DataSource Controls :: Dynamic Linq To Entities...querying Date Fields?

Mar 9, 2010

I am trying to use Linq to Entities with the Linq.Dynamic library (via Scott Guthrie) and I'm having some strange issues with querying dates.


This return no results, when it definitely should...

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ADO.NET :: Querying Derived Types But Only With Specific Values / LINQ To Entities?

Nov 5, 2010

I can't find the answer to this easy question, because I don't know the terminology I am looking to use. I have 2 tables, one that is a Users Table, and another (UserProfiles) that extends the Users table to include more info, like Age, Sex, Weight, etc.I am using the Entity Framework as my model, and the UserProfiles inherits from the Users table on a 1:1 basis.

All I need to do is the learn the syntax, that allows LINQ to Entities to query only some of the data from UserProfiles. For example, maybe I only need Sex and Weight, but not Age.


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DataSource Controls :: Compile In Order To Get The System.Linq.Dynamic Namespace / Dynamic Linq Error

Apr 20, 2010

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DataSource Controls :: Editing Data With Linq To Entities

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I'm trying to update data with the EF I can't seem to get the EntityKey when I debug and hit this line befor I save changes _entities.ApplyPropertyChanges entityToEdit.EntityKey .EntitySetName, blogEntryToEdit); The EntityKey is null dose anyone have any idea how this key is set can't SaveChanges() without it _entities.ApplyPropertyChanges(entityToEdit.EntityKey .EntitySetName, blogEntryToEdit);

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DataSource Controls :: Can Get Two Tables In Only One Query With LINQ To Entities

May 20, 2010

can get two tables in only one query with LINQ to Entities

Code for example:


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DataSource Controls :: Perform A Search For Records In Linq-to-Entities?

Jan 26, 2010

I trying to create a search mechanism for records in a EDM based on text entered on a text box in a web page.

For example, if I enter a partial name of a customer and/or state abrebiation for that customer on the Text Box (abc, TX)s, I want to search name and state fields in a Customer table in my database for matching customers.

I found a solution with the namespaceSystem.Linq.Dynamic, but for some reason it is not working. It does not expose the Search() method. Here is the code I am using to perform the search;


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ToList And Querying Multiple Entities?

May 13, 2010

I have the following code for the SelectedIndexChanged event of a drop down list. This works fine as it is but this entity has a relationship to another entity (Genre). if i change the select statement to { m, m.Genre.MovieGenre }).ToList(); it doesnt work as contains anonomyous types.


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DataSource Controls :: Linq To Entities - Multilevel Projection Into Business Class And Not Breaking Deferred Execution?

Mar 18, 2010

I have a problem. (this a simplfied example)

In Entity framework I have a class which is effectively

public Guid Id {get; set;}
and a collection of fooChildEntity
a fooChildEntity is again an entityframework class
public Guid kidId {get; set;}

Now I also have a pair of business layer classes foo and fooChild

public Guid Id {get; set;}
ilist<fooChild> Children {get;set;}
public Guid kidId {get; set;}

My aim is to write a linq to entites that will allow me to convert the entity foo and children into the business foo and children without breaking deferred execution ( I will be adding filters to reduce the recordset at a higher coding level in the business layer)

doing something like



.Select( fe => new foo { Id=fe.Id ,

fe.foreach(fec => Children.add( new fooChild { kidId = fec.kidId}))})


is plainly rubbish and would never compile - it is however an indication of the direction I was thinking .

Even if I got a foreach to work like that or similar it would break deferred execution

At this point there are around 300,000 foo entities which I will eventualy filter to 5 or 6 foo's - this is why deferred execution is needed.

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DataSource Controls :: Linq / ObjectDataSource With Only A Few Database Fields On Formview

Feb 24, 2010

I am working on an application and am attempting to use Linq with and ObjectDataSource but I only want to display/update 50% of the fields that are in the corresponding table. It appears to me that for this to work correctly, I need hidden fields on my form for all of the data fields from the table that the user cannot access. Is this the only way to do this? I have the following in my update method of my ODS:


The problem is, only the fields that appear on the form have data in them.

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DataSource Controls :: What's Faster Working With DataSet OR Working With Collections (LINQ To Entities)

May 21, 2010

I mean, what is the faster way to get as fast as I can more than one table with stored procedure? Is there any study what is faster and why? There is a big problem getting more than one table at once with Entities, so the only way is DataSet. But I was told DataSet work very slow. Is that true?

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DataSource Controls :: LINQ To Entities Sub - Query - Doesn't Support The "IN" Clause

Apr 7, 2010

I'm having trouble writing what should be a simple sub-query using LINQ to Entities. I have two tables: Customers and Orders that have a relation on the CustID field. Not all Customers have a record in the Orders table, while some have mutiple records. In traditional SQL, you could write the query like this: SELECT * FROM Orders where CustID IN (SELECT CustID FROM Customers) I know this could be done as a JOIN in both SQL and L2E, but my actual query is more complex (about 8-9 joins), so I am hoping to find a L2E sub-query equivalent. Something like this:


I know LINQ to Entities does not support the " IN " clause, so I am looking for something that will work in its place.

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DataSource Controls :: Create A Multi Column Listbox By Combining Fields In Linq Select Statement

Jan 11, 2010

I am trying to create a multi column listbox by combining fields in Linq select statement, as Let Name = Last + First. The problem is how to pad the Last column with spaces as you would in SQL using REPLICATE so when I bind the listbox to the data, it looks like two columns.

