GZIP And Cache Files Loaded With LastModified Data?

Jan 29, 2011

Project: Asp.net 2, MSVS VB.net

Hoster: Windows, Shared environment

I ran firebug (via Firefox) with googles speed test, and I got two major issues come back to me, and I sent two questions to my hoster.

1) MY QUESTION TO THE HOSTER1: Css, Js image files loaded to browser and cache from my hoster go up the request process with out the lastmodified data, and thus the browser cache does not know when to refresh the files on expiration date?

MY HOSTER RESPONSE: LastModified is a script that can be implemented to your java coding (ME: I think hes confused here, I dont use java) which you need to enter yourself. It is not a server function that we can modify on our side but it is something that you will have to change your website coding.

2) MY QUESTION TO THE HOSTER2: Firebug results said that GZIP is not activated for my files of CSS, js and asp.net pages, why not?

MY HOSTER RESPONSE: Currently, you are using Windows environment hosting services which does not support gzip. gzip is available on our Linux environment hosting plans as gzip is mainly for Linux OS.

After falling off my chair, I have to ask, what can I do via coding on my asp.net2 vb.net project? I thought these two issues were purely server related and nothing to do with code with the project? What do I do, or is my hoster wrong ?

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public DataTable GetData()
string key = "DataTable";
object item = Cache[key] as DataTable;


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IIsCompressionScheme Location ="/LM/W3SVC/Filters/Compression/deflate"


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Feb 25, 2011

We have a wfc layer that wraps the business classes and database access and use a client that lives on the database layer. Amongst our group we are attempting to form standards. Some want to have the client call the web method and pass the page they are requesting and the page size. Pass that to the database and then page in SQL Server use RowNum.Some want to cache the full list of objects in http cache on the service tier and page in memory. They concern here is memory use on the server.

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Powershell command line:

New-Cache [-CacheName] <String> [-Eviction <String>] [-Expirable <String>] [-Force [<SwitchParameter>]] [-NotificationsEnabled <String>] [-Secondaries <Int32>] [-TimeToLive <Int64>]


Since I don't want my sessions to be removed unless the session has been abandoned either via code or Session Timeout...For eviction, I would think "None" and for expireable, I would think False.I have tested and calling Session.Abandon does remove the object from the cache. I have also tested to see if by extending my session, the session object in cache is also extended. This does seem to work the "correct" way.

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We are using HttpRuntime.Cache API in an ASP.NET to cache data retrieved from a database.

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table=table1;param1=somevalue1;param2=somevalue2;param3=somevalue3;param4=somevalue4;param5=somevalue5;param6=somevalue6... etc...

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Architecture :: Distributed Caching / Keeping Cache In Sync Between Multiple Webservers Or Even Better Farm Cache Management To Another Server?

Feb 26, 2010

I've got a web application that runs of a state server. It looks like soon it may need to distributed and there will be two web servers behind a load balancer.

This works great for session state but my next challenge is Cache

My application leverages heavily of cache. I understand ASP.Net 4.0 will be offering more here but nothing much has been said about the how too.

There are two challenges that I face

1). Each webserver will have its own copy of cache whereas it would be more efficient to put this to a third server the same as session state is put to state server.

2). The real challenge is keeping cache in sync if a simple dataset derived from the database is changed my code dumps that cache item and reloads the cache. That's all well on one webserver but webserver number two wont know to drop that particular cache item and reload it. This could cause some unexpected problems in the application.

For scenario number 2 I could attempt to do some smart coding so server number two knows to dump the cache and reload it.

My guess is someone else has already been here before and there's probably a better implementation approach rather than writing extra code.

Does anyone know how I could achieve the goal of keeping Cache in sync between multiple webservers or even better farm Cache management to another server?

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