Necessary To Manually Cache Static Files In C#?

Nov 29, 2010

I have a class that is creating an instance of StreamReader to an xml file on the local filesystem.
It may be possible that this same file is requested multiple times per-second.

I was wondering whether I need to manually add this file to the System.Web.Cache and read it from there, or whether Windows itself is clever enough to cache the item itself so that it 'knows' when ASP.NET requests this file the second/third etc time that it doesnt have to do a disk seek/read operation and pulls it from its own cache?

This article: seems to back this up, but this: article:

[URL](although not discussing from a performance perspective, and maybe for other reasons entirely) lists how to add a physical file to the cache.

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Manually Refresh Output Cache In IIS7?

Dec 23, 2010

On our website we use standard asp cache with duration set to 5h.

It works fine, but sometimes the publisher add some special content that need to be showed impatiently on many different sub-pages (example some promoted article).

That's what I need to do it's easy to use page like this:


I want to clear SERVER SIDE CACHE.

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How To Manually Clear Server Cache For A Single Application / Web Site

Mar 11, 2011

How can I manually clear ASP.NET server cache related to a give application/web site like what can be done on IE to clear browser cache for a give domain? BTW, I am using II7.

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C# - Caching Through HttpContext.Current.Cache Or Just A Static?

Mar 28, 2011

Last night I wrote up my first IHttpModule to do some request processing. I'm using a regular expression to inspect the raw url. The IHttpModule will be called on every request, so it seems reasonable to do some sort of caching of the regular expression object to prevent creation of it on every request.

Now my question... what is better: use the HttpContext.Current.Cache to store the instantiated object or to use a private static Regex in my module?I'm looking forward to the reasons why. Just to clarify: the regex will never change and thus always be the same thing.

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C# - Making Cache Access Methods Static?

Nov 12, 2010

In ASP.NET, is there any reason not to make a set of functions that Add/Remove/Get from the Cache object Static?Get() - just gets the item, no reason not to be staticAdd(), Remove() - I've read that adding/deleting into the cache has it's own internal locking mechanism, so they can be static without me creating my own lock(){} wrapping.

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State Management :: Cache Vs Static Variable?

Sep 24, 2010

I know the big difference, but one thing is confusing me. Cache works only on a single machine on webfarm and to make it globally we use Velocity or memcache.So is static does same, or is it already work globally ?

Cache["someid"] = "value"; //this will only work on single machine cache,

static string abc = "value"; // will this work on single machine or globally ?

View 6 Replies

C# - Caching W/file Dependency: Static Var Vs. AspNet Cache Vs. Memcached

Sep 29, 2010

TL;DR: Which is likely faster: accessing static local variable, accessing variable stored in HttpRuntime.Cache, or accessing variable stored in memcached?At work, we get about 200,000 page views/day. On our homepage, we display a promotion. This promotion is different for different users, based on their country of origin and language.

All the different promotions are defined in an XML file on each web server. We have 12 web servers all serving the same site with the same XML file. There are about 50 different promotion combinations based on country/language. We imagine we'll never have more than 200 or so (if ever) promotions (combinations) total.

The XML file may be changed at any time, out of release cycle. When it's changed, the new definitions of promotions should immediately change on the live site. Implementing the functionality for this requirement is the responsibility of another developer and I.

Originally, I wrote the code so that the contents of the XML file were parsed and then stored in a static member of a class. A FileSystemWatcher monitored changes to the file, and whenever the file was changed, the XML would be reloaded/reparsed and the static member would be updated with the new contents. Seemed like a solid, simple solution to keeping the in-memory dictionary of promotions current with the XML file. (Each server doing this indepedently with its local copy of the XML file; all XML files are the same and change at the same time.)

The other developer I was working holds a Sr. position and decided that this was no good. Instead, we should store all the promotions in each server's HttpContext.Current.Cache with a CacheDependency file dependency that automatically monitored file changes, expunging the cached promotions when the file changed. While I liked that we no longer had to use a FileSystemWatcher, I worried a little that grabbing the promotions from the volitile cache instead of a static class member would be less performant.

(Care to comment on this concern? I already gave up trying to advocate not switching to HttpRuntime.Cache.)

Later, after we began using HttpRuntime.Cache, we adopted memcached with Enyim as our .NET interface for other business problems (e.g. search results). When we did that, this Sr. Developer decided we should be using memcached instead of the HttpRuntime (HttpContext) Cache for storing promotions. Higher-ups said "yeah, sounds good", and gave him a dedicated server with memcached just for these promotions. Now he's currently implementing the changes to use memcached instead.

I'm skeptical that this is a good decision. Instead of staying in-process and grabbing this promotion data from the HttpRuntime.Cache, we're now opening a socket to a network memcached server and transmitting its value to our web server.This has to be less performant, right? Even if the cache is memcached. (I haven't had the chance to compile any performance metrics yet.)On top of that, he's going to have to engineer his own file dependency solution over memcached since it doesn't provide such a facility.

Wouldn't my original design be best? Does this strike you as overengineering? Is HttpRuntime.Cache caching or memcached caching even necessary?

