Forms Data Controls :: "linkbutton" Won't Function When Hit Any Controls Inside The GridView?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a linkbutton in a detailsview and there is a provision to update and add new records. WHen I click the "linkbutton" a textbox appears and users can add something.

I have a grid as well from which I can select a record to update and the update button which is inside the details view lets update. But the "linkbutton" won't function when I hit any any controls inside the grid.

Basically, the detailsview's mode is changed to edit. But clicking the cancel button does not come back to the original state. What should I do?

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Forms Data Controls :: LinkButton Visibility Inside A Gridview?

Jun 9, 2010

I am new to C# and I have a LinkButton inside a gridview. I have been trying to set the myLinkButton.Visible property true or false depending on a database entry.Here is the code behind I have been working on:

protected void gvBalance_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)


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Forms Data Controls :: Capture Value Of Javascript Function Called By GridView Linkbutton Click?

Oct 22, 2010

i have gridview with linkbutton.when i click linkbutton it should call javascript function which returns value would be input for database functions. how do i capture javascript function retun value(i am using Registerclientscriptblock)? and that should be input for database function. Inshort i need to call two function from link button click - one javascript function,one function which will update value in database. output of javascript function will be input for database function.

function Getlogitudelantitude(address)
return "35.3434343,-74.334343"
Linkbutton_click(object sender,Eventargs e)
register javascript function .. which should return value
string s = "35.34343,-74.334343"
then call database function(s) - does database operation

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Forms Data Controls :: Use LinkButton Inside Gridview To Delete Selected Username

Mar 25, 2011

I have a "UserDetail" table in my "JobPost.mdf". I have a "Gridview1" showing the column from "UserDetail" table,which has a primary key "UserName". This "UserName" is originally saved using Membership class function. Now I add a "Delete" linkbutton to the GridView1. This "Delete" is not autogenerate button,I dragged inside the column itemtemplate from ToolBox. The GridView1's columns now become "Delete_LinkButton"+"UserName"(within the UserDetail table)+"City"(within the UserDetail table)+"IsAdmin"(within the UserDetail table)

What I need is that by clicking this "delete_linkButton",it will ONLY delete the entire User Entity on the same row (link by the corresponding "UserName") from the "UserDetail" table,as well as delete all information from the AspNetDB.mdf (User,Membership,UserInRole,etc). I would like to fireup a user confirm,but not mandatory. At least I am trying to make it functional in the correct way.


When I click "delete" on the first row, I need all the record about "ken" inside the "UserDetail" table to be removed. Meanwhile, all the record about "ken" in the AspNetDB.mdf will be gone, including UserinRole table. I am new to, so I don't know how to pass the commandargument of the "Delete_LinkButton" to the code-behind file LinkButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e), because I need one extra parameter "UserName". My partial code is listed below:


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Data Controls :: Dynamically Add LinkButton Inside Nested (Child) GridView

May 7, 2015

I am requested by my manager to develop a web page called staff deployment plan that will involve two GridViews, that is the Parent GridView and Child GridView. The Parent GridView will display two columns which are EmployeeNames and WorkingDays - the working days column is a heading of Child GridView and the child gridview displays columns as current working days for example: the month of November 2014 has 20 working days excluding weekends and public holidays in South Africa, so the columns for child gridview are like this:

3 Nov, 4 Nov, 6 Nov...etc

The problem that am experiencing now:

Is to add LinkButton for each column on the Child GridView and to create command event for each linkbutton inside a child gridview (remember this child gridview is inside a parent gridview) and the link button when is click it should display a popup window.

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Linkbutton Text In A Function?

Jun 15, 2010

I am using a linkbutton iside a gridview.... i need to get the text of the link button in another function. how can get that ... i tried find control .. but its not working.... I created the link button from other function which executes just b4 this function...

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Data Controls :: How To Set Path Of Folder In Eval Function Inside GridView

Apr 17, 2014

Use Multiple Eval Fields in ASP.Net GridView ItemTemplate

I have a folder in my website project as "MAINIMAGES",inside that all the image folders that are fetched from database "GALLERY folder" are located

How to locate my image


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Data Controls :: Display Image In Image Control When LinkButton Inside GridView Is Clicked?

