Get Item Index From Databound Control?

Oct 5, 2010

I want a javascript on a databound row to act on another control in the same row - show/hide for example. The classic ASP approach was to number the controls (usually by rowIndex so that they're easier to reference. I am wondering is there a way to do this in ASP.Net without writing any item command code?

So for html to render as follows

<div onClick='actOnX0'> <span id=x0>i am x0</span></div>
<div onClick='actOnX1'> <span id=x1>i am x1</span></div>
<div onClick='actOnX2'> <span id=x1>i am x2</span></div>

Can I insert the numbers using a databound property that returns say the rowIndex / item index of the current row?

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Web Forms :: Get Current Item Index Of Repeater Item When Button Is Clicked

Jan 17, 2014

How can I get current viewed itemindex of a repeater item template, have tried a few stuffs i got from google search, but it seems not to work. 

I have items like:

1 text link1
2 text link2
3 text link3
4 text link4

where 1, 2, 3, 4 are the itemindex, i want to be able to get 1 if text link1 is clicked, or 2 if text link two is clicked etc.

Here is my repeater html

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C# - Which Databound Control Should Be Use For Nested Databound Controls?

Dec 7, 2010

I want to render something like this (with ASP.Net Controls in the codebehind):

<li class="first"><h1>This is a caption</h1></li>
<li><a href="#" title="" target="_self">Foo</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="" target="_self">Foo1</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="" target="_self">Foo2</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="" target="_self">Foo3</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="" target="_self">Foo4</a></li>
<li class="first"><h1>This is a another caption</h1></li>
<li><a href="#" title="" target="_self">Foo5</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="" target="_self">Foo6</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="" target="_self">Foo7</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="" target="_self">Foo8</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="" target="_self">Foo9</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="" target="_self">Foo10</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="" target="_self">Foo11</a></li>

The amount of li elements that will be rendered into each ul is determined at runtime. Each link in a li belongs to into a specific ul (the one containing a specific caption. Imagine this as a kind of a treeview with nodes and subnodes) During the bind Event I need access to an ASP:HyperLink that will be rendered into the a-element. Which databound ASP.Net control should I pick for this? Looks like a repeater in a repeater, which should make the databinding process ugly. I'm thinking about creating this HTML-Output with StringWriters myself.

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Parent Repeater Item Index In Child Repeater Control?

Jun 17, 2010

I want to bind parent repeater item index in child repeater control using inline code not code behind side.

For example


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C# - Possible To Access A Databound Item Via A Codeblock?

Sep 1, 2010

Is it possible to access a databound item via a codeblock?For example, I am attempting to add code within an itemTemplate while the current level is not equal to the previous level.

// Need to ensure Container exists in current context


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Web Forms :: Databound Template Item Arithmetic?

Aug 20, 2010

I have a label in a template control i want to make have the addition of two databinder items

something like:<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "something1") + DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "something2") %>'

but the addition doesn't seem to work - is this possible with some other syntax?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get Item Databound Value In A FormView

Apr 27, 2010

i already have a DataList, and i get any information from the rows i need by adding code such as:


Well what i am doing there is using the values from the items that the DataList has obtained from the rows, now, what i need to do is EXACTLY the same, but for the FormView, i realised that this code does not work for the FormView, but only DataList control.

give me the code for doing exactly as shown, but for the FormView control.

View 8 Replies

How To Finding UserID For ListView Item In Databound Event

Jan 19, 2011

have a listview with a list of comments. I would like to add the avatar of the person that posted the comment to each comment. To accomplish this I need to find the ListViewItem find the UserID get the avatar URL and add it to the ListView. I am sure I can do all of this in the ListView Databound event but how?

void ListViewViewComments_DataBound(object sender,
EventArgs e)


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Databound Dropdownlist Select An Item / Not Adding A Blank First Row

Nov 22, 2010

I have a databound dropdown list ( I want the page to load with a certain item as the selected item.

I am not adding a blank first row (thats not what i need)I find that I can get this to work with "AppendDataBoundItems" to true, but the side-effect is that I have all the items listed twice.

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Forms Data Controls :: Databound Item In Repeater Tag?

Sep 8, 2010

I've got a repeater bound to a datasource through the code behind. Everything is working fine so far except for this, I'm trying to concactenate a bound field as the id on a query string to an image handler:

<asp:Image ID="Image4" runat="server" BorderColor="#E5E5E5" BorderStyle="Solid" BorderWidth="1px"
Height="100px" Width="100px" ImageUrl="'~/ImageHandler4.ashx?Id=+'<%# Bind("ImageID")%>'"/>

What am I doing wrong?

