Gaining Reference To The Dialog From Dialog Content?

Apr 14, 2010

I've got a div on Page A.When an event happens (whatever I define, a click, whatever), I do a div.Dialog, set its properties and open itThe data inside is returned from an async .ajax call that grabs the data from a url and appends it to the div by calling div.html(data) inside the .ajax callback, so it's essentially loading a PageB by getting the data (content) and appending it to the div that's calling the dialog("open")...nothing special here I don't think.

My question: In Page B, how do I reference the dialog so I can do some things to it? For instance in Page B's content that I received back from that .ajax call and added to the div via .html(data), there is a button and when clicked I need to close the dialog.Right now my buttons are not working inside the dialog because one of them closes out the dialog and the other should redirect to a new page but both do not work now because I have no reference to the dialog that it's in to manipulate it. So I need reference so I can close the dialog via some jQuery that will reside in PageB (data).

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Nov 26, 2010

I am using javascript to open save dialog box

the java script is

function openDialog(path)

In my project, i am creating linkButtons dynamically and attaching this function with linkButton's OnClient Click event at run time.

LinkButton linkButton = new LinkButton();
linkButton.OnClientClick = "openDialog("+file.ToString()+")";

where "file" contains the path of the file which has to be saved.

But i am getting a javascript error as

"Expected ")" "

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public ActionResult ajaxCreateClient()
Client c = new Client(); [code].....

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How to do this?

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$('#<%= btnOpen.ClientID %>').click(function(e) {


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Download Pdf Document In Save As Dialog

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how can i load a ckeditor in jquery UI dialog . can someone specify anything


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JQuery :: Show Ui Dialog On Postback?

Dec 28, 2010

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1. Create the whole div in on the server and populate an asp literal control and fire the required javascript (but when).

2. Use hidden fields for your values inside the div, fire the required javascript (but when).

3. Someone has another viable solution for me ?

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First attempt failed:

string url = "http://jquery_ui_dialog.aspx";
IE jQueryDialog = IE.AttachTo<IE>(Find.ByUrl(url));

Second attempt failed:

Process[] processes = Process.GetProcessesByName("iexplore");
foreach (Process p in processes)
if (p.MainWindowTitle == url + " - Microsoft Internet Explorer")
// this doesn't find it.

3rd tries the charm?

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private void DownloadFile(string fname, bool forceDownload)
string path = MapPath(fname);
string name = Path.GetFileName(fname);
string ext = Path.GetExtension(fname);
string type = "";

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Stop Postback After Using JQuery Dialog?

Dec 6, 2010

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JQuery :: Cannot Get A Dialog Window To Open

Jan 5, 2011

dialog.("open") with cshtml in mvc3? I was playing around with this and could not get this to work. I tried using anchors and jquery button clicks but could not get a dialog window to open. My codes is something like:


If it take out the atuoOpen the dialog box shows up but I cannot get this to open on a click event.

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