table but not the other):
userid table1value table2value
1 null 12
5 123 null
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Apr 8, 2010
In my application I'm pulling back a user's "feed". This contains all of that user's activities, events, friend requests from other users, etc. When I pull back the feed I'm calling various functions to filter the request along the way.
var userFeed = GetFeed(db); // Query to pull back all data
userFeed = FilterByUser(userFeed, user, db); // Filter for the user
userFeed = SortFeed(userFeed, page, sortBy, typeName); // Sort it
The data that is returned is exactly what I need, however when I look at a SQL Profile Trace I can see that the query that is getting this data does not filter it at the database level and instead is selecting ALL data in the table(s).
This query does not execute until I iterate through the results on my view. All of these functions return an IEnumerable object.
I was under the impression that LINQ would take all of my filters and form one query to pull back the data I want instead of pulling back all the data and then filtering it on the server.
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May 21, 2010
I'm trying to update data with the EF I can't seem to get the EntityKey when I debug and hit this line befor I save changes _entities.ApplyPropertyChanges entityToEdit.EntityKey .EntitySetName, blogEntryToEdit); The EntityKey is null dose anyone have any idea how this key is set can't SaveChanges() without it _entities.ApplyPropertyChanges(entityToEdit.EntityKey .EntitySetName, blogEntryToEdit);
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Aug 1, 2010
What is the best way to create a custom results page using Linq to Entities?
Do I pass the values to the result page, and do the query on the result page?
Do I pass the query results to the custom results page?
What is the best way to pass this?
Is there an example of this on the internet?
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Nov 16, 2010
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Is there a way to create Entities, for instance, that only contains the contact details of the client table, and not any other details, and then another entity that contains only the address details. I don't want to submit the entire row when I only update telephone details, or the client's picture.
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Aug 11, 2010
have already used the latest technology in a professional manner. NETBasically I have two tables related 1 to 1:the Users table and the table ProfiloPersonale is the key to the Users table that this table are ProfiloPersonale iduser and type uniqueidentifier and diagram sql server 2008 I can clearly see the report, I also did a test to insert a record in the users table ( fictional) directly from sql server and everything works.With LINQ to Entities does not work:The entities 'LEntities.Users' part of the eport 'ProfiloPersonale'.Found 'ProfiloPersonale' related to 0.Expected 1 'ProfiloPersonale'Of course what I am doing is to first create the user and then create their profile in the db, taking the id of the registered
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can get two tables in only one query with LINQ to Entities
Code for example:
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Jan 26, 2010
I trying to create a search mechanism for records in a EDM based on text entered on a text box in a web page.
For example, if I enter a partial name of a customer and/or state abrebiation for that customer on the Text Box (abc, TX)s, I want to search name and state fields in a Customer table in my database for matching customers.
I found a solution with the namespaceSystem.Linq.Dynamic, but for some reason it is not working. It does not expose the Search() method. Here is the code I am using to perform the search;
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Mar 9, 2010
I am trying to use Linq to Entities with the Linq.Dynamic library (via Scott Guthrie) and I'm having some strange issues with querying dates.
This return no results, when it definitely should...
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Dec 28, 2010
So it is time to use some pages i have to a master page.I have limited usage with master pages so i will write some concerns here so i could get some answers cuz i don't want to start breaking stuff on xmas days.
Of course i will give it a go on my own but it will be good to know what problems must be aware of before i start.If someone knows of them.
So i have a concern about page transfer.
I do a post and on the page to go to i use "<%@ Reference Page="~/thepage.aspx" %>"
Will this go on the master page or on the page to be transferred to?
Also i had an issue with the below command:
Dim result = CType(Context.Handler, _Default) .
Apparently asp is quite funny sometimes and it has blued out the code saying, eerrr, can quite remember but something like the page cannot be found or something.Haha.Very funny.I copy pasted all the code to a new page, deleted the old one and renamed and it worked.So if this happens if i embed the page to a master page, will the copy paste technique will work again or i need to modify the master page also?
Another concern is about the daypilot calendar(Gary? ) it's a heavy ajaxed page using panels,:UpdatePanels,ajax,javascript,server manipulation,SqlDataSources etc. I don't expect most of you to know this but will there be a problem by putting the daypilot design interface inside a master page.This page is so complex that i prefer not to use it inside a master page if i suspect that something is wrong.
Paypal concern.I have read somewhere that you cannot use 2 form tags and master page will give errors.However my approach is using a StringBuilder and doing AppendFormat to finally create an iconic form.So has anyone tried this to a master page?Will it work.
Viewstate.I use viewstate encryption when i use viewstate.Will it work on a page inside the master page?
