Forms Data Controls :: Listview Itemtemplate/alternatingitemtemplate Modalpopup Pass Parameters To Iframe?

Mar 8, 2011

I am trying to enable server side code to check my session varible but my itemcommand is not being executed because my modalpopup is client click.Each template is loading the iframe which is horible performance killer. How do I get it to load the iframe on LinkButton click only once?



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Forms Data Controls :: ListView And Hyperlink Pass Parameters

Oct 18, 2010

I am trying to add a hyperlink to the below listview. This hyperlink passes multiple parameters to the next page? I am trying to achieve the below, works with a gridview but not below.

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Forms Data Controls :: Checkbox In Listview Layout Template Check Select All Checkboxes In Listview Itemtemplate?

Sep 10, 2010

how to do this when the checkbox in listview layout template check select all checkboxes in listview itemtemplate.I dont give 'Eval 'field to checkbox present in itemtemplate.

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Can't Populate Update Parameters From A ListView's ItemTemplate

Mar 1, 2011

I am using a ListView and would like to implement the switch from read only mode to edit mode for a ListView item on the client side. Some of this is discussed at: Inline form editing on client side

I am trying to do this by something like:


switchState is a Javascript function that simply hides/shows the DIVs with the readonly and edit classnames. In LinkButtonSave_Click I get the value from TexBoxName but it always contains the bound original value and not the edited value that was entered in the texbox.

Does ASP.NET not postback the textbox value because it is in the ItemTemplate or is it something else that's causing this problem? Could I use a Repeater instead to accomplish this?

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Forms Data Controls :: FindControl A Label Inside A ListView ItemTemplate Inside A GridView ItemTemplate On Button_Click?

Jan 17, 2011

I have something like this:


This does NOT work. What's wrong here?How do I accomplish my goal? I MUST use the Button1_Click event for this one.

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C# - Why User AlternatingItemTemplate On Listview

Sep 4, 2010

why user AlternatingItemTemplate on listview and copy code from ItemTemplate to AlternatingItemTemplate?
i can't see logic? You can alternate with css too...

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Forms Data Controls :: Hiding A Listview ItemTemplate?

Jan 15, 2010

I was wondering if there is a way to hide the ItemTemplate. I am using listview and would like to hide the itemtemplate when i am inserting a new record. Im not sure how to or if it is possible to do.

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview ItemTemplate Codebehind?

Mar 29, 2010

Given the following code for a textbox in the EditItemTemplate of ListView:

TextBox txt = (TextBox)ListView.EditItem.FindControl("ImageURLTextBox");

How would we code for a textbox in the ItemTemplate of the same ListView?

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Forms Data Controls :: Set Defaultbutton In A Listview Itemtemplate?

Jun 10, 2010

I have listview where every item has a textbox and next to it a button if you want to update the item. I want that every textbox default button(pressing enter) is the one right next to it. So i have a panel(pnlInput) surrounding the textbox(txtQuantity) and the button (btnCart). If i do nothing in code behind the default button for every textbox is the button of the item that was first rendered.

But then i tried in codebehind
//Set default button right
Panel tmpPanel = (Panel)e.Item.FindControl("pnlInput");
Button tmpButton = (Button)e.Item.FindControl("btnCart");
tmpPanel.DefaultButton = tmpButton.ClientID;

But when i tried that i get the execption when the page is rendered that the default button for a panel needs to be of type ibuttoncontrol. I also tried UniqueID, but the same happens.

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Forms Data Controls :: SelectedIndexChanged Of DropDownList In ListView ItemTemplate

Jul 10, 2010

on SelectedIndexChanged event handling of DropDownList in ItemTemplate of ListView. I put OnSelectedIndexChanged="DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged" in mark up, with code behind, but only to get Compiler Error Message: BC30456: 'DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged' is not a member of 'ASP.webform1_aspx'. How do I make it a member? When I do not put OnSelectedIndexChanged="DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged" in mark up, BC30456 does not pop up, but nothing happens when dropdownlist selected item is changed.


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Forms Data Controls :: Find Control In ListView ItemTemplate?

Sep 3, 2010

I want to pass the checked checkboxes value of my listview control to a second page so I can display the listview in this second page with only those selected records

this is what I am have so far , but dont really know how to get it to work the desire way.. Code is working but I am afraid that chekcbox and listview values for my loop are not correct


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Forms Data Controls :: Formatting Strings In A ListView ItemTemplate?

Jan 19, 2010

I've got the following ListView (extra code removed for clarity) :

<asp:ListView ID="lvParticipants" runat="server" DataSource='<%# Eval("Participants") %>' >
<asp:Label ID="lblHomePhone" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("HomePhone", "{0:(###) ###-####}") %>' ToolTip="Home" />

This does render the phone number, but it is unformatted (8005551212 instead of (800) 555-1212).Why is the formatting not applied?

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Forms Data Controls :: Rotate Image 90degree In Listview Itemtemplate?

Apr 1, 2010

I have to flip or rotate images in listview itemtemplateI will catch the image id by commandargument and get imageid, and rotate it and save it back in original placei tested roate image coding , it worked perfectly. but when i combine with listview and doesnt work.

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Forms Data Controls :: FindControl Dropdownlist In ListView ItemTemplate In Page_Load?

Jun 29, 2010

I'm trying to do a relatively simple thing, but just cannot get it to work. I'm trying to find a dropdownlist within a ListView ItemTemplate within Page_Load.

