Forms Data Controls :: How To Set The Datapager PageSize Programmatically In The Code Behind (vb)

Mar 13, 2011

how to set the Datapager PageSize programmatically in the code behind (vb)?

here is my datapager asp(.net) code:


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Aug 20, 2010

When (in what event) is the best time to set PageSize for the ListView's DataPager? I have tried every event on the ListView and either it does not work (i.e., reverts to the default 10) or I get a CRASH of some sort (mostly error 12002) - but that's a different story.

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Forms Data Controls :: To Force GridView Download Data According To The Pagesize Without Passing Limit In Sql?

Nov 17, 2010

I have some doubt about GridView PageSize, for the example if my table have more than 100000 rows and i set PageSize=50, i can see GridView trying to download whole 100000 rows and display only 50 records with pagewise.

In this case my application getting very slow.

Is there anyway to force GridView download data according to the pagesiz without passing limit in sql?

I have some doubt about GridView PageSize, for the example if my table have more than 100000 rows and i set PageSize=50, i can see GridView trying to download whole 100000 rows and display only 50 records with pagewise.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView PageSize And ItemTemplate Button Event Conflict?

Jul 30, 2010

GridView bound to a SqlDataSource. GridView.AllowPaging is True. In one of the ItemTemplates I have a LinkButton with a OnClick event.Have a DropDownList for changing GridView.PageSize - done in Page_LoadEverything in of-course in an UpdatePanel.

The whole thing work fine (we are in test fase). The problem is that the LinkButton OnClick event is only being attached to the initial "PageSize" amount of elements. Fx. if I sat PageSize=15 in the <asp:GridView> then change the page size to say 30 from the DropDownList, the page size changes but only the first 15 LinkButtons fire the OnClick event when clicked.

I've tried to do the following:

Attached an "onchange" javascript client event for saving the selected value in a <asp:HiddenField> before postback. Problem here is that the HiddenField value is then only available on Page_Load. By then it's too late to set the new page size on the GridView because the attachemnt of events to the LinkButtons have allready happened - of-course only to the first 15 elements.Then I tried to drop the PageSize=15 in the <asp:GridView> and only sat it in the Page_load. The idea was that with no paging all the Linkbuttons will get treated evenly. That worked, but when I change the GridView page size and click fx. on LinkButton 25, the Click event forks fine but the GridView page size resets to the initial value (15) - no good.

how I can get all the LinkButtons to have their event working, even after I change GridView page size?

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Increased Pagesize And Poor Retrieval Performance?

Feb 21, 2011

I have developed a application using Visual Studio 2008 and SQLServer 2008. I have a page called "Billing Center" where i need to display more than 500 records in a gridview and the gridview has sorting enabled. If i limit the page size upto 10 only the gridview performs well but user requirement is to view atleast 500 records at once which is slowing down the gridview record retrieval process.

I am using the following C# code in code behind to sorting, paging and retrieval . Please guide me what am i doing wrong in this code and how to make it work with large data set.


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Forms Data Controls :: .net Gridview Dynamic Change Pagesize Not Work On The Last Page?

May 7, 2010 gridview dynamic change pagesize not work on the last page.

I have added one dropdownlist in the pager of gridview and add event of selectedIndexChanged with the DropDownList.

Changing pagesize is working except the last page

We can have a look at this link:

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Forms Data Controls :: Security Tutorial 12, User Account GridView Doesn't Shrink To PageSize?

Mar 8, 2010

I've been working through the ASP.NET Security Tutorial 12, seen here:

Part of this tutorial entails setting up a GridView which is bound to the collection of UserAccounts, and then enabling paging on the GridView. There are the usual four links for First, Prev, Next, and Last pages, which should work because I have twelve users defined, and the pagesize of my GridView set to 5. I've set up the code to enable or disable the paging links depending on what section of the entire UserGrid is currently visible.

So when I first run the website and go to the ManageUsers.aspx page, I would expect to see only the first five users in my collection. But it shows all twelve.

I must have overlooked something, but I can't find it in the text and examples.

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Data Controls :: How To Programmatically Select GridView Row From Code Behind

May 7, 2015

I have a grid view with select button in cell[0], a column "comp_name" in cell[2], a textbox and a search button beside it.

I want when I enter a company name in a textbox and click on search button a row contains this company name is being selected.

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Mar 13, 2011

How to use datapager with gridview in 4.0 ?

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Sep 24, 2010

is there any chance to set DataPager width to 100% or to a static width of some px?

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Forms Data Controls :: DataPager .net Framework 4?

Aug 17, 2010

I have just downgraded 2 of my projects from framework 4 to framework 3.5. It looks like the latest framework has broken the datapager functionality. I consider this a pretty fundamental part of presenting data to the UI. Has anyone else experienced problems, and does nayone know when Microsoft will fix the problem. In my case when paging away from page one and then changing the page size via a dropdownlist (see below) all work fine.

If navigating to the last page and then selecting some more search criteria to perform another search the pager returns no records found, the record counts etc hold the previous search result counts and it is not until the search button is clicked again that the expected results are rendered.

All works correctly now, as intended after reverting back to framework 3.5.

<div id="divPagerTop" runat="server">
<asp:DataPager ID="DataPagerTop" runat="server" PagedControlID="lstResults">


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Forms Data Controls :: Set Datapager Control At The Bottom?

