Forms Data Controls :: How To Achieve Cumulative Totals On Gridview

Feb 26, 2010

am developing web application using csharp using visual studio 2005.I have the records that are being displayed on gridview. Now I want two columns to have a culumativetotals.How can I achieve this? data is as follows: How can I achieve Comulative totals as in Column 4.

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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: A Totals Column Gridview

Nov 9, 2010

i have gridview as below...

i just want to add in a totals column at the end of this? that counts the figures from 8,9,10....17,18 etc:

Mass Market
08/11/2010 00:00:00
Mass Market
08/11/2010 00:00:00
Team Brief
Mass Market
08/11/2010 00:00:00

View 6 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Getting Totals In Gridview With Time?

Feb 9, 2011

I have a Gridview that shows records from a table of punch times.

1 , 8:00 AM , start
2 , 11:00 AM , end
3 , 12:00 PM , start
4 , 16:25 PM , end

I would like to get a total time. (ie in this case 7:25 )

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Forms Data Controls :: Sum Of 7 Column Totals In Footer Of Gridview?

Aug 28, 2010

I have implemented column tolals in the footer of my gridview using the technicque described in this article [URL] .

Now I would like to have a total of the 7 column totals that are displayed in the footer. Can anyone tell me how to do this. I would like to display this in a label or an addition row in the footer if that is possible.

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Gridview Totals In Footer?

Sep 8, 2010

I am having problems with displaying the totals in the footer of a gridview. I am writing a page whereby users can enter comments and marks for an online photo competition.

The page has a details view to enter the comment and mark. Its has a details view where the photo is displayed. It has a gridview where the comments and marks that have been entered are displayed.

It works well - the details view allows comment and mark entry and the gridview show the comments and marks as they are entered. The problems are twofold. Firstly the total shows double the marks that should be displayed. Secondly, when you leave the page and then return later, you have to refresh the page before it will show the latest comment and mark even though it shows this immediately after entering the data.

Ive provided my code below:


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Forms Data Controls :: Footer Totals Not Correct In Gridview - How To Prevent

May 19, 2010

I have a gridview with the following in the code behind file. Every once in a while when I open the page the totals in my grid footer are 3 times what they should be. Should I be doing something in this code that I'm not currently doing, in order to prevent this? The count of rows is always correct, but the sum of the amounts is where the issue is.

These are my variables that are at the top of the code behind file.


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Forms Data Controls :: Way To Set Cumulative Frequency

May 27, 2010

I have a gridview with a column holding the price of a transaction. I need another column added which will keep a running total, something like:

Trans ID Price Total
1 £1 £1
£4 £5
3 £3 £8

I haven't generated this using datasets or any back end code, I only call the results using the DataGrid controls. Is there a simple way to add this new column?

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SQL Reporting :: Sub Totals And Grand Totals In SSRS?

Jun 7, 2010

i am using sql server reporting service, in My report i have a Salaray column in which i have to show the page wise totals in every page and grand total in last page..

example : first page salary total - 10000

second page salary total - first page total(10000) + second page total and so on I did use the =sum(ReportItem("Salary").value) but it does not consider the previous page value..

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Forms Data Controls :: Add A Column At The End That Adds The Totals Of The Columns 8,9,10,11,12?

Aug 16, 2010

i ve googled this and admitly there is a lot of information out there but it all seems so complex just to add a "totals" column basically, i have a gridview as below


Basically i want to add a column at the end that adds the totals of the columns 8,9,10,11,12 etc etc

i know theres a lot of blogs out there but they seem to complicate this more then it should ...

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Forms Data Controls :: Counting Totals For Separate Repeaters?

Mar 4, 2010

I have several repeaters on the same page. They are not nested. Because of design and database issues I had to keep them independent. I need to total the amount in a particular column for all repeaters. Is there a common approach to this or do I have to hack something?

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Totals For Columns In A Grid View?

