Forms Data Controls :: How To Assign A Date Of Birth Controls In A Form

Feb 22, 2011

i just want to know how to assign a date of birth controls in a form .

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Data Controls :: Age Calculation Based On Date Of Birth

Apr 27, 2016

I have 3 dropdownlist for date, month, year. When I select DOB from dropdownlist, the age should be calculated automatically and display in textbox. What can i do?

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Data Controls :: Calculate Age From Date Of Birth And Save It In SQL Server Database?

Jan 1, 2013

I am saving users information in Sql Server 2005 Database. The problems are:1. If a user selects 1/Jan/1990 then in the Age column of the database automatically 23 should be saved i.e users age, how do I calculate the age and use it in the query? 2. The format of DateofBirth column  is incorrect it should be 1/Jan/1990 inspite of2013-01-01 00:00:00.000.  The data type is Datetime

------------------Design is--------------

<form id="form1" runat="server">    <div>       
FirstName <asp:TextBox ID="TxtFirstName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>       
<br />    <br />  LastName    <asp:TextBox ID="TxtLastName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>       
<br />   <br />        Gender   <asp:DropDownList ID="DdlGender" runat="server" Style="top: 105px; left: 80px;   

[Code] ....

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Web Forms :: Calculate Birth Date Using Age And Current Date?

Jul 27, 2010

I want the code for calculating birthdate using age and current date in c#.

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VS 2008 Calculate Age Based On Date Of Birth And Another Given Date

Jul 11, 2013

if I google it I get things like "you could try..." or "that doesn't work if...", etc. and I want some tried and true way. So, have you written any age-calculation routines and found they actually work when put to the test (that would be, when they go live ) or simply found one on the Internet?

I tried googling "vbforums .net calculate age" and I got some VB6 code. I am thinking there might be something more sophisticated in .NET.

I tried searching "calculate age" in the advanced search here, and got hits like "calculate tax" and "calculate discount" so it's not recognizing my combined keyword string.

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Web Forms :: Validate Age When Birth Date Is Selected In AJAX CalendarExtender Control

Mar 29, 2013

In my website their is a textbox for adding birth date...

I am using the ajax calendar for selecting date...

I want that the user who enters the date shld be above 16yrs old...

Means i want that the date should be minus from the current date and should be calculated as 16yrs or above it...

For example:- user 'A' selects a date 5th may 2005 and the current date is 28th march 2013 (which means that the age is 8 yrs)... than it should show an error that  "your age should be above 16 yrs"...

Front-end:- C#
Back-end:- sql server 2005

Note:- I am using Ajax Calendar....

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Simple Program That Has A DATE OF BIRTH In It

Jan 4, 2010

I need to make a simple program that has a DATE OF BIRTH in it. Now, i have to get it retrieved through access and show on the dropdownlist. Anyone has any idea..? oh.p.s I have to get the DOB out using DateTime.Day, DateTime.Month and Year.

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Calculating Age From Date Of Birth In Particular Format

Apr 1, 2010

want to calculate age from data of birth in following following format.27 Year 03 Months 05 Days

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Get Birth Date In Drop Down List In C#

Aug 4, 2010

I want to get birthdate in three different drop down lists. When first DropDownlist is year, second is month and third is a day.n to choose year and month and get in a day DropDownList num of days in choosen month and year.ow can i do this?

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MVC :: Date Of Birth From 3 Dropdownlist To DateTime?

Jan 2, 2011


in my model I have a property of type DateTime that represents the dateof Full birth.How can I DateTime fromthe dropdown list when the user 3 pressthe register?

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How To Insert Date Of Birth Into Sql Server Database

Feb 16, 2011

et me know which control is used to insert date of birth in to sql server database and it saved in which format(as date or datetime).If it is datetime then how to convert as date.

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Way To Calculate Age Calculation On Entering Date Of Birth

Oct 19, 2010

I want to Calculate The Age On Client Entering The Date Of Birth If User Are Below Age 18 then PopMessgae Show !You can not register Samarth Patel

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JQuery :: Check Date Of Birth In Validation?

Nov 14, 2010

how to check the Date of birth in jquery validation or in Jquery....

I know how to check with the Regex but I want to do like real DOB checking ...

User should not enter today's or future date and must be greater than 1/1/1990...

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Social Networking :: Get Birth Date Of FaceBook User?

May 11, 2013

I used this tutorial to get the details of facebook user..


I want the bday of user using same library

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AJAX :: Age Validation When Date Of Birth Is Selected In Calendar Extender Control

May 25, 2013

I have a textbox to input DOB,i used ajax calendar to enter DOB,what validation expression should i use so that user below age 15 cannot get registered...

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How To Assign A Date In Format String To A Javascript Date Variable?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm registering a javascript in

Dim script = "<script language = javascript>" & _
"window.setTimeout('ShowTime(true, [?????])', 1000);</script>"
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType, "iniciar", script)

I must write a dateTime parameter in string format, but I'm not achieving the goal. I've tryed various time formats (Eg. 2011/02/10 17:05:00), without success. Ps: I know... when I try with only the date, its ok. But I need the time too.

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Forms Data Controls :: Date Wise Search For A Date Filter?

Mar 16, 2011

How do i do implement this? i Wanna search records based on date!

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Forms Data Controls :: Basic Date Picker Not Saving Date?

Jan 24, 2011

I'm using a basic date picker control in a gridview and using an sqldatasource, I don't get an error but the date selected is not saved only null is saved. why that might happen or make any suggestions on what I might try to correct this?


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Calculate 60 Days From A Given Date And Show That Date

Jun 15, 2010

I have a formview. Inside, there is a textbox where user can input a date(txtAccepDt). Then the user will choose one item from a radiobutton list which has values like 60 days, 90 days and 150 days. If the user select the 60 days I need to add that to the Accept date and show it in a abel(lblShowFrstOp). Same will apply with other two day

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Jan 27, 2010

I'm looking for the best way (Performance) to do gridview columns formating RunTime /Dynamic depending on the datatable Columns type ,I want to bind the datatable to a gridview and format the Date columns to short date, and currency columns formatted with comma ex 10,000.00 inplace 100000.00 at datatable the column type is double run time (without converting them to String) since I do a filtering and sorting at these columns.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Assign The Value Of The Textbox

Feb 28, 2010

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And for the code behind on the update section I have


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Forms Data Controls :: Cannot Assign Null Value To A Parameter

Jan 3, 2010


AND Profile.MarketID IS NULL
AND Profile.SourceID IS NULL
AND Profile.NationalID IS NULL
AND Profile.CRMLanguagesID IS NULL
AND Profile.MarketID LIKE @PMarketID
AND Profile.SourceID LIKE @PSourceID
AND Profile.NationalID LIKE @PNationalID
AND Profile.CRMLanguagesID @CRMLanguagesID

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Forms Data Controls :: Assign Datalist Value To Variable

Jul 8, 2010

I have a Datalist and when a button is clicked I would like to send the values of the fields to a new page to fill some text boxes. What is the best way to do this. I had thought that since the DataList had itemtemplates that were labels I could reference them like regular labels ( str = Label1.text ). That isn't working. I was just going to send the values through a query string. Which I have an example of that, unless there is a better way.

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Forms Data Controls :: Assign Datasource At Run Time?

Jan 28, 2011

Based on user access rights (I am using aspnet log in controls) I want a gridview to show different result set for every type of user.

I have three sqldatasources in the page each getting different data based on user role.

How do I assign these data sources to the gridview ..

I am doing something like this.. [Code]....

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Forms Data Controls :: Assign Value To Checkbox - Not Working?

Jan 26, 2011



This does not :


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