Forms Data Controls :: Modify Items In Gridview When User Selects A Given Record And Store Values Back In Database
Feb 25, 2011
Using SQL and C#. I have a gridview with a template field. I need to modify the some items in the gridview when the user selects a given record and store the values back in the database. ProjectID is the unique key in the database.Gridview is done as a table. How can I do it? Here is my grid view implementation.
have a grid view with chkbox column and sme other columns ,whn i clk on the submit btn the page redirectsto next page and in the new page load i need a grid view of previous page but only with the items i checked and some extra columns .
Please try to guide me how to achieve this one. my application need to do reading the PDF document and want to store the values in Database.Actually what happens is my customers sends me the OCR scanned copied in the form of PDF file. i need to read those scanned pdf files and store the customer information into my table.
Its related to datatable in gridview store in session and then session retrive and store to database. basically i am using gridview here creating new row for button click and these row adding untill user's last entry then submit all these entry to database. so i want to use session variable to store this data temporarily and after final entry user click on submit button and all data shold be save in db.
I want to retrieve and store(in an array) all the row values of a particular column in a gridview..i.e,if I have gridview with columns col1,col2 and col3, I want to retrieve rows of col1 by specifying col1..And,store all the rows in an array
I have a gridview with a select button. There are 181 records in the gridview all coming from the same database table. When I select the first 5 rows the details view comes up, but after that it doesn't show... The information that it is pulling is the same for the first 5 rows as the other 176 rows. Why won't it show the detailsview?!
On my website, registered users can make a profile about themselves suchas name, Favoirite color, hobbies, etcI have a DataTable called User which hold this information.also there are other datatables for Hobbies and Colors which list all possible options.To let the user update their choices I have a FormView in Edit mode on the aspx page whichis binded to the UserTable with a GetProfileByUserId Method and objectdatasource.
Within the formview, i have added drop down lists that are binded to the hobbies and Colors tables so they can edit their previous selection.On clicking Uodate update formview calls an Update Method that adds new selections to the User databaseNow I have two questionsIs it possible to show in the dropdown list the selected value that the User has already made?If the user only changes hobbies and not colors when they click update will a null value be passed into the data table for colors that replaces their previous selection?
I want to make sure I go about this in an efficient manner. I have a gridview. On the gridview, I have some columns that are read only values . These values go through calculations based on values in a database. The stored procedure takes information in the database, does some simply calculations (this value * that value / another value type of stuff) then returns a recordset as a datasource for the grid.
Other columns on the gridview have values the users can enter data. I want to be able to provide a recalculate button that will run calculations based on the entered values which will change the readonly values and then repopulate the gridview's read only values without going back to the database. This recalculate button is not the save to the database button. The save to the database button will take the values in the user entered columns and save them to the database. Then, the next time the grid is called, the page calls to the database and loads the grid.
So, what I'm looking to do is allows for recalculations on a gridview, a gridview with about 24 columns and about 1000 rows. My first thought is to create a class that reads the gridview and then applies the business rules, then updates the gridview some how. Or, maybe have a dataset table thats i read the value from the user inputs, then apply business rules and then bind the gridview to the dataset table. Do any of you have thoughts here, maybe have done something like this?
What I am trying is, whenever user enters his Name and Address into the textbox on the webpage, I am going to displaying it in a Gridview. Now if second member will do the same thing thing the GridView will be updated and his Name and Address will display in second row and likewise for other users. But what happened in my code is when second user will try to add his record, it remove the record of first user and add the record of second at row1. I want the record should be added one after another. below is my code
I want to insert a new record into the database through gridview.New butoon in not inside the gridview it a diifrebt button.when we click new then it show a new row which is blank. another button is save when we click save it will save the data into database
I've been googling for 2 days for the solution, but I couldn't find something useful. The problem is that I have GridView that is connected to the SQL database and that is how it is being populated. I added EDIT and DELETE buttons in the columns, but as far as I can see the event which handles them is empty.
i have two text boxes and one button in web form. I need to display the contents of text boxes in a datatable in the same form, when i click on the button.
How can i do this using session array. I need to store values in session array. and get back the values from session when i need .
I am trying to update record via stored procedure, but i got error at very start point. Problem is when i click on Edit link button within the Gridview it produce error.
I can populate values from database fine but its produce error when i click on edit link button. see the code below.
I have one parent gridview where each record will link to its details page (another child gridview in modal popup). May I know how do I store the values of the child gridview temporary (maybe in session) and repopulate the data into the parent gridview? Current problem is: once I click save in the child modalpop gridview, it binds the parent gridview before the child gridview data is stored in session. I want to store the data temporary until user click save in the parent gridview.
I am working in 3.5 with c# and sqlserver 2005 as database. I my project i have to select some of the checkbox of a gridview and update the database according to that. I want to store all the selected box in a arraylist and update the database according to the selected list . But i am not getting how to proceed.
I have a delete button bellow my gridview and I want a pop up to show when no record is selected and tell the user to first select a record. The button click event would show the pop up, but my gridview data blanks out.
I'm attempting to change my select statement when a selection of "Other" is detected. The problem is that the select that executes on the page is always the original selection from the datasource definition. I've found an example where the "SelectCommand" value is changed in the code behind, but it is for a case where the dropdownlist is not in a template. I'm thinking that I have to bind to the template, but I'm not getting it to work. (see the last couple of lines in the Page_Load code)
I have a calendar control where a user selects a date and then inputs info into a FormView control. Underneath the FormView is a GridView that shows all data from the SelectedDate on the calendar control. However, when the date is selected, all the information from the table ( from all dates ) is displayed.
I have another problem is that I have Placed a file upload control in Empty template of Gridview to have multiple record insert. I have used viewstate to save multiple record into database. But problem is that I am able to find the control but it not giving any value.I have following code.