Forms Data Controls :: How To Read Datas From Table Control
Aug 20, 2010how can i read datas from table control
View 4 Replieshow can i read datas from table control
View 4 Replieshow can i dynamically insert datas from database into Table and display the table
View 1 Repliesi want store all the datas of xl sheet into sqlserver database table. i am using 2.0 and sqlserver 2005. pls provide the coding.
View 2 RepliesI need to read a table from a dtgrid there is one code for example?
View 5 Repliesi have a gridview as follows:
Sub marks result
eng 56 p
maths 45 f
science 67 p
S.S 78 p
im using the mail function to send the marks to the student. how to convert these gridview rows to the table rows or how to pass the gridview datas into mail function as'message'
I want to add controls (or simply texts) to a ListView inside the ItemTemplate at run time.
The reason is that in my application I don't know in advance how many controls (or texts) I should insert.
For example I have to read the fields from a database table and insert in the ItemTemplate controls according to those fields:
<%# Eval("fieldname1")%> - <%# Eval("fieldname2")%> - <%# Eval("fieldname3")%> - .....
Afterwards I have to bind the ListView to the table content, so I need to preserve the <%# ... %> structure for the binding
I'm wondering if it's a GridView is able to display data from my VB.NET Script.
My GridView is connected to a SQL server wich display datas from an user which can have a few accounts.
My script write one password per line.
How can I display passwords in the same lines from the GridView ?
If I have created a sub (VB) that creates a set of CheckBox controls at runtime, how would you suggest that I then read these controls into a 4 column table?
Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
For i As Int32 = 0 To 9
Dim chk As New CheckBox()
chk.ID = String.Format("chk{0}", i)
chk.Text = String.Format("column{0}", i)
Next i
End Sub
i am making an application using a datagridview... And I am very new to it. And I need to edit my datas in gridview using a dropdown list.
So this is the flow of the program. As the page load, my gridview will appear, with the datas from the database binded to it, so far I have done that already. Every row in the gridview has an edit hyperlink, so when I click that, I can change the values in that row using a dropdownlist, wherein, the item in my dropdown are aswell from my database.
I make one datalist and put data in it and add one button for selection. When you click the button and you can select the necessary data.
The following is my code:
Protected Sub ImageButton20_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles ImageButton20.Click
Dim myConnection As SqlConnection
Dim myCommand As SqlDataAdapter ' Create a connection to the "pubs" SQL database located on the
' local computer.
myConnection = New SqlConnection("server=localhost;" _
& "database=pubs;Trusted_Connection=Yes")
' Connect to the SQL database using a SQL SELECT query to get all
' the data from the "Titles" table.
myCommand = New SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Product Photos WHERE Product Name= FOOD ", myConnection)
' Create and fill a DataSet.
Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet()
' Bind MyDataList to the DataSet. MyDataList is the ID for
' the DataList control in the HTML section of the page.
DataList1.DataSource = ds
End Sub
However it is still not workable. Who can fix it?
I have a list with computers, username and other values in a SQL server.
I can diplay this on a gridview with a SQL script.
However i wan't to filter the list by the windows's username.
When a user logon from this windows account and goes to the ASP.NET web page he could shows only the list that contains his username...
I'm able to ask to the SQL server the SQL login, computer name wich we are logged on but no the windows login.
If someone known how make a kind of filter, i can display the windows username with a VB.NET script
How to read values of asp: table in grid view after binding.
I want to get values one by one in label in for loop and read values of table row one by one.
Like if i put check box in gridview and the row which is selected , i want to read value that asp:table in gridview.
How I bind grid, code attached.
Private Sub gvTransactionsBind(ByVal qry As String)
Dim adp As New SqlDataAdapter(qry, ConString)
adp.SelectCommand.CommandType = CommandType.Text
Dim ds As New DataSet
gvTransactions.DataSource = ds
[Code] ....
I am using vs2008, Sqlserver2008.
my table: PostGL having data like thi
AutoIdx TxDate Id AccountLink Description Debit Credit
3 2010-01-22 JL 2 bcb 0 35.09
5 2010-01-28 JL 2 g 3.51 0
select AutoIdx,TxDate,Id,AccountLink,Description,Debit,Credit,(Debit-Credit) as Actual from PostGL where Id='JL' and AccountLink=2
AutoIdx TxDate Id AccountLink Description Debit Credit Actual
3 2010-01-22 JL 2 bcb 0 35.09 -35.09
5 2010-01-28 JL 2 g 3.51 0 3.51
I am trying in view like this
declare @cnt int
declare @i int
set @budget=20
set @cnt= (select COUNT(*) from PostGL where AccountLink=2 )
set @i=1
WHILE (@i<=@cnt )
set @tdebit=??