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Http - FireFox 3.6.8 Not Cache Static Contents From .net Developer Server?

Aug 19, 2010

I am working on a web site, like normal user, we use developer server during coding and testing.Today, I found the firefox not cache any static file of my site, since our application is pretty big, it made page load time very slow.I checked firefox about:cache, all the static file cache setting looks like

Key: http://localhost:26851/App_Layout/icons/actions/email/folder.png
Data size: 871 bytes
Fetch count: 1[code]...

The expires date is set back to 1969-12-31, I believe that's the reason why they are loaded very time.I am using Visual studio 2008, windows 7 machine. The application works fine in IE, the contents are properly cached.

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How To Cache A Control, Js Files And Css Files

Jan 18, 2010

I have a master page, inside that I have a menu controls and other css, JS files.

Whenever I refresh the page from client, everything is coming from the server.

Now I want to cache those controls and those files as per session.

Is there any setting or programmatic settings there to do it?

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C# - How To Implement Caching Of Static Files

Mar 15, 2011

I use a Masterpage ( webforms) on my site and I woluld like to implement caching of some static files, like javascript, css etc.

I've tried adding the following to my page_load (in the masterpage) but when I use Fiddler the static files are still under "no-cache".

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Set cache for 1 hour on all computers and servers.
// ... Proxies, browsers, and your server will cache it.
Response.Cache.SetMaxAge(new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0));

What am i doing wrong here?

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Static Compression In IIS Does Not Work For Htm And Js Files

Apr 1, 2011

I'm trying to configure IIS 7.5 to compress static htm and js files. Here is my web.config for the web site:


Compression starts working when I set doDynamicCompression to true. But I can't use this option because it is disabled at my hosting.

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Configuration :: URL Rewriting Static Files Like CSS?

Nov 2, 2010

How do I rewrite the url for static files? When adding something like

RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("test", "style/style.css", "~/Static/Styles/Public.css");

I just want the url /style/style.css to point to another static file on the webserver..

I'm getting this error:

There is no build provider registered for the extension '.css'. You can register one in the <compilation><buildProviders> section in machine.config or web.config. Make sure is has a BuildProviderAppliesToAttribute attribute which includes the value 'Web' or 'All'.

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How To Protect Static Files With Form Authentication On IIS 7.5

May 25, 2010

I have a website running on a IIS 7.5 server with ASP.NET 4.0 on a shared host, but in full trust.

The site is a basic "file browser" that allows the visitors to login and have a list of files available to them displayed, and, obviously, download the files. The static files (mostly pdf files) are located in a sub folder on the site called data, e.g.

The site uses ASP.NET form authentication.

My question is: How do I get the ASP.NET engine to handle the requests for the static files in the data folder, so that request for files are authenticated by ASP.NET, and users are not able to deep link to a file and grab files they are not allowed to have?

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MVC :: Publish Website Not Copying Static Files?

Mar 1, 2011

I am new to MVC. I am using MVC and VS2010. I am trying to publish my website to a remote server. All files are copied except some static pages i have kept inside a folder. for e.g. i have a folder named Content. I have around 5 .pdf files inside this folder and also a .css. When i do Build->Publish <appname> all the files including the .css is copied but not the .pdfs.

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Wildcard HttpHandler Not Handling Static Files?

Jan 26, 2010

I had a look through some of the older questions, but I can't find anything.I have a Wildcard HttpHandler on my web app which is processing the url and working out if it can do anything with itIf it can't, then the StaticFile Handler should pick it up and just serve it as a static file (like an html file).The problem is, it's going through the Wildcard handler, then seemingly not going to the StaticFileHander. Is there something I need to do to the Wildcard handler, or in the web config?This is my web.config:

<add name="Wildcard" path="*" verb="*" type="Rewriter.RewriterHttpModule"
modules="IsapiModule" requireAccess="None" allowPathInfo="false"
preCondition="" responseBufferLimit="4194304" />
<add name="StaticFile" path="*.*" verb="*"
resourceType="File" requireAccess="Read" allowPathInfo="false" preCondition=""
responseBufferLimit="4194304" />

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MVC :: BeginRequest Event Fires For All Static Files?

Oct 29, 2010

I was under the impression that static files (CSS, images, @font-face files, etc) bypassed ASP.NET completely, and were served directly by IIS. However, my BeginRequest event handler is being called for every HTTP request, including those for static files. This concerns me because I'm creating an Entity Framework data context to be used for the lifetime of each request in that event handler. I don't want to create those contexts if they're never going to be used.

I'm using IIS 7 on Windows 7 Ultimate with so special handler mappings defined. Do I have it wrong? Should these events be firing?

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Rewrite Rule To Map Locations To Static Files

Jul 22, 2010

What I want to do it rewrite urls for a bunch of static pages in a locations folder such that


maps to the physical file if it exist in the locations folder eg.


Is this possible with url rewrite. I can't get the rule to work.

<rule name="Rewrite Locations">
<match url="^([_0-9a-z-]+)/*" />
<add input="/locations/{REQUEST_FILENAME}.aspx" matchType="IsFile" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="/locations/{R:1}.aspx" />

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Disable Website To Respond Request Except Static Files?

