Forms Data Controls :: Making A Div In Datalist For Popup?

Feb 24, 2011

by putting a div in a datalist, it could not be clicked as hyperlink , trying to make '...' clickable on datalist


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Forms Data Controls :: Making A Self-updating Friends Datalist?

Mar 18, 2010

i'd like to have a datalist displaying which friends a user has that are "online now" or at least "were online within the last 5 minutes"

assume i have a database of user profiles, and another of friends, and i can succesfully get a list of the user's friends into the datalist already. i also have a "lastlogin" datevar that i can easily pull that'll tell me the last time this user was logged in.

i want this datalist to auto-update without the user having to do it, or notice, unless online users change. it shouldn't refresh the entire page or anything, i want to tuck it away in a corner for the user to check on while his browser sits on the page if he wants.

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Data Controls :: Select Post From DataList By Click Of Button And Display On Modal Popup

Apr 27, 2016

I have a datalist that displays all records from table but i have a button select on the datalist and i want to use the button to select each record of the column and display it on is my code

public void GetPost2(string username)
// int followerid;


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Data Controls :: Display DataList Item Details Like User Details With Image In JQuery Dialog Popup

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I gone through your "Display details of ASP.Net DataList Item in jQuery Dialog Modal popup on button click" Example it is very nice but i want to Display image also With the information it can display i assign image src like

$("#imgpopup").html($("[id*=img]", $(this).closest("tr")).html());

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Aug 30, 2010

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Mar 14, 2011

I am trying to place a datalist inside datalist. I managed to place a datalist inside gridview but not datalist inside datalist.

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Forms Data Controls :: Datalist Style / Make A Datalist?

Aug 16, 2010

i have a datalist . that is contains 7 columns in repeat layout .when i have more from 7 columns , datalist style is normal .but when i have smaller than 7 columns ! data list style is not normal,

because there are some empty columns without specific schema.

How i can make a datalist > when i have 1 columns in my datalist my first layout width be 100% ;

and dont show some empty layout ?

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May 27, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Making A Data Grid Column A Hyperlink With The Text Of The Underlying Data

Nov 18, 2010

I would like to add a column in my datagridview that takes the value from the database and asigns it to the text of a linkbutton or make it a hyperlink. i know how to handle getting the value from the row but dont
know how to make a value a link, or set the text to a link button

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Forms Data Controls :: Making Text Appear After Search

Jun 2, 2010

I have a page where my user enters a search term and submits it against my database. What I want to happen is when the result(s) return, I want headings to pop up over my gridviews. For example, I want "Photographs" to appear over my gridview for photographs, "Documents" to appear of my gridview for documents, etc...

When I run my page, those headers are already there, even though I have not conducted a search yet and my gridviews have not populated. If I go into properties and select visible=false, they never show up, which is not exactly what I want either. I have read about literals, textboxes, panels, and have confused myself.

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Forms Data Controls :: Making Columns Invisible Based On Data?

Dec 22, 2010

I am trying to make columns of a gridview invisible if they contain a space. The page contains a combo box which users can change. This causes a change in the data in the gridview. I use the following code:



What is working: On the initial page load, the correct columns are deleted. However, if the user changes the combo box, and the gridview has different data loaded into it, it cannot make visible what was previously invisible. I added the ...visible = true line to get round this, but when I load the page, it seems to get locked into a loop forever, and the page never loads - this is why the line is commented out.

This should be soooo simple, but it's making my brain smoke. I've tried writing the results on whether there is a space in the cell to an array, and then using that to make the columns invisible. I've tried doing this in different events, but it always has the same problem.

I suspect that if I can find out how to reference the contents of the gridview from outside its events, it may be easier.

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Forms Data Controls :: Making SiteMap For Big Count Webpages

Apr 9, 2010

I have a issue, and i need your opinion how I can do it. May be someone from you did the same.

for example, we have structure of property address what stored in database:

0. Property type

1. Region

2. Postal Code

3. City

4. Street

5. List of properties

I need to build SiteMap with work with SiteMapPath.

If we have small count of records in database this is not a problem but what I need to do if in database present extrimally big count of element for each node (from 0-5) ?

make query to each element and build site map this is not good for two reason perfomance and count of queries to DB.

What solution exist for this case ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Making Read Only Text A Different Color

Mar 30, 2011

How do I make A, B and D navy blue?




tried this just for one of the cells but it's not working what am I missing?


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Forms Data Controls :: ListView - Making The Binding Dynamic?

Jun 20, 2010

I'm using a listview control to show a list of categories/subcategories
<%# Eval("SubCategory1")%> When the user clicks the SubCategory1 link, the list view should fill up with the next subcategory, SubCategory2. The problem is off course that <%# Eval("SubCategory1")%> is hard-coded. I need it to change to <%# Eval("SubCategory2")%>...and so on, as the user is drilling down into the sub-categories.

So is there a way to change <%# Eval("SubCategory1")%> dynamically?

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Forms Data Controls :: Making Grid Directly Editable

Dec 16, 2010

I have a page with one dropdownlist and one grid. when dropdownlist's selected index is changed i generate a BindingList with some data based on the dropdownlist's selected value. this BindingList is binded to the GridView with one readonly column (eg: Item) and one column for entering data (eg: qty).

i need the Qty column to directly editable (without pressing edit, then goes to edit mode). and update this values back to BindingList's corresponding Item when the qty cell's focus is changed.

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Forms Data Controls :: Making Href Links Invisible

May 1, 2010

If a session variable is set to a certain value, I would like to make a href link invisible.

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Forms Data Controls :: Making GridView Cells Specific?

Apr 9, 2010

I have a gridview that has both a select and an update statement. One of the cells is a date cell, and the other is for numerics only. Is there a way I can do this? At the moment, anything can be keyed into the cells and this results in an error as my update stored procedure expects a date value and a numeric value respectively.

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