Forms Data Controls :: Use Dataset And Datatable To Bind Data To A Gridview?

Aug 27, 2010

on which all conditions we use dataset and datatable to bind data to a gridview?

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Forms Data Controls :: Bind Data From DataSet (DataTable) To A Selectrow DropDownList In GridView?

Nov 19, 2010

I have a Gridview and two link button in that GridView , one link button click is to add edit row ( Edit ), one link button click is to select row ( Select ). I have a dropdownlist inside row which selected when i click link button Select in the gridview edit template, as of my business logic i need to show the dropdownlist only when the user clicks Edit button and when the user clicks Select button . That mean when the user clicks Select button then they clicks Edit button on the gridvview i should allow him to edit the dropdownlist (showing the value to the user through a label).


[Code].... C#

When I click Select link button , then I click Edit link button . They have errors : Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index" I don't know what error?. How to fix it

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Data Controls :: Generic Method To Bind DropDownList With DataTable Or DataSet

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Forms Data Controls :: Bind A Gridview With A Dataset?

May 6, 2010

I need to bind a gridview with a dataset souce.but this dataset source is not loaded from database.its tables are loaded manually.

now the query is - what can I give in the itemtemplate of gridview?

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Forms Data Controls :: Bind GridView URL From Datatable?

Jul 21, 2010

I have a data table, in one of the column, I will have this data, I will bind the data table to a grid view. I was hoping that this column change to a hyperlink. But, it was display the entire text.

<A HREF="page_url">Remark(s)</A>

When I view the page source code, I saw this:

<A HREF="page_url;Remark(s)</A>

How to correct this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Select Query For Each Record Of Dataset Then Bind In Gridview?

Jun 10, 2010

i wants to display the related informations of each record of dataset. That mean, dataset having rows for A,B,C and etc..

Then i wants to display the information in same Gridview of each record(A,B,C). i wrote the below my coding, it dispaly info of the last row of dataset only. pls correct the coding.


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Forms Data Controls :: Bind A GridView To A DataTable (in Viewstate) With Full In-line CRUD?

Sep 24, 2010

I need a bit of help with a scenario. I am working on a web application that requires huge amounts of data to be Added, Deleted, and Updated. The data entry forms are divided into logical groups through Multiviews. All the information is saved when the mighty Finish button is pressed. The current setup (previous developer) does not allow me to use transactions. Therefore, if I am to save a new Courier to the database, I need to add his/her Distance and Rate info. In addition, I need to add his/her Banned Areas info (Area Name, Post Code).This is where it gets interesting. Obviously, the DistamceAndRate table and the BannedArea table in my SQL Server will have the CourierID as a foreign key. Since I'm going to save the Courier as well as the Rates and Areas info in one go, I cannot have the newly created CourierID before. Therefore, I cannot bind my Grids for Distance + Rates and Banned Areas directly to database.What I am doing is creating two DataTables and managing them in Viewstate through properties as follow:


So, on page load, the DataTables are initialized with a blank schema. Here are the attempted CRUD implementations (Distance and Rate only):


I am having issues when I am canceling a new entry and when I am editing a new entry. In addition, for Distance and Rates, Rate is acting as unique (cannot be repeated) and attempting to control that is also giving me a headache. I end up creating blank rows.And here's the ASPX cut-out:


Hope to get an answer soon.Also, off-topic, I'm using LINQ here. In order to save a Courier and his/her extra details, I first save his/her address to DB. Then I take the ID of the address and save the courier. now the courier ID is avaliable and i start filling extra tables related with the courier table. If something goes wrong, I have to manually delete created rows. LINQ uses transaction internally but only until a SubmitChanges() call. I'm forced to save each entity so I keep calling SubmitChanges().I tried manual transaction but after saving the address inside a transaction, the Address.OID (Address table's mapped prime-key) had a 0. attempting to use this newly added address while saving Courier in the same transaction threw an exception. If there is a way to get the primary key for entities created in a transaction that is yet to be commited, please mention that'll as well.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add A Data In Datagridview Without Using Datatable Or Dataset

Feb 26, 2011

i am using 2008 i need to know about datagridview ......Is it to possible to add a data through vbcode in datagridview without using any datatable or dataset....

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Forms Data Controls :: Dataset / Datatable According To Pagesize Given?

Mar 26, 2010

I need your help / guidence for doing custom paging in c#, through sqlserver. so that i can have data in dataset/datatable according to the pagesize given, not all the data in dataset. some code /url .......with full discrption if possible.

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Web Forms :: How To Bind Dataset Or Datatable From Web Method To Datalist Using JQuery

Jun 25, 2012


     like above link i want to bind 


     city...... country.........  

for suppose 10 employee. for that i try to bind datalist using webservice & jquery. but i get lots of problem to bind datalist. with name as hyperlink so that when i click at name it go to next page and show details. 