Aug 18, 2015

i have added a hyperlink in the gridview and i am displaying the image names in the grid as hyperlinks

when i click on the hyperlink in the grid, the related image has to be displayed in the same page but in another div which is next to gridview

but for me ,image is displaying in another page

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Forms Data Controls :: LinkButton Inside Repeater - Get Value From Literal

Aug 21, 2010

I have Repeater, which consists of LinkButon and Literal. LinkButon and Literal are whole thing by implication. I want get value from Literal, when user click on corresponding LinkButton.

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Data Controls :: Pass Multiple Eval Values To JavaScript Function Inside GridView

May 7, 2015

I want to pass hidden variable to javascript from href. Below is the code used

<input runat="server" id="hidOrganizationId" type="hidden" value="" />
<ul class="gloMenu">
<li id="liOrg" runat="server">
<a href="javascript: DataEncryption('../Admin/DetailPage.aspx?OrganizationId=' + hidOrganizationId)">
<b>Ordering Facility</b>

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Forms Data Controls :: Linkbutton Inside ItemTemplate In Safari And Firefox

Aug 5, 2010

I have an ItemTemplate inside a listview with a linkbutton wrapped around three table rows. The linkbutton is supposed to make the whole rows clickable but this only works in IE. Does anyone have an idea about why? The link works if I move the rows out of the linkbutton and write some gibberish text instead, but that's not what I want.


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Forms Data Controls :: Make Button Linkbutton Inside Repeater

Sep 17, 2010

How can I make a linkbutton inside a repeater open a new browser window on click?

<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton4" runat="server" PostBackUrl='<%# string.Format("~/Products.aspx/{0}",Eval("URL")) %>'>Details </asp:LinkButton>

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Forms Data Controls :: Trim A DataBound Linkbutton Inside A DataList

Feb 3, 2010

I have a LinkButton that is databound to a description. Sometimes the descriptions are very long and unorganized so I would like it to show for example 75 characters and then append a '...' to the end of any description greater than 75 characters. I found this snippet which pretty much is exactly what I want to do :
from [URL]


I just cant figure out how to do this for the LinkButton in my ItemTemplate in the DataList.

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Forms Data Controls :: LinkButton OnClick Inside ItemTemplate Of A DataList Not Firing

Apr 14, 2010

Very new to ASP.NET (using C# behind) and am having trouble figuring out the following scenario. I have a DataList that is populated (code below) and wanted each cell to be clickable. When the cell is clicked I wanted to know the unique ID for that cell. In my code behind, my OnClick method looks like this:


However I never get there. It seems as if the linkbutton always refers to some javascript callback function and just reloads my form. Am I using the wrong control for what I want to do? From this click I want to look up more information from the Key (will roll up the datalist or set visible to false, then supply the new data on the same page)DataList:


<asp:DataList ID="listSearchResults" Border="1" BorderColor="Black"

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Forms Data Controls :: Creating A Click Event Handler On A Linkbutton Inside A Templatefield

Feb 16, 2011

I would like to call a method and pass a value to it on a link button autogenerated from the database in a templatefield inside a datagrid. I don't know much about delegates

protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
((LinkButton)e.Row.Cells[(int)eMessage.TitleColumn].FindControl("btnMessageTitle")).Click += new EventHandler(delegate { viewSelectedMessage(this, 35); });
void viewSelectedMessage(object sender, int messageID)
lblTest.Text = messageID;

running the website and viewing the page source, I have realised that there is an OnClick event created for the linkbutton, however, this may be generated anyways. By running my solution using VS debugging, I can see that my method won't fire by clicking any of thos generated linkbuttons.

