Forms Data Controls :: Rowdatabound Event Of A Gridview Loses Its Value While Editing?
Feb 5, 2011
I have a Gridview with edit and update feature enabled. It displays the data correctly but when I click on the Edit linkbutton(to edit the data), I get the error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".
I tried debugging and found that the row which I click (say editindex is 1) loses its value. I could identify this while debugging the code, when the code flow moves to the rowdatabound event, the label (or for that matter any control in the rowdatabound event) shows a null value and eventually errors out.
I am unable to figure out as to why the control specified in the rowdatabound event loses its value when editing. Note: The lost valueow data is the one which I tried editing.
I am attaching the code which I have written for the rowdatabound event.
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Apr 20, 2010
I have a very simple page, just some buttons and one GridView on it. The logic is a user click the QUery button,then the button click event was trigured to populate the gridview with data queried from database via LINQ. for a user friendly interface, in RowDataBound event, I visit every row, change a boolean value into checkbox represention. But it seem that the RowDataBound run twice, because the checkboxs were inserted twice for every row in one cell. so why? the source code snippet as follow:
protected void btnSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
RetiredEmployeeDataContext db = new RetiredEmployeeDataContext();
GridView1.DataSource = db.ENTUserAccountSelectAll();//userAccounts;
protected void GridView1_OnRowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
CheckBox chkActive = new CheckBox();
chkActive.Checked = ((ENTUserAccount)e.Row.DataItem).IsActive;
chkActive.Enabled = false;
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Mar 3, 2010
I am NOT formatting at DECLARATIVE time
The following code works perfectly
Can I directly format e.RowDataItem.
I don't want to format by using e.Row.Cells[4].Text
View 3 Replies
Apr 21, 2010
Why wasn't my GridView's RowDataBound event fired? I have a masterpage on whick i have a query button, and I have a content page on which i have a customized GridView(named cgvEmployees,derived from GridView). The logic is when user click the button, the button click event triggered that search the underlying database and populate the GridView.
Everything runs great except that RowDataBound event isn't triggered. Because I have to change some cells' representations in RowDataBound event handler. I have surfed so much pages to find the answer but failed. Below is what i have already done:
1. set the autoeventwireup to true;
2. i have a cgvEmployees.bind() sentence in the button click event handler;
3. i have OnRowDataBound="cgvEmployees_OnRowDataBound" in the content page GridView tag attribute
by the way, the database query is coded by Linq Dynamic Query (please google 'dynamic Linq').
void Master_QueryButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
RetiredEmployeeDataContext db = new RetiredEmployeeDataContext();
NameValueCollection nvcQueryKeyValue = getNVCQueryKeyValue();
Expression<Func<RetiredEmployee, bool>> searchPredicate = getLambdaExpr(nvcQueryKeyValue);
IQueryable<RetiredEmployee> retireds = db.RetiredEmployees;
Expression expr = Expression.Call(typeof(Queryable), "Where",
new Type[] { typeof(RetiredEmployee) }, Expression.Constant(retireds), searchPredicate);
IQueryable<RetiredEmployee> query = db.RetiredEmployees.AsQueryable().Provider.CreateQuery<RetiredEmployee>(expr);
List<RetiredEmployee> employeeList = new List<RetiredEmployee>(query);
List<RetiredEmployeeEO> employees = new List<RetiredEmployeeEO>();
foreach (RetiredEmployee employee in employeeList)
RetiredEmployeeEO employeeEO = new RetiredEmployeeEO();
cgvEmployees1.ListClassName = typeof(RetiredEmployeeEOList).AssemblyQualifiedName;
cgvEmployees1.LoadMethodName = "LoadFromQuery";
protected void cgvEmployees1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
//Add the edit link to the action column.
HyperLink editLink = new HyperLink();
if (((BasePage)this.Page).ReadOnly)
editLink.Text = "View";
editLink.Text = "Edit";
editLink.NavigateUrl = "employee.aspx" + EncryptQueryString("id=" + ((RetiredEmployeeEO)e.Row.DataItem).ID.ToString());
//Add checkbox to display the isactive field.
CheckBox chkActive = new CheckBox();
chkActive.Checked = ((RetiredEmployeeEO)e.Row.DataItem).liveOrDead;
chkActive.Enabled = false;
if (((RetiredEmployeeEO)e.Row.DataItem).gender.Equals((byte)1))
e.Row.Cells[2].Text = "Male";
e.Row.Cells[2].Text = "Female";
if (((RetiredEmployeeEO)e.Row.DataItem).retiredOr.Equals((byte)1))
e.Row.Cells[14].Text = "Retired1";
e.Row.Cells[14].Text = "Retired2";
if (((RetiredEmployeeEO)e.Row.DataItem).birthday.Equals("1753-01-01"))
e.Row.Cells[3].Text = "";
if (((RetiredEmployeeEO)e.Row.DataItem).dayToEmployed.Equals("1753-01-01"))
e.Row.Cells[6].Text = "";
if (((RetiredEmployeeEO)e.Row.DataItem).dayRetired.Equals("1753-01-01"))
e.Row.Cells[7].Text = "";
if (((RetiredEmployeeEO)e.Row.DataItem).dayParty.Equals("1753-01-01"))
e.Row.Cells[13].Text = "";
if (((RetiredEmployeeEO)e.Row.DataItem).daytoassign.Equals("1753-01-01"))
e.Row.Cells[17].Text = "";
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Feb 5, 2010
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Feb 4, 2010
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Dec 19, 2010
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Aug 18, 2015
How to generate "Gridview1.row_bound" event in gridview?