Jul 13, 2010

I have developed my application using ASP.NET with Visual Basic. I have a table that contains 3 fields. The name of the table is "Customer" and the names of the fields are "Name", "Address", and "Amount". I have a gridview that displays these three columns. I want to summarize the value in the "Amount" column for each record and display the summarize value in the footer of the "Amount" column.

I added some code to the "ItemTemplate" and "FooterTemplate" of the template for the "Amount" field and wrote two functions One function adds the value of the "Amount" field to a variable called "TotalAmount" and the second function 'gets' the value stored in the "TotalAmount" variable.

I am not getting any error messages and all of the items are displayed in the gridview but I am not displaying anything at the bottom of the "Amount" column. What more do I need to do?

This is my code for the "Amount" template:

Text='<%# Bind("Amount") %>'></asp:TextBox>
Text='<%# Bind("Amount", "{0:c}") %>'>
<%#SumAmount(Eval("Amount")) %></asp:Label>
<%#GetTotalAmount() %></FooterTemplate>
This is the code in my .vp file
Dim TotalAmount as decimal 0.0
Function SumAmount(ByVal Amount
TotalAmount = TotalAmount + TotalAmount
Function GetTotalAmount()
Return TotalAmount

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Forms Data Controls :: Best Way To Add An Extra Row To The Bottom Of A Listivew For Such Things As Totals?

Sep 2, 2010

I can add a row to the bottom of a listivew by inserting a table after the layouttemplate in a listview. It works fine for me to call the added controls from code-behind and chane the control values. Since my listview changes width dynamically depending on the contents of the data, my added table columns don't match up.

I have tried to access the width property of the table and then match the new ones with codebhind, but it doesn't seem to work.

I am simply trying to add a row to the bottom of the listview to provide for totals of the columnts. What is the best way to to that?

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Forms Data Controls :: Achieve A List View With This Structure?

Oct 29, 2010

I am trying to achieve a list view with this structure.I have many categories with many products

<td colspan="3"><h2>Cat1</h2></td>[code]...

As you see the <td> for products must always be no more than 3 columns. but if there are 8 products then there will be 3 rows (2 full rows and one row with only 2 products) So far I have this:

<asp:ListView ID="lvProducts" runat="server">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="800"> [code]...

it doesn't work .

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Forms Data Controls :: Handling A Null Value In Textbox FormView (on Button Click To Calculate Totals)

Mar 17, 2011

I have a rather large formview that asks for a variety of input values (physical totals vs pos report totals). I have created vb code to calculate the differences and subtotals of various types prior to inserting the data so people can check for entry errors.

Its a closing reconciliation form. Here's the problem: If they forget to enter 0 in a field that doesn't have any totals, a big ugly error message displays. I would like to avoid this. I can tell them until I am blue in the face to remember to enter 0 and not leave any blank fields, but realistically its going to happen and I need to handle it in the programming.

I have been struggling to either default the values to zero to start with, replace a null textbox with 0 before the calculate runs...but I can't get anything to really work. What is the best way to handle this?

Here is the aspx page:


And the code behind page with working "Calculate" as long as fields are not left blank (I took out all the test code that made it not work at all)


Finally, the error message I am getting is the following:


I can't seem to find the right combination of programming to account for the "" string to be 0 so that it will add or subtract values in my calculate. I have my sql table setup with default values of 0 so if a field is left blank it will be entered into the database as 0 and not null. It is really just for my inserting of a reconciliation and the running of Calculate Totals to double check their work prior to inserting into the database.

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Forms Data Controls :: Display SQL Data Output And Achieve Customized Formatting?

Feb 23, 2010

I'm trying display data from a sqldatasource but I need to customize fonts, sizes and layouts. What would be the best way to do this. There's not much data only 8 rows and 3 cloums.

It's for a display screen that will show workers how much product they have produced.

I was looking at binding the data to lables and laying out the lables in a table but that process looks intense and streching my knowledge.