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Aug 3, 2010
I'm working with 3.5 WebForms and LINQ to Entities.
I created the database with their relationships, but when I go to import the data with LinqToEntities, some reports and have not seen any reports 1 to 1.
I can create them after the reports have imported the tables LinqToEntities?
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Sep 15, 2010
I have to find a Control(a Table) in an aspx page with master page :
the Master page have this :
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="MainContent" runat="server"/>
and int the child page :
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="HeadContent" Runat="Server">
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" Runat="Server">
I insert my Table in the Content2.
I used this code to get it :
protected void Ok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Table tblForm = this.FindControl("MainContent").FindControl("formtable") as Table;
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Aug 21, 2010
I usually work with windows forms, and am just starting to work with ASP.Net, so appologies if this is a dumb question!
I have a master page which has a search button on it. The results of this are built up using a Linq statement and if there are any results, I want to display the results in a contents page.
On the masterpage, I have the following code:
On the SearchResults.aspx page I have this code.
m.searchRes is always nothing.
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Jun 22, 2010
I have two Data Table, One data table contain Product-A information, and another data table contain Product-B Information, I want to get the uncommon values between the two data table, I would like to achieve this using LINQ, find the sample values below
Product Data Table
Product-A-Id ProductName
W10012 A
W10013 B
W10014 C
W10015 D
Sales Data Table
ProductId ProductName
W10013 B
W10013 B
W10015 D
X10020 AC
I want to find the uncommon data from both data table using LINQ, So find my expected Data Table result is
Result Data Table
ProductId ProductName
W10012 A
W10014 C
X10020 AC
View 7 Replies
Mar 18, 2010
I have a problem. (this a simplfied example)
In Entity framework I have a class which is effectively
public Guid Id {get; set;}
and a collection of fooChildEntity
a fooChildEntity is again an entityframework class
public Guid kidId {get; set;}
Now I also have a pair of business layer classes foo and fooChild
public Guid Id {get; set;}
ilist<fooChild> Children {get;set;}
public Guid kidId {get; set;}
My aim is to write a linq to entites that will allow me to convert the entity foo and children into the business foo and children without breaking deferred execution ( I will be adding filters to reduce the recordset at a higher coding level in the business layer)
doing something like
.Select( fe => new foo { Id=fe.Id ,
fe.foreach(fec => Children.add( new fooChild { kidId = fec.kidId}))})
is plainly rubbish and would never compile - it is however an indication of the direction I was thinking .
Even if I got a foreach to work like that or similar it would break deferred execution
At this point there are around 300,000 foo entities which I will eventualy filter to 5 or 6 foo's - this is why deferred execution is needed.
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Sep 18, 2010
(Using SQL Server 2008 and ASP.NET MVC2)I have a simple business table and a category table. I have a 3rd table to map business to category, a many-to-many relationship. the Map table contains a BusinessID and CategoryID. I'm lost as to how I can load the categories into my Business View Model using the entities model.Without incorporating categories, my code looks like this:
with Business View Model defined as:
but if i want to populate the Categories with the mapped categories, how would one do that?
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Jan 28, 2010
I have one master page that is used to gather information from a user. It contains labels and textboxes within a table. For example, the master page contains fields for Name , Phone, Address, etc.
There are content pages that are created to add to the information that needs to be gathered. For example, the content page, Loan Application, could ask for Loan Amount, LTV, etc.
In addition to this, certain content page forms do not need to show a particular master page field. For example, the content page may not need to ask for Phone.
The table rows are stored as public properties in the master page so I can hide them in the content page code behind.
public bool HomePhoneRow
set { trHomePhone.Visible = value; }
get { return trHomePhone.Visible; }
So, in the content page code behind, I have this:
Master.HomePhoneRow = false;
The functionality works perfect, but I don't like how the space is reserved on the page. You can tell that a row was removed. I've tried style="border-collapse:collapse" on both the <table> and <tr> elements. I've also tried to set the row height as a public property and alter that.
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Sep 25, 2010
How to use Stored Procedures with Linq to Entities? I prefer an example with input and output The videos on only show how to do this with Linq to SQL.
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May 13, 2010
I have a simple join:
Users AS U ON A.UserId = U.Id INNER JOIN Businesses AS B ON B.Id = C.BusinessId OR B.UserId = U.Id
how to do this : ON B.Id = C.BusinessId OR B.UserId = U.Id with linq in entity framework.
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Feb 4, 2010
Using a very run-of-the-mill database, with identity int for primary keys, a Dynamic Data Entities Project (EntityFramework) displays the primary key for view and edit. When using Linq to Sql, the primary key fields are not displayed.
I would like to hide the primary keys and use Entity Framework (VS 2008, .Net 3.5 sp1).
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