Forms Data Controls :: Handling A Null Value In Textbox FormView (on Button Click To Calculate Totals)
Mar 17, 2011
I have a rather large formview that asks for a variety of input values (physical totals vs pos report totals). I have created vb code to calculate the differences and subtotals of various types prior to inserting the data so people can check for entry errors.
Its a closing reconciliation form. Here's the problem: If they forget to enter 0 in a field that doesn't have any totals, a big ugly error message displays. I would like to avoid this. I can tell them until I am blue in the face to remember to enter 0 and not leave any blank fields, but realistically its going to happen and I need to handle it in the programming.
I have been struggling to either default the values to zero to start with, replace a null textbox with 0 before the calculate runs...but I can't get anything to really work. What is the best way to handle this?
Here is the aspx page:
And the code behind page with working "Calculate" as long as fields are not left blank (I took out all the test code that made it not work at all)
Finally, the error message I am getting is the following:
I can't seem to find the right combination of programming to account for the "" string to be 0 so that it will add or subtract values in my calculate. I have my sql table setup with default values of 0 so if a field is left blank it will be entered into the database as 0 and not null. It is really just for my inserting of a reconciliation and the running of Calculate Totals to double check their work prior to inserting into the database.
I have 5 gridviews, all of of them have a Checkbox template field. I already did SUM of a specific column in the gridviews and displayed the Total in the gridview footers.
There is a submit button on the page as well.(this is not in a template column in the gridview)
what i do is select some rows in the gridviews by ticking the checkbox. Then I click on the submit button and the values change in the database and page refreshes with the new Total in the gridview footers. Any row that was ticked. the checkbox for that row in the gridview gets disabled. so cannot change the value again.
Now i want a way to show a popup with a SUM of those rows that are ticked recently and the SUM of already ticked and disabled rows before the values change for the ticked rows in the gridview when the submit button is clicked.
I have a modal formview with insertitemtemplate. I have to click the insert button twice to fire the event.
But if I do not insert any values, only one click is required and the validationgroup fires. But if I enter all valid values, I need to click twice and the event does not fire during the first click. But I need CausesValidation = false because to required field validators.
How to avoid two clicks to fire the event if the formview is valid
I placed a RadioButtonList inside a Formview control.And from DataBound event handler oformview ,RadioButtonList is binded to the datasource .Now my problem is after selecting a value from radiobuttonlist and I click any button,the radiobuttonList get unchecked and lose the selected value .How can I avoid this.
I want enable or disable all controls once i click on hold button..and need to enable on unhold button...
I do know how to do using findcontrol by setting each control...but I do have 10 to 20 textboxes and dropdownslists in my do like that doesn't make any sense if do we have a way to disable/enable all at once....
<asp:FormView DefaultMode="Edit" ID="FormView1" runat="server" onitemupdating="FormView1_ItemUpdating"> <EditItemTemplate> <asp:TextBox ID="txtPrimerNombreNatural" runat="server" SkinID="texto" MaxLength="30" Text='<%#Bind("PrimerNombre") %>'></asp:TextBox> <asp:TextBox ID="txtSegundoNombreNatural" runat="server" SkinID="texto" MaxLength="30" Text='<%#Bind("SegundoNombre") %>'></asp:TextBox> </EditItemTemplate> </asp:FormView> <asp:Button ID="Actualizar" runat="server" Text="Button" CommandName="Update" /> This formview is bound in this way: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Persona _persona = new Persona(); _persona.ObternerPersonaByUserIdApp(1); List<SILPA.AccesoDatos.Generico.PersonaIdentity> persona = new List<SILPA.AccesoDatos.Generico.PersonaIdentity>(); persona.Add(_persona.Identity); FormView1.DataSource = persona; FormView1.DataBind(); }
When the page is shown, the textbox are filled correctly, this textbox are filled with the "primernombre" and "segundonombre" properties from the persona class. After this, If I change the textbox, and after click the update button, I need to update the persona class with the changes from the textboxes, then I call a ActualizarPersona method for updating the database. How can I do for update the persona class when I change the textboxes and click the update button? I try this method protected void FormView1_ItemUpdating(object sender, FormViewUpdateEventArgs e) { }
I have Gridview and Button Control on Form.i want to Add Dynamically TextBox And DropDownList In Gridview on Button Click Wich is placed outside of Gridview.
When i click on Button -> One TextBox and One Dropdownlist which contains values bydefault 1,2,3 should bind to gridview. Button is placed outside Gridview.
I'm here again to share a problem that I'm fighting against for days. I'm developing an eCommerce Cart.