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Data Controls :: How To Achieve Data From Session

Apr 27, 2016

In order.aspx page is button that when click on it it will save data in session:

protected void Imgorder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
ImageButton ibtn = sender as ImageButton;
int id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["Id"].ToString());
DataTable dtFiles = GetFilmInfo(id);
string Name = dtFiles.Rows[0][1].ToString();

[Code] ....

I have show.aspx page that there are 2 label

LblLink and Lblsend now I want in this page check session[order] Item:Buy
new DataColumn("Buy",typeof(string)), });
dt.Rows.Add(dt.Rows.Count + 1, Name, "MKV", PostDvdPr, PostDvdPr, DVDE, Code, Type, SectionName, "DownLoad");

if it was "Download" it do =LblLink.visible=True and Lblsend.Visible=False

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Use JQuery Templates With GridView To Achieve Similar Functionality Of An UpdatePanel?

Jan 22, 2010

What is the best way to use jQuery Templates with GridView to achieve similar functionality of an UpdatePanel, such as add/edit/delete data without PostBack?

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SQL Server :: How To Add A Cumulative Column

Mar 17, 2011

Assuming my Data schema like this
Date Amount Type Color
01 10 Cloth Red
02 20 Cloth Red
1 10 Cloth Blue
02 20 Cloth Blue
03 5 Cloth Red

the Primary Key is Type + Color and then order by Date for each group I need to add a cumalative_column for each group ( like below)

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Databases :: How To Make An Cumulative In Sql

Feb 4, 2010

I have a Table called tableB with the following culumn and values. I amdeveloping an application using oracle as database

Field1 Field2 Field3 Field4
1 20 3 60
2 6 7 45
3 71 3 160
4 20 3 2

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Cumulative Role In Security

Dec 30, 2010

I have a couple of aspx pages in c# and want to apply security on them. The way the current security works is that each user is assigned a role to enable him to add,edit or delete . for instance I have 3 roles, Accountant, finance and clerk,


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Achieve Precise Positioning Of Controls?

Jan 2, 2010

I'm learning ASP.Net for the first time having spent all my Windows development time doing client applications in VS.Net. As you know, when you drop buttons and text box controls (to name but two) onto a form you can drag-and-drop them anywhere on the form and use the cursor arrows to nudge them to precise locations. When I've created .aspx pages and I select controls from the toolbox they always appear left-justified on the page. There is no way that I can see where I can move the control around the form.

Can someone tell me how I can do that? As an example, it's typical Windows application style to have main form buttons on the lower right corner of a form. But I can't seem to find a way of putting controls anywhere on a page except on the left-hand side. I'm probably racing ahead of myself but I reckon this a reasonable thing to do so could someone briefly describe it to me?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Achieve The Foreign Keys From DataTable Schema

Feb 11, 2010

I have the code below:

SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(selectedConnStr);
SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM " + tableName, sqlConnection);
schema = sqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection).GetSchemaTable();

Just want to know how can I get the foreign keys from schema?

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Web Forms :: Achieve Adding Runat="server" Parameter To All Controls By Using Skins?

Jan 31, 2010

Is there any way to achieve adding runat="server" parameter to all ASP.NET controls by using skins?

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Web Forms :: How To Achieve Dynamic Content

Jan 4, 2010

I am learning ASP .NET and I want to understand the workflow when working with dynamic data. For a basic page structure: header, menu, content panel, I would like to use the content panel to display data ( a profile like page ) I have in a database base on the user selection in a menu control. What I want to find out is how do I implement that content panel part so that it gets built dynamically. What is the best practice for this creating custom controls for every dynamic section of the page? Do I need to create my own ContentPanel user control? Or is there a way to take that <div> andinject content in it at runtime?

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Web Forms :: How To Achieve ListBox With 1 Key With 2 Values

Jun 25, 2010

In my DataTable I have 3 columns: ID, Title, Url. lstFKDoc is a ListBox, I want to use ListBox hoot the 3 columns without access database twice.


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