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Forms Data Controls :: Can’t Bind Dataset To Datagrid

Dec 26, 2010

i have a buuton .i want to when click on button my result show on grid. i can show result in dataset but i can`t bind dataset to datagrid. i write:


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C# - How To Bind A DataTable With Complex Data Objects To A GridView

Jan 31, 2011

My DataTable is programatically generated, and contains objects of type JobInstance in the cells.


When I bind this DataTable to an ASP GridView, it only displays the first column. But if I remove the "typeof(Job)" when creating the column (the line with // !!!), the GridView displays all the columns by showing the result of JobInstance.ToString() in the cells. However, I have no access to the underlying JobInstance object, only the string values that are being displayed.

I need access to the JobInstance object when displaying the GridView (for example in the OnRowDataBound), because I want to access the fields inside JobInstance for each cell to determine formatting options, and add other links in each cell.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dataset With Multiple Tables Bind To Grid

Jul 7, 2010

i m trying to bind my both grid with two tables which are in dataset i m trying but when i m binding my gridview it's always binding the second table see code


i already tried to bind both the gv1 and gv2 they both are displaying same table i.e department

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Data Controls :: Get Top N Rows From Datatable Or DataSet In C#?

Jan 19, 2012

I have a datatable with 50+ rows I want to get the Top 10 rows and display.

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DataSource Controls :: Is Datatable Data Store In Dataset

Apr 24, 2010

is datable data store in dataset.. ?

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Data Controls :: How To Check Whether DataTable (DataSet) Has Rows In C#

May 7, 2015

DataSet ds = new DataSet();
string qry = "select Name,Section,present from presentdays where id='" + TextBox1.Text;
qry += "'";
foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
TextBox2.Text = dr["present"].ToString();

there is no data in id='1'i need to throw the error as there is nothing is found in id='1'

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Data Controls :: Check If Particular Value Exists In DataTable (DataSet) Using C#

May 7, 2015

check if variable exists in dataset ?

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Data Controls :: Bind CheckBoxList Using DataSet?

May 7, 2015

How do I show my Dataset results in checbox list and that too displaying checked checkboxes.Ds will be multiple rows.DS will have two column Firstname that will go to Textbox and CityId that will go checkbox list as checked.The Firstname values will repeat as per number of rows that ds will generate.My Code

DataSet ds = BusinessClass.GetDetailes(Convert.ToInt32(grdview.SelectedDataKey.Value));
txtFirstName.text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FirstName"];

How to use for or foreach loop for checkbox list.

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Bind Dataset To Repeater/'System.Char' Does Not Contain A Property With The Name 'hotelname'

Dec 19, 2010

i have a page for search.and there is abutton when user click on it.result get in dataset.


i have repeater in itemtemplate of repeater i put table and there is lable that i want show hotelname on it.but it has code is:


the error is:DataBinding: 'System.Char' does not contain a property with the name 'hotelname'.

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How To Copy Data From Datatable To Dataset.datatable

Oct 31, 2010

how to copy data from datatable to table in dataset i ry this but its readonly property


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Data Controls :: Export DataSet Or DataTable To PDF In (WinForms) Application

Mar 31, 2014

 I want to get print out for Dataset which creates a pdf file as out put.

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Data Controls :: Fetch Top N Records From DataTable Or DataSet In Net Framework 2.0

May 7, 2015

Aspx code:

MembershipUser m_user = Membership.GetUser();
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
foreach (ListItem li in lst_Users.Items) {

[Code] ....

I am calling "Application object" from above aspx page into web service page as below:

[WebMethod(EnableSession = true)]
[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public string WebMessage() {
List<string> list = new List<string>();
DataTable dt = ((DataTable)HttpContext.Current.Application["Message"]);

[Code] ....

I want to know that the approach im using in Web service page to fetch top 5 messages from Datatable is correct or not? How to do that without using LINQ as I am using framework 2.0 ...

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Data Controls :: Bind DataTable Values To CheckBoxList

Apr 2, 2013

I had a problem in binding the checkbox list. Here I explain I had a database with 3 columns.


address         name    number

bangalore      seker      987585
mangalore     shankar  658741
bangalore      kanna      589725

Now I have select the bangalore in address,so i may get seker and kanna.

And now i have display in my page as like this to checkbox.


987585                 same kanna sholud be displayed.

that is, the seker should be in label and the number should be in checkbox.

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Data Controls :: Pass DataTable Or Dataset As Parameter To WebMethod Of WebService

Mar 16, 2014

can datatable pass to web service as input parameter? i have a scenario to pass values as datatable to web service. eg as follows

when Invoice or Bill is entered, I want to send the entered data as datatable to web service to insert into another application.

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Data Controls :: Bind DropDownList Using JavaScript / AJAX And DataTable

Aug 28, 2013

I will get required data from the web method that returns as table!!!

public static DataTable call(String code)
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection();
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

[Code] .....

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