Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve And Store(in An Array) All The Row Values Of A Particular Column In A Gridview?
Jul 19, 2010
I want to retrieve and store(in an array) all the row values of a particular column in a gridview..i.e,if I have gridview with columns col1,col2 and col3, I want to retrieve rows of col1 by specifying col1..And,store all the rows in an array
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Feb 2, 2010
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Normally I would do something like:
Convert.ToInt32(DataBinder.Eval(e.Row.DataItem, "id"))
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Private Sub GetGridviewIds()
Dim ttypeId As Integer = gvTickettypes.Rows(i).DataItem("id")
End Sub
So how can I access the data value in a gridview row?
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Dim _arr_Entry_Ids() As String = Split(_Entry_Id, ",")
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Dim cust = _dataNorthwind.Customers
Dim latt As New ArrayList()
For Each vlist In cust
latt.Add(vlist.CustomerId) 'how to store multiple properties here then fetch those?
Return latt.ToArray
End Function
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I have a dataset into which I load an xml file using DS.ReadXml("~/Example.xml"). I have a column labeled show which is a checkbox. Below the gridview I have a button which says show all. When this is pressed, I want it to check every checkbox in the gridview and save the dataset back to the xml file.
My xml file has the following format:
My code is as follows:
Why doesn't this code work? I get the following error whilst executing it:
Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index
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How can I do this? How can I programtically chnage values in a gridview?
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May 26, 2010
I need to create a scheduler for a hospital appointment screen.. i am taking a time interval value and doctor schedules from MyDb. I want to fill the gridview based on the doctor's schedule timings and interval....
for Ex;
if Doctor A .
Time schedule is 09:00 Am - 09:40 AM && 10:00 Am - 11:00 AM
time interval is 20 minutes
i need to show the grid like this ....
09:00 AM
09:20 AM
10:00 AM
10:20 Am
10:40 AM
11:00 AM
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Jul 28, 2010
I have to select checkboxes besed on group column values. If you see below gridview, column 3 (GroupN) has 1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2....etc (this column data is not static, will change based on page index. i.e PageIndex =2 may starts with 7,7,7,8,8,8,8,8,9,9,9 etc).
Now My question is.
1). If user selected '1', we have to store value and user must and should select another '1' (atleast two times).
2) If user selected '1', and user trying select '2'. Giving error says "Must have select one then one record in group to combine' (will not allow) and unselect '2'.
3) If user selected '1' atleast two times, and user trying select '2'. Will allow.
4) If user selected '1' atleast two times and selected '2' one time, trying to select '3'. will not allow user to select '3'.
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Mar 4, 2010
in website C# code
in SQL server, I have table TaxTable with column named TaxID, SalaryFrom like this:
TaxID SalaryFrom
1 1
2 2083.00
3 2500.00
4 3333.00
5 5000.00
6 7917.00
is there a way to store the values under salaryfrom column into an array?
note: In C# , Im using
this is so that I can read data from both sql server and mysql
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Mar 23, 2011
My problem is regarding title written above. Currently I have some functions that rely on Sessions to do the job. Everything works smoothly when it is left to default. However, I do not like the idea of losing sessions in case of crash and I have modified my web.config to use Sql Server mode instead.
I have run the necessary commands to create tables and stored procedures in my database using aspnet_sql.exe. I am able to store values into the database but have not been successful retrieving them. Since it has been working fine with InProc mode, I think I can safely assume that there's nothing wrong with my codes. Here's my web.config setting:
<sessionState mode="SQLServer" allowCustomSqlDatabase="true" cookieless="false" timeout="120" sqlCommandTimeout="30" compressionEnabled="true"
sqlConnectionString="Data Source=.SQLExpress;Initial Catalog=mytest;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=mytest;Password=mytest;"/>
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