I am taking count the no of rows having AccountLink=2
I need to read all debit,credit and add all debit into totaldebit,all credit into totalcredit independently from table.
then i need to show the totaldiff as Actual.
i need ....totaldiff=totaldebit-totalcredit
I have a file pdf, in file pdf of me has a table with many columns. How to Fill data from file pdf to columns of file Excel?I want fill data from file table of file pdf to file excel following format of file pdf.
View 1 RepliesI need to read and store data from tableOne, then insert those data to tableTwo.
View 5 Repliesi read the tutorial on msdn,what i want is to basically make astructure like of gridview, but not gridview.i want that when a post back occurs by any control the table does not lose its data, it preserves its a result i am not able to add rows to the table in an increment fashion, everything gets destroyed on postback.
Can someone show me how to programmatically construct a table (using the server table control)?
I am retrieving a table from an sqldata connection, and I've placed it into a dataset.
I want to insert it into the table control which will for the first row create headercells, and for subsequent rows create table cells.
I just want to see a simple example of what this looks like.
I find the following type of examples very unhelpful as they get the number of rows and columns from the user, but there's no actual data! :
can I have an example with a data connection!
I'm using c#!
Web Developer 2008, Sql Server 2000.
I am using HTML Control table. My design is complete by hard coding the data at design time. But, now I have to fetch data from database and display in <td></td> tags.
View 4 RepliesI'm a bit of an ASP.NET newbie and I am creating a data table in memory and binding this to a gridview control. The code is as follows:
Dim DstBasket As New DataSet, TblBasket As New DataTable
With TblBasket
.Columns.Add("BskPrdCd", System.Type.GetType("System.String"))
.Columns.Add("BskPrdDesc", System.Type.GetType("System.String"))
.Columns.Add("BskQty", System.Type.GetType("System.Int16"))
.LoadDataRow(Split("12345,Test product 1,1", ","), True)
.LoadDataRow(Split("122,Test product 2,2", ","), True)
.LoadDataRow(Split("123A,Test product 3,5", ","), True)
.LoadDataRow(Split("44,Test product 4,1", ","), True)
End With
With LfnGridView("GdvBasket")
.DataSource = DstBasket
End With
The data displays in the gridview control fine with both edit & delete options but when I attempt to delete, it has no effect. How do I force removal of the relevant row from both gridview and table? Most of the documentation I have unearthed shows how to achieve this when connected to a SQL table which is clearly not the case here.
I got this message while trying to read data from a database table 'Tablename'
Invalid object name 'tableName'
I have ASP.Net Repeater control.
The itemtemplate of repeater control is having a table row
<itemtemplate><tr><td>some text</td></tr>
And I am binding these repeater control with some datasource.
My requirement is to have focus on first item row and i should be able to use tab ket to navigate between various rows of the repeater control(which is ultimately a table)
There is no anchor(<a>) control inside the table.
I am using onclick event on table row which does something in my application.
I want my user to use TAB key to navigate between rows.
Anyone out there who can explain me how to prevent a menu control from being rendered as a table?
View 2 RepliesI have a table which contains products with many different attributes (columns). Depending on which product the user looks at I want to present it differently as one product might have only a few attributes and others have a lot. I have been thinking a long the line of having a set of templates and associate each product with a template but can't figure out how implement that in a smart way. Some options I have been thinking of 1) One datasource and several formviews - doesn't work if I'm not misstaken 2) Several form views and datasoruces - this would however need programming to enable to right set. 3) Using the wizard control to separate different form views and data sources.
View 4 RepliesI have a problem with wrapping a label inside some cell. This is the code:
Everything is 100%, because it is for mobile browsers. Sometimes the lblTitle is too long and it exceeds the page width. I wont in this case, when it is to long, to wrap it and show it in new line. How can I do it?
i have one task. i store the table records in tab delimiter then i want read that txt file data's line by line via application codebehind file after that i want insert into another table