Forms Data Controls :: How To Convert Sqldatareader To List

Jun 28, 2010

how to convert sqldatareader to List

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ADO.NET :: Load List From Sqldatareader?

Feb 26, 2011

How can you load a List<> object from a Datareader?I tried to do it but for some reason it is not working. Below is the code that I tried to use:

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;


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Forms Data Controls :: Paging In Datalist - Using A SqlDataReader To Populate

Mar 26, 2010

I need to be able to Page in my Datalist. As you can see from the code below I'm using a SqlDataReader to populate my Datalist.


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Forms Data Controls :: Check For Null In Second Query When Using SqlDataReader.NextResult?

Jan 28, 2010

When using SqlDataReader.NextResult for 2 queries I am trying to I check if the second query returns any rows, but whether it has any rows or not the repeater2 is never hidden/false . I am doing something like this:


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Forms Data Controls :: See If CheckBox In Populated GridView Is Checked And Compare To SQLDataReader?

May 13, 2010

I'm a little new in ASP.NET, so i don't know how the .NET machine fully works..I'm using two strategies to solve my problem, both invoked by a Button.Click event, but i don't know which one is better..My worries are about the server overload and page load time.This is the regular approuch i've used..


The second one is by using a funtion (named checkIfNumberExistsInDataTable) that does a binary search in a datatable to find a number

Dim dr As SqlDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader
Dim da As New DataTable()


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DataSource Controls :: How To Read Data From The SqlDataReader .

Apr 18, 2010

how to read data from the sqlDataReader .

sqlDataReader sdr = sql_comm.executeDataReader();

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Data Controls :: Display Data From Database In TextBox Using SQLDataReader

Jan 21, 2014

i'm trying to retrieve the data from a sql query into several textbox and dropdownlist but can't there is my code and it send a ex "Conversation of the string "@ p2" in the "Integer" type is not valid"

Dim con As String = "Select * from tbl_Cotizacion WHERE numCotizacion = " & txt_nGuia.Text
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(con, conexion)
cmd.Connection = conexion


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Data Controls :: Display Multiple Records From SqlDataReader In Multiline TextBox?

Jun 16, 2015

I am developing a message pool means like a Facebook  when we click on above  message icon all message show in list   .then click on the sender name all message show that person. For

That kind of message poll am developed two pages one page is sender and the other one is receiver .when I send message from sender page it will be saved into data base and show into other pages text box.

Now problem is that the receiver pages cannot show all messages .it will show one first message which are saved into database.

I want it will show all messages which are sending from sender page. below my all code. 

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;


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Convert String Data Array To List?

May 11, 2010

i have an string data array which contains data like this


now a method returns an value like string [] data public string [] names()

return data.Toarray()
public class Person
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
List<Person> persons = new List<Person>();
string [] names =names();

now i need to copy all the data from an string array to an list<person> and finally bind to grid view

gridview.datasource= persons

how can i do it?

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How To Convert List<user> To List<object>

May 8, 2010

i have list of user class but now i have to return it as a list of object, i try to convert it but it gives me error like. can not implicitly convert.

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ADO.NET :: Want Ot Convert This To List Of Type List<Reports>?

Aug 5, 2010

I am executing a Stored procedure from Nhibernate.Below is the sample of my code.

public IList ReportDetails()
ISQLQuery query1 = session.CreateSQLQuery("EXEC dbo.Reports");
System.Collections.IList list = query1.List();
return list;

This returns me an Ilist. I want ot convert this to List of Type List<Reports>.Reports class contains all the properties which i will get from Stored Procedure.

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C# - Read Data From SqlDataReader?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a SQL Server 2008 database and I am working on it in the backend. I am working on

SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
while (rdr.Read())
//how do I read strings here????

I know that the reader has values. My SQL command is to select just 1 column from a table. The column contains strings ONLY. I want to read the strings (rows) in the reader one by one. How do I do this?

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C# - Use UserControl To Display SqlDataReader Data?

May 13, 2010

i try to use userControl to display SqlDataReader data.

in the main page

public SqlDataReader Data2;
<uc1:WebUserControl ID="WebUserControl1" RData1="<%=Data2 %>" runat="server" />
and in the userControl
Repeater1.DataSource = RData1;

But i keep getting this error

Cannot create an object of type 'System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader' from its string representation '<%=Data2 %>' for the 'RData1' property.

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Forms Data Controls :: Can Show Multiple Columns In Drop Down List Or List Box

Jun 24, 2010

I have drop down list box that I would like to show two columns, is this possible? Or can it be done with a list box?The query correctly retrieves all of the table data to be displayed, one colum is an abbreviation, the other a bit longer description.

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Forms Data Controls :: Bind Checkbox List To Selected Items List?