Nov 2, 2010

I have 2 website on my IIS which have the same physical location on disk. Example: path on disk : path on disk :

I want that only response for static files like images, css and js files.

My main goal is to serve static files from a cookieless domain (using for cookieless requests). But if I write to browser i see the same content with I want to block all request to except images, css and js request.

I don't want to set another folder for because it is very hard for me to change all images url to new url.

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Permanent Redirect Legacy Routes For Static Files In MVC?

Jan 12, 2011

Our old site stored static images in a sub directory on the root called /images.

Our new MVC site stores these images in the new layout of /Content/Images

I've changed all the pages in the site to cope with the new folder structure, but I'd like to set up Permanent Redirects from the old static images to the new location.

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Setup IIS 6 To Only Server Static Files From Virtual Directories?

Jun 21, 2010

We're having the same setup and receiving the same problem as:


Server 2003 32bit, IIS 6
ASP.NET wild card mapping

A virtual directory mapped to an UNC share serving static images for a CMS in a load balancing environment

My question if it's possible to turn off from virtual and only serve static files e.g. images in the virtual directory, to avoid the problem with too many open connections?

If it's not possible I'll guess I have to implement a solution like [URL] to server the files from a local disc.

I found a possible solution at [URL] that removes the wild card mapping and makes it possible to turn of execution of files.

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AJAX JavaScript Files Served From A Static Location?

Jan 5, 2010

I realise that this is going to be a fairly niche requirement and will almost certainly raise a few "WTF's" but here goes...

Within an ASP.NET Webforms application I need to serve static content from a local client machine in order to reduce up-front bandwidth requirements as much as possible (Security policy has disabled all Browser caching). The idea is to serve CSS, images and JavaScript files from a location on the local file system referenced by filesystem links from within the Web application (Yes, I know, WTF's galore but that's how it is). The application itself will effectively be an Intranet app that's hosted externally from a client but restricted by IP range along with standard username/password security. So it's pretty much a hybrid Internet/Intranet application but we can easily roll out packages of files to client machines. I am not suggesting that we expect nor require public clients to download packages of files. We have control to an extent over the client machines in terms of the local filesystem and so on but we cannot change the caching policy.

We're using UpdatePanel controls to perform partial page updates which obviously means that we need to Microsoft AJAX JavaScript files. Presently these are being served (as standard) by a standard resource handler within IIS/ASP.NET. Ideally I would like to be able to take these JS files and reference them statically from a client machine, and no longer serve them via an AXD.

My questions are:Is this possible?If it is possible, how do we go about doing so?

In order to attempt to pre-empt some WTF's the requirement stems from attempting to service a requirement with as little time and effort as possible whilst a more suitable solution is developed. I'm aware that we can lighten the load, we can switch to jQuery AJAX updates, we can rewrite the front-end in MVC etc. but my question is related to what we can quickly deploy with our existing application architecture.

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Configuration :: Hiding And Protecting Static XML Files - Embedded Resource?

Nov 3, 2010

Does precompilation have any effect on XML files? i.e. can I obscure/protect xml files using precompilation? I assume that it has no effect as they aren't code.

If I use XML files as Embedded Resources, they appear in the DLL in a text editor as normal text. If the dll is edited and saved using a text editor, will it still work if it is unsigned?

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GZIP And Cache Files Loaded With LastModified Data?

Jan 29, 2011

Project: 2, MSVS

Hoster: Windows, Shared environment

I ran firebug (via Firefox) with googles speed test, and I got two major issues come back to me, and I sent two questions to my hoster.

1) MY QUESTION TO THE HOSTER1: Css, Js image files loaded to browser and cache from my hoster go up the request process with out the lastmodified data, and thus the browser cache does not know when to refresh the files on expiration date?

MY HOSTER RESPONSE: LastModified is a script that can be implemented to your java coding (ME: I think hes confused here, I dont use java) which you need to enter yourself. It is not a server function that we can modify on our side but it is something that you will have to change your website coding.

2) MY QUESTION TO THE HOSTER2: Firebug results said that GZIP is not activated for my files of CSS, js and pages, why not?

MY HOSTER RESPONSE: Currently, you are using Windows environment hosting services which does not support gzip. gzip is available on our Linux environment hosting plans as gzip is mainly for Linux OS.

After falling off my chair, I have to ask, what can I do via coding on my asp.net2 project? I thought these two issues were purely server related and nothing to do with code with the project? What do I do, or is my hoster wrong ?

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JQuery :: How To Upload Files In Browser Cache To Get File Size On Client Side

Apr 1, 2011

My requirement is to get the file size in client side. there is no problem in FF but in IE you can't do that unless u r using an activeX object. So we thought of putting it in browser cache and reading the file size from there and when we post it to the server we will be taking it from the cache and send it to the server.

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C# - Clear Client Cache So When They Visit Website They Use Latest Javascript Files That Modify?

Mar 10, 2010

I have a website that i did some time ago now they request some new features and i did some changes in some javascript files, but when i publish the clients that use the IE have problems with cache so in they browser they have old version of javascript. How can i clear the client cache so when they visit website they use latest javascript files that i modify.

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