Mar 19, 2011

I have a listview control and for paging I've used a datapager control. Problem is that it is appearing right hand side of the listview control. But I want to place it at the bottom of listview control. can any tell me why this is is the code

<div class="newdiv">
<asp:ListView DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1" ID="productlist" runat="server">
<asp:DataPager ID="DataPager1" PageSize="4" runat="server" PagedControlID="productlist">
<asp:NumericPagerField />
Sorry no data found

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Container.DataItem In The DataPager?

Mar 2, 2010

I'm trying to populate the DataPager using Container.DataItem (I'm not allowed to use FindControl) but I get this error

'System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataPager' does not contain a definition for 'DataItem' and no extension method 'DataItem' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataPager' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

The code:


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Hide Datapager If There Are No Records

Mar 25, 2011

I have a Listview with a Datapager. The Data pager is inside the listview LayOutTemplate, and works fine when there are records to page.

Now the problem is that the Datapager shows even when there are no records to show. (the navigation is disabled).

it shows something like Page
0 of
0 (
0 records).

For example, in my sample application, I have set the Pager size to 10, but I have ZERO records. Idealy, I only want it to be visible

if the number of records exceeds the pager size. How do I do this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Formatting Datapager Text?

Oct 13, 2010

I have a listview control qith a datapager. I'm using a linkbutton for next and previous. I have a css class that makes the text Arial, and bold. It also sets the size to 10px. When I run the page, the link button is Arial and bold, but I can't change the size of the text. I've tried setting it to 10px, 8px, even 5px, 10pt, and xx-small. Nothing changes the font size. My customer wants the next and previous buttons to look a certain way. I'll have to manage paging manually if I can't get this figured out.

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Forms Data Controls :: DataPager In The GroupSeparatorTemplate Of A Listview

May 18, 2010

I have a listview and a datapager for it c outside of the listview. I would also like to add a datapager in the GroupSeparatorTemplate. I have added it, but when I try to go to the next page of the ListView the page takes a long time to do the postback and, at the end, it doesn't go to the next page.

<div id="paging">
<span><asp:Label ID="lbl_paging" runat="server" EnableViewState="false"></asp:Label> </span>
<asp:DataPager ID="dpAccommodations" runat="server" PageSize="6" PagedControlID="searchresults" EnableViewState="true" QueryStringField="page">
<asp:NextPreviousPagerField ShowNextPageButton="false" ShowPreviousPageButton="true" ButtonType="Link" PreviousPageText="Prev" NextPageText="Next" RenderDisabledButtonsAsLabels="true" RenderNonBreakingSpacesBetweenControls="false" ButtonCssClass="prev"
<asp:NumericPagerField ButtonType="Link" CurrentPageLabelCssClass="pager" RenderNonBreakingSpacesBetweenControls="false" NumericButtonCssClass="lala"/>
<asp:NextPreviousPagerField ShowNextPageButton="true" ShowPreviousPageButton="false" ButtonType="Link" ButtonCssClass="right on" NextPageText="Next" RenderDisabledButtonsAsLabels="true" RenderNonBreakingSpacesBetweenControls="false"/>

View 6 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Get DataPager And Friendly Url In Masterpage

Aug 12, 2010

I have a listview in a page and I use a DataPager to do the paging. Each time the user clicks a page's number, the page does a postback and it shows the next "x" items. My problem is that I rewrite the url with isapi rewrite and when the user is being redirected to the second, third etc page of items the friendly url is being replaced by the non-friendly url of the page.

View 5 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Listview, DataPager And Getting The Value From A Label?

Jan 30, 2010

I am trying to use the photo_id of a picture whilst a user uses a datapager to select different images. I am also getting the photo_id of the pictures through a label within the listview. However now i need that value so i pull out comments from another table according to this photo_id..

I currently have th following code:-


View 8 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: DataPager On ListView Not Working?

Jun 7, 2010

I have a listview where it's content is from a datatable. Programmatically, when the user goes to the webpage, the listview is binded to a datatable like so:


I want to now add a DataPager but this code isn't working:


Clicking on the page numbers either has no response or clears out the listview or distorts the data.

What can I do to make DataPager behave correctly?

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Forms Data Controls :: DataPager Not Working With Listview?

Mar 4, 2011

I have a Listview Control and the paging is implemented using the DataPager control.

I have set the maximum pagesize=5 of the datapager.

But when I click the next or previous buttons it loads the same set of products, no matter how many times I click on the next/previous buttons,


And here is the code behind file

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;


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Forms Data Controls :: Listview And DataPager Not Playing Well Together?

Oct 8, 2010

environment: VWD 2010 Express, SQL 2008 Express, .NET 4.0, VB

I have a page with 4 radio buttons followed by 3 cascading ddl followed by a tab container with 5 tabs. Each tab holds a listview, etc that is particular to the group that has access to that tab. On page load I filter the listview based on who is logged in plus which radio button and DDL is selected - all ok so far.

after the page load, the initial datapager works fine and all other listview functions are fine. However, if I select the 4th radio button, the data returned is correct and the datapager shows as if it knows the correct number of items but if I click the datapager page 2 (or Last, etc) it immediately reloads the correct data as if it were a new page load (and changes the datapager appropriately). My suspicions are that this is due to the declarative select command defaulting to the data that it always goes back to.

I have tried to move the select to the code behind and played with the tabcontainer prerender event. That eventually got me to the point where the datapager was working properly but then I could no longer edit any of the dropdowns in my listview edit screen where I could before. They would go through the motions but as soon as you selected a new dropdown value, it would revert back to whatever it was before.

So at this point I'm looking for ideas on how to make these work together.

the code is excessive so I will avoid that for the moment until I can whittle it down to what is pertinent

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