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Mar 7, 2010
I have database status field Bit(0/1) this values binding to gridview column. i want to show record status instead of 0 and 1 display open or close
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Feb 18, 2011
i have a grid like this and i want to access the element (see arrow) on editing event of gridview, i use templatefields
Image img = GridView2.Rows[e.NewEditIndex].Cells[4].FindControl("Image3") as Image;
this code always returns null why?
i'm doing this code and it always returns null, how could i access this remember that is a templatefields.
Image img = GridView2.Rows[e.NewEditIndex].Cells[4].FindControl("Image3") as Image;
View 42 Replies
Jan 5, 2011
I have a page on which everything is loaded dynamically.
There is a Gridview (AutoGenerateColumns=true) and in the RowDataBound I check every column for a boolean datatype. If found I add a checkbox (autopostback=true) to the cell and register the CheckedChanged event.
The problem is, that I only get the CheckedChanged event, if I reload the grid in Page_Load:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
But this is very expensive and causes that the db request will be executed twice. If I changed the code to what I want:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (!this.IsPostBack)
I get no CheckedChanged event.
Is there a possibility to get:
- Adding a Checkbox in RowDataBound
- Only "LoadGrid()" if it is no PostBack
- Getting the CheckedChanged event of the relevant row
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Aug 28, 2013
I know the way how to find the value of a control in gridview RowDataBound()
<asp:Label ID="ControlId" runat="server" Text='<%#Eval("Field") %>'></asp:Label>
in RowDataBound() i can access the value as
Label lbl= (Label)e.Row.FindControl("ControlId");
But ,I want to access the value in gridview RowDataBound()
var value=eval("Field")
Is there any way doing like this ....
View 1 Replies
Dec 4, 2013
I have a Master/Slave GrisViews or some say Parent/Child GridViews.
i want to set my button visible=false in the child gridview if data is not exist.
i try this:
Protected Sub gv_child_RowDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewRowEventArgs)
If e.Row.RowType = DataControlRowType.DataRow Then
e.Row.Attributes.Add("onmouseover", "'#FFC080';")
e.Row.Attributes.Add("onmouseout", "'';")
Dim lblitemid As Label = CType(e.Row.Cells(1).Controls(1), Label)
Dim lblphoto As Label = CType(e.Row.Cells(11).Controls(1), Label)
but it does not working. the button is still there.
View 1 Replies
Jul 30, 2013
On Row databound i want to show some rows in If and Hide in some rows in else conditon. But it generate an exception that (Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection Parameter name: index.
protected void gvHotels_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
View 1 Replies
Jul 17, 2015
I have a gridview, I would like to call an event gridview rowdatabound on button click, but in gridview are edittemplate that uses textbox.
Is when I can call event RowDataBound on button click, edittemplate value in gridview can calculate?
here's my code
protected void GridView1_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) {
decimal d1 = 0, d1e = 0, d2e = 0, d3e = 0, d4e = 0, d5e = 0, d6e = 0, d7e = 0, d8e = 0;
decimal d1f = 0, d2f = 0, d3f = 0, d4f = 0, d5f = 0, d6f = 0, d7f = 0, d8f = 0;
decimal tv = 0;
decimal harga = 0;
decimal totalval = 0;
View 1 Replies
Feb 17, 2014
According to my columns value True / False I want to change the button Text which is on my GridView
I wrote the below code for it but it is not working :
while (Global.reader.Read())
if (Global.reader["Click"].Equals(true))
Button btnSold = (Button)e.Row.Cells[9].Controls[0];
[Code] .....
View 1 Replies
Mar 11, 2010
How can I access RowDataBound(...) event of child grid. I want to change the background color of the cell in the child grid based on the value.
I have Master/Slave GrisViews (or you can say Parent/Child GridViews). I am populating Child GidView in Parent's RowDataBound (..) event, as follows
In child grid, I have to calculate some values to dislay in the footer row of the child grid.
The following DataBound event focan I accessr te child grid is throwing an error "The name 'ChildGrid' does not exist in the current context"
Here is the ParentGrid with ChildGrid
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Feb 2, 2010
I want to get the gridview row back color in the rowdatabound event,
I tried as follows
if (e.Row.BackColor.Name.ToString() == "Red")
but always i'm not getting any value in the e.Row.BackColor..
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Aug 17, 2010
rowdatabound event is not firing during postback ,What to do?First time pageload I am getting result as expected. When I click checkbox ,which is in grid ,my values which are in other columns get disappeared, that means during postback. How to maintain values in the grid even after postback.note : I did some small manupulation of data during rowdatabound event for the columns which are in the grid.
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Jan 15, 2011
i have a gird and i want to change particular row color when i found such particular row on row data bound ..
for example when i found a text from "lblRowId" than how can i change current row color or css[Code]..
View 6 Replies