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DataSource Controls :: Dynamic Sql Result Set Into Linq To Sql Designer?

Apr 13, 2010

I have one sproc with Dynamic Temp Table. Sproc returns dynamic temp table rows and when I drag and drop the sporc on to Linq to Sql Designer I am not getting Return Type as "(Auto-generated Type).

how can I get Return Type as Auto-generated Type.

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DataSource Controls :: Querying SQL Database?

Jan 10, 2010

I have an SQL database which I wish to query, I have the queries set out and working using the SQLDataSource Control.Is there any way of using web methods to query an SQL Database.I realize this may not be ideal when the SQLDataSource control offers such functionality but it is for a piece of college work and I am not entirely sure which way they want it to work, as all it says is to "Implement a client application and a set of web services".

So is it possibile to use a WebMethod to perform SQL based queries or queries which are not SQL based and if so how do you go about creating them?

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Mar 23, 2010

I have a database which contain job ads/ I have one table "dbo.tbl_jobadvert" which contains the ad itself and another table "dbo.tbl_jobFiles" which contains the path of the documents uploaded in relations to the job advert ( application form, job description, etc )


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DataSource Controls :: Querying A Databse From Within A VB Sub?

Jul 2, 2010

I'm using Visual Web Developer 2010 Express with SQL server 2008 Express and I'm wondering if it is possible to query the database from within a VB subroutine located within pagename.aspx.vb, rather than just using the asp databound controls on the main page ?

I want to do something like this in the page load routine:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim username As String
username = GetUserName() 'calls function to get current username
Now connect to database and perform SQL command (SELECT FirstName FROM dbo.USERS WHERE UserName = username)
Assign the retuned data to a label: lblFirstName.Text
End Sub

Is it possible ?

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DataSource Controls :: Querying Across Associations With Listview And Linqdatasource?

Feb 12, 2010

With the gridview I can create a template field to query across associations but I don't see how its possible to do that with the listview (?). I tried to create associations in the eval fields

(ie productId.Brand) where productId is in the Reviews table and is associated with the Products table - and Brand is a member of the Product table but it was no go?


<b>Title:</b> <%# Eval("Title") %>

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DataSource Controls :: Querying & Updating Data From Dataset?

Mar 15, 2010

I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I will be as detailed as I can in explaining the issue;I have a dataset I have instantiated in a class file (, and fill the data succesfully. That data is then dumped into an excel file. What I need to do is to go through all the data in the dataset, and directly update the database, changing a "status" column from "pending" to "processing" based on the store number. As I am new to datasets (relatively speaking, of course), I am not quite certain how to accomplish this task. Below is the code I have so far:


If anyone could provide sample code to use, or could provide a quick bit of code I could just copy and paste in and test,

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C# - Querying Database Using The Same Date Does Not Return Data?

Mar 2, 2010

I have a little problem with a query. I'm selecting data using the between command, But when I select the initial date equal to the final date the query doesn't show data.I know that the problem is the format. In my database I got something like this:2009-05-22 15:32:52.000. But when I send the date parameter from ASP.NET Page I sent only the Date (2009-05-22).So, I want to fix this thing. I cannot change the Datetime inside the database.I was thinking adding 1 day to the final date, So when the user select the same date I change the range behind the scene and then show the data. What do you think?

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Error While Adding Dynamic Data To An Existing Web Site - The Method 'Skip' Is Only Supported For Sorted Input In LINQ To Entities. The Method 'OrderBy' Must Be Called Before The Method 'Skip'.

Apr 13, 2010

I am creating an web site which will support dynamic data. When I am creating a dynamic web site from Scratch (from template in VS) all is working fine. But when I am trying to add dynamic entity (.edmx) file and running the application I am getting following error

"The method 'Skip' is only supported for sorted input in LINQ to Entities. The method 'OrderBy' must be called before the method 'Skip'. "

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Forms Data Controls :: Finding A SQL Server Table From 3.5 Master Page And LINQ To Entities?

Jan 20, 2010

I have placed a textbox, dropdownlist and command button in a section of my master page. The textbox, named txtsearch, will be used to input a search string. The dropdownlist, named ddlsearch, will be used to specify in which field to search in the table, either part name or NSN.


What VB code do I use to save the value entered into txtsearch as a search string? How do I pass that value to my entitydatasource? How do I tell entitydatasource to search in either the part name or NSN field based on the value of ddlsearch?

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DataSource Controls :: Add Entities Using EF?

Apr 20, 2010

I have the following admx:

I have to add the (AccData, CntactData, PhnNumber, FnclDetail)entities to the database in one shot

What's the best practices to do the add operation for the above entities??

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ADO.NET :: Use SP With Linq To Entities?

Sep 25, 2010

How to use Stored Procedures with Linq to Entities? I prefer an example with input and output The videos on only show how to do this with Linq to SQL.

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Sql To Linq To Entities

May 13, 2010

I have a simple join:

Users AS U ON A.UserId = U.Id INNER JOIN Businesses AS B ON B.Id = C.BusinessId OR B.UserId = U.Id

how to do this : ON B.Id = C.BusinessId OR B.UserId = U.Id with linq in entity framework.

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MVC :: What E Position Is For Linq To Entities 2 SQL

Jan 27, 2010

WHY are all the examples on this site linq to SQL? Did ms not themselves announce dropping support for l2SQL over a year ago? i really don't get it. Examples are great.. but really not helping me since i've gone ahead and listened to MS. And can someone at MS clarify what the position is for linq 2 SQL.. Is it supported? Recommended? What the hell.

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