Within it, I have a repeater, inside of ITEMTEMPLATE I put one TextBox for product quantities and one Button, for update the quantity inserted on that textbox.
When the customer clicks over the Button, it fires a function that gets the content of the TextBox and do an update on my Database.
It works perfetly when it is done with the mouse click. But I need to fires the update function WHITHOUT the manually click event. When the customer just put the mouse out of the TextBox (onblur event), I want to fires that function.
I have a dropdownlist("ddlTemplate") control and a gridview("gvPlanning") control with 1 BoundField column, 1 TemplateField column and remaining columns will be generated dynamically from database.In TemplateFiled Column i have 3 image buttons viz: Edit, update and cancel.Gridview will be populated based on the selecteditem of dropdownlist.
if i click on edit imagebutton, i need to add textboxes dynamically in all the columns of that row except first 2 column. And if i click on Update imagebutton i need to retrieve the textbox values.we can add template field column for textboxes also, but why i am sticking to this method is.. the number of columns changes depending on the selecteditem from the dropdownlist. Eg: If i select india from dropdownlist the number of columns in the gridview would be 4 and if i select UK from dropdownlist the number of columns would be 9 likewise.
I have string taskID[texbox],string projectID[texbox],,string description[texbox],,int totalHrs[texbox],,int billableYN[CheckBox],int activeYN[CheckBox]
outside the grid view .
I have gridview with edit button with bound columns taskID,projectID,description,totalHrs,billableYN,activeYN.
I want when i click on edit button this taskID,projectID,description,totalHrs,billableYN,activeYN should populate outside the grid view on string taskID[texbox],string projectID[texbox],,string description[texbox],,int totalHrs[texbox],,int billableYN[CheckBox],int activeYN[CheckBox]
unable to get dynamic textbox value in gridview in ajaxToolkit:ModalPopupExtender
Dim str1 As String Dim rowIndex As Integer = 0 For Each gvRow As GridViewRow In GridView2.Rows Dim abcd As New Label abcd = DirectCast(GridView2.Rows(rowIndex).Cells(5).FindControl("selfqntyp"), Label) str1 = abcd.Text rowIndex = rowIndex + 1 Next
All these columns are in datalist in one single row as one address phone are textboxes and photo is image control.outside datalist there are 2 buttons add and second is save.How to save these TextBox values in some variable and fire update query.
I have passed the value from one page to next page using a querystring. In the next page i need to get the value from the query string and based on the value, it needs to checked with the database and the result set should be placed in the gridview, details view or listview anything else.
user mobileno email vicky 9848752322
In the details view or list view control, I need to get the value vicky from the url and based on the value's row in the database table need to be binded in any of the mentioned above controls.
I have a datalist control which uses repeatcolunm. I want to make Datalist items clickable and get the clicked item value into a textbox outside the datalist. I did this and it works only when I set "RepeatLayout="flow"" which cancels the "repeatcolunm" which is very necessary in my case. Below is code:
I add this code but textbox value show in empty in database .. On Button Click the GridView TextBox loose all data ..
public partial class keyexam2 : System.Web.UI.Page { //SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(@"Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=D:shubhangijayonlinepaperApp_DataQUIZ.MDF;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); //DataRow row = dt.NewRow();
have a data access layer, a business logic layer and a presentation layer (ie. the pages themselves). handle the OnPreInit event and populate collections required for the page. All the data comes from an SQL server database and I do not use caching.I handle a button click event to grab values from a form and insert a new object into the database. The problem is that by the time I handle the click event, the collections have already been populated, so the new item which has been inserted into the database has not been retrieved.What is the accepted solution to this?I could insert the new object directly into the collection and re-bind the GridView, but the SQL query selects only a set of objects and the new object could fall outside of this set.
Using a class component, an Object data source and a formview I am successfully pulliing data from a SQL database. In some cases the rows contain one or more Null values and I would like them to be ignored completely. My simple code follows:-
I have a formview on a web page, set to insert mode as default. The form view is bound to a SQLDatasource. This datasource has a custom query written to select the details for this formview. The query joins two tables to provide relevant detail and not just an ID for one of the elements on the form view.
The first tabe contains information regarding projects and the second table contains detail regarding Resources. First table has the following definition:
I have a FormView that is loaded with a records from my DB. Some of the fields may be blank or null. I am trying to check the value of some of the text boxes to verify that the user has updated the fields prior to allowing a DB update from the Edit Template.
I can not seem to get the correct syntax on the if statment to check the value of the text box....
my code is calculate to current rowafter update quantity but other rows don't affect and not calculate i need to calculate all rows i think i need to use for loops but i dont know how to do it