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Forms Data Controls :: Raise Click Event Of A Linkbutton Inside A Template Field That Was Created Programmatically

Jan 28, 2011

I need to generate a gridview with dynamic columns, on each cell I need a button that inserts-deletes a relationship in a database. The relationship is of course between what is represented by each column and row. I decided to use a gridview and create templatefields which I add programmatically to the table. I successfully got to that point but when i decided to raise a click event from the buttons or a rowcommand from the gridview I could not do it. I´m looking into doing this with button fields right now but I´m curious on how this can be accomplished?



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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Multiple Controls To Gridview And Visible On Linkbutton Click?

Mar 27, 2010

Im into a situation, where, I need to embed linkbutton to gridview to display one field (TITLE) from database. It was done as I've added it in the itemtemplate. Now my situation is bit refined; I should add a text box and another linkbutton which should be disabled on page load and when ever I click that linkbutton which is displaying (TITLE) should make the textbox and another linkbutton visible by displaying corresponding values from the database in the textbox.

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Data Controls :: Checking Session On Click Of LinkButton Inside DataList ItemTemplate?

Oct 4, 2012

i need to use linkbutton(Go for more detail)......on that link button i need to check session values .if session variable on that page should redirect to a different page...but if session on that does not should be redirected to a login link button is within datalist control....

i m using following code in link button.....but somehow is not working..

protected void LinkButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Session["uname"] == null)

below is my aspx page...........code

<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" Width="100%" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="2px"
CellPadding="5" CellSpacing="5" BackColor="White">
<table style="text-align: left; height: 149px;" width="100%">


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Forms Data Controls :: Repeater Item Function Inside Tag Not Working

Jan 17, 2010

I've done things like

<%# somefunction("string") %>

before in my asp code, calling some public function in the codebehind. But now I'm trying to do this from within a repeater item. The message I receive from the compiler is: "The name 'somefunction' does not exist in the current context." Error 97 The name 'getclass' does not exist in the current context 169

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting ID From LinkButton In GridView?

Aug 18, 2010

easiest way to raise an event from a LinkButton in a GridView, and then get the ID of the Row from where the button was clicked?

I have a BoundColumn in the same GridView which contains the ID if it.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add A LinkButton In A GridView

Mar 1, 2010

I am trying to add a LinkButton in a GridView that when clicked activates the the AJAX ModalPopupExtender to allow the User to Confirm if they want to Delete a Row.f they click Yes the Delete method should then take place. Unfortunately when I use a LinkButton when Yes is clicked to Confirm the deletion of a Row the LinkButtons click event is not fired.


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Access A LinkButton Inside A Repeater/Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Jan 16, 2010

why I get this error:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

when I try to access a LinkButton inside a Repeater as follows:



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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing A Child "LinkButton Inside Control's HeaderTemplate"

Nov 19, 2010

I am using an event calendar control (not a MS control) and I am trying to access a LinkButton inside this control's HeaderTemplate. Below is what I have tried so far. I get the familiar "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error. Does anyone has an alternate way to get this control? I need to change the visibility property of it.

<ec:EventCalendar runat="server" ID="eventscalendar"...
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td style="text-align: left; width: 33%; font-weight: bold; font-size: small; color: blue">
<asp:LinkButton ID="PrevMonth" runat="server" Text='Previous Month' CommandName="PrevMonth" />
LinkButton PrevMonth = (LinkButton)form1!eventscalendar.FindControl("PrevMonth") as LinkButton;
LinkButton PrevMonth = this.FindControl("form1!eventscalendar!HeaderTemplate!PrevMonth") as LinkButton;

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add A LinkButton To GridView Pager

Feb 23, 2010

How do I add a LinkButton to a GridView pager? The only way I can think of implementing this is to dynamically add the numeric pages in the code behind and add the LinkButton I require in the PagerTemplate. owever in the example illustrated when a user clicks a numeric Page number the numbers disappear and nothing fires. My GridView is in an UpdatePanel.



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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Checkbox And Linkbutton In Gridview?

Dec 9, 2010

I have a gridview in my aspx page, which is filled with data from generic list.

I want to add a checkbox and a link button in the grid, so that users can select the row and when users click on the link button, a new page is loaded with the items in the selected row.

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