May 27, 2010

I have a situation where I want to show the selected records out of total records for a product of an employee

1) There is a checkbox list bind to <List> of objects from object datasource (For total items in list)

2) Now I want to check the selected items for a particular record in this list

3) For this purpose I have another list of <List> selected items returned by data access layer (For selected items for that employee )

4) How do I bind the selected objects with the total items list ?

5) In spaghetti coding model it was all too easy just by binding the checkbox list with a sql data source and running a for each on form load

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Forms Data Controls :: Databound Dropdown List / Shows First Value In List Rather Than Current Value?

Jan 17, 2011

I have a databound dropdownlist and have a problem with the default value it selects.When I attempt to edit a record the dropdownlist shows the first value in the list rather than the current value. I want the dropdown list to display the current value.

I'm sure this is very simple but I'm very new to ASP.NET.

I'm using .NET version 4.

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DataSource Controls :: SqlDataReader Does Not Get Results

Aug 19, 2010

I am trying to run a stored proc from this function. When I run it thorugh the debugger I can see that myReader.HasRows = true and myReader.FieldCount =14.

But the control does not go in the loop while (myReader.Read()) where I am trying to read Version field returned by the stored proc.


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DataSource Controls :: Get ArrayList Value In SqlDataReader

Sep 24, 2010

I'm trying to convert some code from VB to C# on a site i'm working on and can't seem to get the arraylist to function properly.

Here is what we currently have in the codebehind:


Which we then call from the page using:


I want to convert this to C# as the rest of the code on the new site is in C# and I'm having problems with the ArrayList. I've got the other parts of the code all converted fine it's just the GetContent Function that isn't working right. Here's what I have:


I got an error on the "objSDR.Item" part of the code saying "SqlDataReader doesn't have definition for Item" and so if I changed this to the code above. Only problem now is I can't call this from the page using the code below as there is no "Item" in the GetContent Function any more



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DataSource Controls :: Read A Bit Value From DB With SqlDataReader?

May 2, 2010

In SQL Server 2008 bit is like boolean (true/false), but I tried to read the bit value (0 or 1) and got error. How can I read it?


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Forms Data Controls :: List.aspx:datagridview Change The Links To Parent Table From Details To List?

Sep 29, 2010

The List Page display child Entity using the gridview each row will have link to the parent

How can I change the link so it shows the parent but in list view(using list.aspx) not detailes (detailes.aspx)view

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DataSource Controls :: Why SqlDataReader Class Is Not Instantiated

Feb 18, 2010

Why SqlDataReader Class object is not created by "new" Operator.

Is it not possible to create the object like below

SqlDataReader dr=new SqlDataReader();


Why the constructor of the SqlDataReader class is internal?

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Web Forms :: Error Adding Item To List Box When Trying To Convert From VB.Net Code

Feb 24, 2010

I inherited an application written for VB.Net and am converting it over to ASP.Net, with VB as the back end. I have a data pull that adds values to a new instance of a class, then adds the item to a listbox. It worked great in the VB.Net version, but I get the following error in the Visual Studio Text Editor when I try to use the code:

Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Add' can be called with these arguments:

'Public Sub Add(Item As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem)':Value of type 'MyItem' cannot be converted to System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItem'.
'Public Sub Add(Item as String)':Value of type 'MyItem' cannot be converted to String.

I have played around with the code quite a bit and have been researching online, but I'm just drawing a blank here.

I put the class("MyItem") in the "App_Code" folder in a file called "MyItem.vb". The class code is as follows:


The code I have for the sub that is supposed to add the items to the listbox is as follows:


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DataSource Controls :: How To Use SqlDataReader To Read The Last Row Added To A Table

Jun 17, 2010


My question is how do i use SqlDataReader to read the last row added to a table getting the contents of a column and storing it as a c# varaible

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DataSource Controls :: SqlDataReader Class Is Not Instantiated By New Opperator?

Feb 19, 2010

When I am using SqlDataReader class on that time without creating instance of the SqlDataReader Class I m using Command.ExecuteReader() Method. Why We not create the object of the SqlDataReader Class by using " new " Operator.We use like below:

SqlDataReader dr=cmd.ExecuteReader();
Why not we use this class like below:

SqlDataReader dr=new SqlDataReader();


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DataSource Controls :: Loading Datatable From SQLDataReader Does Not Call Set Method?

Apr 28, 2010

When using the DataTable.Load(SQLDataReader) method, if the datatable is a property of a class, the set method is not called to populate the object. For example...

MySQLDataReader = command.ExecuteReader();
if (MySQLDataReader.HasRows)

myObjDataTable.Load(MySQLDataReader); -- The result of this will be 0 rows returned. The "Set" method of the object is never called.

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