This is the code


And this is the C#


I have also tried without this > this.ListView1

View 10 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Retrieving Control Value From Within ListView Selected Itemtemplate / Row?

May 11, 2010

I have this listview

<asp:ListView ID="ListView1"


What I want is to be able to click on the button: btnAddCart and then in the code behind retrieve the value of product name (Eval("Prouct")) and price (%#Eval("Price","{0:#}")%) for that particular row/itemtemplate.

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Forms Data Controls :: Access A Control Inside A Listview Itemtemplate?

Mar 29, 2011

on my page, there are two listboxes,


Based on the selection of SchoolID in listviewSchools, the ListviewStudents will be filled with the data.

SchoolIDLabel is in the ItemTemplate of the ListviewSchools. The following works for insertitemtemplate

Dim txtTitle As TextBox = CType(ListView1.InsertItem.FindControl("txtTitle"), TextBox), but i can not Access a control inside the ItemTemplate of a listview.

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview Not Updating Products And Not Turning Back To Itemtemplate

Aug 8, 2010

I have a listview showing the data, and that i will use to Show, Edit, Delete, and Insert data.

I added a ASP.NET Ajax HTML Editor to the EditItem Template.

I click on EDIT button and it turns into the EditItem Template, i modify the data and when i click UPDATE it does nothing.

Neither updating data or turning back to ItemTemplate.

Here is its code:

And the Code behind:

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView And AlternatingItemTemplate?

Apr 18, 2010

Why there is an AlternatingItemTemplate available for templated fields of DetailsView when the control allows only one item visible at a time? I defined the template and see that all data pages are shown according to AlternatingItemTemplate.

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Forms Data Controls :: SqlDataSource Pass Parameters

Mar 15, 2011

I have big filter coming from database by using storedprocedure. This stored procedure contains about 12 parameters. In page I select these values and after doing that I want to pass these values to SqlDataSourec which is bound to gridview. How can I pass these values to SqlDataSource, manually in codebehind?

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Forms Data Controls :: ListView Update Parameters Don't Bind

Mar 9, 2010

I have a ListView where I am trying to implement Updating. My update parameters are not sent to update command correctly. The value sent is the original value and ignores what I type into the EditItemTemplate. Running a trace on my SQL Server verifies this. In this example, I am only trying to modify [dedamt]. What is wrong?


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Pass Two Parameters In Gridview - Databinder

Aug 13, 2010

I try to pass two parameters to code behind

Into gridview

Visible='<%# Show(DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Id").ToString()) %> + <%# MostrarBotonBorrar(DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Rol").ToString()) %>'

in codeBehind:

public bool Show(string value,string value2)
if(value == LbluserInvisible.Text)
return true;
return false;

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing Dropdownlist Value To Update Parameters In Listview?

Aug 13, 2010

I am trying to pass the value of a dropdownlist to the Update section of a listview. The dropdownlist is bound to one datasource which needs to then pass its selected value to the UpdateCommand sql for another datasource. Here is my code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Syntax For Passing ListView Data To SQL Input Parameters?

Dec 11, 2010

I have a ListView displaying data from Table A using a SqlDataSource.

I want to take the displayed data (and these are just the standard columns representing fields in Table A) and store them in Table B using a Stored Procedure

(The scenario is much more complex but I've left out anything not relating to this exact problem).

I've added a Button to the ListViews ItemTemplate and I'm using OnItemCommand to create a Sub for its "Click" in the Code Behind.

This is a simplified chunk of the SQL I'm using to insert the ListView's fields into Table B using the Stored Procedure "InsertCart":


Where I've highlighted "Description" in the last line. In a GridView, this would be enough. Description is a Column name in Table A and B and iy's an Item in the ListView. But I'm realising that, with ListView's, the data binding is not as "automatic" as a GridView. Just using the columnname is not enough.

What do I use instead of the word Description to reference this column in the Parameter?

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass Multiple Parameters In A HyperLinkField Field?

Aug 15, 2010

I am creating a grid with a code behind and in the hyper link column I would like to pass some parameters before passing users to a new page. If I just use one parameter, the CustomerID in the dataNavigateUrlFields and dataTextField then the

linkField.DataNavigateUrlFormatString = @"/details.aspx?Customerid={0}";

statment works fine.

Now my requirement is to pass multiple parameters and when I tried the following it gave a

'A field or property with the name 'System.String[]' was not found on the selected data source.'

Here is the code snippet:

HyperLinkField linkField = new HyperLinkField();
string[] dataNavigateUrlFields = { "CustomerID", "CompanyName", "FirstName" };
linkField.DataNavigateUrlFields = dataNavigateUrlFields;
string[] dataTextField = { "CustomerID", "CompanyName", "FirstName" };
linkField.DataTextField = dataTextField.ToString();
linkField.DataTextField = "CustomerID";
linkField.HeaderText = "Customer ID";
linkField.DataNavigateUrlFormatString = @"/details.aspx?Customerid={0}&CompanyName={1}&FirstName={2}";

Does some one know how pass the multiple parameters via the hyperlinkfield in C#?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Pass Parameters From A GridRowView Selection Via Radio Button

Jul 21, 2010

I need to pass parameters via a gridRowView to a button I have a gridView that currently allows row selection via a radio button What I need to do is based on that selection is pass the parameters to one of 4 button options within the footer. This will then open a new page based on those values. I'd got this working using a hyperLinkButton and querystring but now I'm really struggling with the new requirement "it must be a button" selected this way

Here's my code, if it helps anyone to see it?

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