Web Forms :: Can't Force Radio Button List To Select The Desired SelectedValue

Apr 7, 2010

I can't get my radio button list to select a desired value. What am I doing wrong?

Dictionary<int, string> rbl_list = new Dictionary<int, string>();

rbl_list.Add(1, "Home");
rbl_list.Add(2, "Tables");
rbl_list.Add(3, "Graph/Export");[code]....

I'm using c# and the above is written in the Page_Load event.

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Dec 1, 2010

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Here is my code.


How do I get the selected value from the RadioButton GroupName=RadioButtonHousingQuestions above using VB code behind?

I have looked all over and most are saying use a RadioButtonList, but I can't in this case.

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Web Forms :: How To Select Only One Radio Button And Radio Button Validation

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Forms Data Controls :: Radio Button List Inside Gridview - Push A Button To Submit The QuestionID

Jul 24, 2010

I have a databound Gridview (with a LINQ datasource). The gridview displays questions from the SQL DB to the user. I've inserted a radio button list into the gridview with 3 horizontal radio buttons with fixed values of 1,2,3 for the user to select. I have a question ID, a tempuserID, and AnswerValue columns set up in the database. It all works nicely.

After the user selects radio buttons, I would like for them to push a button to submit the QuestionID, the associated Radio Button Value (AnswerValue) and their tempUserID into the DB. How do I do this? I'm not sure what to do next and what VB/LINQ code to put in the code behind file in the button click event handler. I'm also not sure on what to use for the tempUserID, can I use the sessionID? I'm using VB and here's my code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Select Only One Radio Button In A Datagrid

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Forms Data Controls :: Select Only One Item Through Radio Button In Gridview?

Oct 4, 2010

i have a gridview with radio button.i need to select only one item through out gridview i have written code that is working fine but that is giving problem in paging i am displaying gridview with 5 records per page.in first page i am able to select only one item but if i move to second page here also i am able to select only one radio button in this mean time if move to first page in that page also radio button is in selected mode .How can i make only one radio button selected in through out gridview and How can i get paging data from gridview(if i select 3rd page value and i moved to first page in that situation i need to get get that 3rd page value aslo ).

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Aug 7, 2010

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Jul 21, 2010

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Web Forms :: Postback Using Javascript For Radio Button List?

Oct 5, 2010

My current structure:

1. An asp.net radio-button list with autopostback = true. The radio-button list has 2 items - Yes and No.

2. An asp panel that has 2 textbox.

Current behaviour:

When the user clicks on the radio-button list (i.e. Yes), the panel is made visible.

My clients wants the same functionality without the page refresh (i.e. the postback).

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Web Forms :: Radio Button List NOT Updating Panel?

Mar 9, 2011

I'm using Radio Button lists, im using the same code on three separate pages. On my first page the radiobutton list is working very well but on the other two pages it is not working. This is basically the code im using on my aspx page, its identical for all 3 pages.




this because I really don't know how its working on one page and not on another, I can post all my code if needed.



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Forms Data Controls :: How To Validate From Group Of Radiobutton To Select At-lease One Radio Button

Dec 9, 2010

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In the output i am getting morethan one radio buttons depending on the data which i added in the database. Before submit i want to validate atlease one radiobutton to be selected using javascript.

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Jun 29, 2010

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Jan 12, 2011

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But when I run my application if I select a list item from a row and if I select the other from the other both are getting selected how to [URL] solve this.

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Jan 11, 2011

I'm trying to figure out how to access controls that are added to a panel in a code behind file.For example, when I click a button, I add a radio button list to the panel.How do I access the selected item from that radio button list? I get an error saying it is not defined, even though list gets generated..

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Mar 21, 2011

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Web Forms :: Radio Button List And Carrying Selection To Other Page

Mar 6, 2012

I'm using Radio button List for the first time.I have a radiobutton list on the page:

<asp:RadioButtonList ID="Pending" runat="server" AutoPostBack="True"
OnSelectedIndexChanged="Populategrid" Height="16px"
RepeatDirection="Horizontal" Width="755px">
<asp:ListItem Value="250">Pending Over 250</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="300">Pending Over 300</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="350">Pending Over 350</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem Value="400">Pending Over 400</asp:ListItem>

Here's the gridview. I want to take the selection over in a querystring
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataSourceID="SqlDataSource7" EnableModelValidation="True" Width="331px"
CaptionAlign="Top" Height="126px" BackColor="White" BorderColor="#DCBE68"
BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px" CellPadding="4"


Look at the first hyperlink I've added the selected value which takes me to the next page.On the Pending DDS.aspx page what do I put in pageload?I want to take the selection over in a query string 0..I have a radio button list on the Pending DDS.aspx page so when you come in on the first page click 250 button (in radio button list) and then click the link to go to Pending DDS.aspx page  I want that radio button to be selected when the user comes to that page.

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Web Forms :: Show Session Value In Radio Button List And In DropdownList

May 25, 2012

how I display session value in drop down list and in radio button list.like there is radio button list for gender and dropdown list for countries.



I want to select "Male" option in radio button list and "Pakistan" in country list given in dropdown list using these session values.

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Web Forms :: Add A New Item To Radio Button List At Certain Specific Position

May 7, 2015

I would like add a new item to a RadioButtonList after binding the items from database.

rbtnl1.Items.Add(new ListItem("All", "0"));

I used this code. But I need to add this new item to the index 0.

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