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How To Access The Bound DataSource Item In The ListView's DataBound Event

Sep 22, 2010

I know the question has already been posted here but we didn't get to an real solution.I have bound my ListView to an SqlDataSource and I want to write some text in a control present in the view created in the LayoutTemplate depending on some properties of the rows returned.Obviously, I'm using the ItemDataBound event to feed my items but this is not the point.

The spontaneous solution was to bind the ListView.DataBound event and access the raw datasource (a DataTable?) and do the required calculations.I inspected the Items property and, despite it was not empty, the related DataItem property was null.The only work-around I can come to is to execute the calculations in the ItemDataBound event and accumulate the result in some private fields. But it's really ugly to see and makes harder to get some of the required values.

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Forms Data Controls :: Add An Item To The END Of A Databound Dropdown List?

Jan 20, 2010

I have a simple databound dropdownlist. On top, I have a default selection, '--Please Select--', followed by another default selection, '-- Other --'. Here's the script:


Now, my user wants the '--other--' selection to appear on the BOTTOM of the dropdown as opposed to right sfter '--Please select--'. How do I accomplish this?

View 8 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: How To Check If A Row Is True Or False In A Databound Item

Mar 4, 2010

how do i check if a bit value is true or false and if false, then write another value.

Here is my code

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "gp_referral").Equals("False")?"":"xxx"%>

Am trying to check if gp_referral is false, and if so then write xxx, but in my code, whether true or false it evaluates to xxx

View 4 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Item Databound Event Thowing Security In Medum Trust Webserver?

Jun 28, 2010

last year I inherited a webapplication that seems to refuse to run on a new hosting company's servers due to a "security violation"... Our old host was bought out and now sucks...So I uploaded the code to the new company - looking forward to some sleep and found that my life was about to get more complex.. I go the good old generic security error

System.Security.CodeAccessSecurityEngine.ThrowSecurityException(Assembly asm, PermissionSet granted, PermissionSet refused, RuntimeMethodHandle rmh, SecurityAction action, Object

The biggest issue was that it didn't say where the error was.. Digging deeper (taking the code appart one block a time) the error was being triggered by the followin itemdatabound event. My host says it is because they are running under medium trust, but I am not seeing why this block should cause issues. Any help very much appreciated.

Sub dlstAlsoDish_ItemDataBound(ByVal s
ByVal e
As DataListItemEventArgs)
Handles dlstAlsoDish.ItemDataBound
If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item
Or e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem
Dim lngDateType
Long = e.Item.DataItem("dateType")Dim
strEvent As
String =
"> " & e.Item.DataItem("restName") &
" :: " & e.Item.DataItem("eventName") &
" : "
Dim lnkAlsoEvent
As HyperLink = e.Item.FindControl("lnkAlsoEvent")Dim dtmStart
As DateTime = e.Item.DataItem("eventSrt")Dim dtmEnd
As DateTime = e.Item.DataItem("eventEnd")If lngDateType = 1
strEvent = strEvent & Format(dtmStart, "MMM")ElseIf lngDateType = 2
strEvent = strEvent & Format(dtmStart, "dd MMM") &
" TO " & Format(DateAdd(DateInterval.Day, -1, dtmEnd),
"dd MMM")Else
strEvent = strEvent & Format(dtmStart,"dd MMM")End
lnkAlsoEvent.Text = strEvent
lnkAlsoEvent.NavigateUrl = e.Item.DataItem("restURL") &
"/events.aspx#e" & e.Item.DataItem("eventID")ElseIf e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Header
imgBorder.ImageUrl = strImageURLDim imgBorder
As Image = e.Item.FindControl("imgBorder")End

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JQuery :: How To Get Item Index In Template

Sep 14, 2010

How can I get item index in jquery template?

Something likes: ${itemIndex}


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C# - Get The Index Of The Item In The Collection After Productpage_rec?

Oct 22, 2010

getting an the index of a collection. Here is the code I'm using.

System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

for (int i = 1; i < _prod.ActiveProductItemCollection.Count; i++)

sb.Append("<script type='text/javascript'>");[code]....

What I want to do is get the index of the item in the collection after productpage_rec.

So for instance, the first product would generate like


and so on and so forth for each product in the collection. When I try to build I get the follwong error:

"cannot convert from string to char"

Its tripping up on the product_productpage_rec{0}

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ADO.NET :: Get The Item Index In List, Using LinQ?

Nov 6, 2010

There is a session on a web form that holds the holidays of a year.I just intend to remove any repetitive days.... but couldn't get index of item in list.

Protected Sub PersianDateCalendar1_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PersianDateCalendar1.ValueChanged


End sub

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Web Forms :: Change The Index Of An Item In A Listbox?

Feb 8, 2010

I have up and down arrows next to a listbox and i need to switch the actual index of the item.

It is very similar to this thread: [URL]

But what actually I want is, if the listbox is like

item2 (selected)

So after clicking on down button it should display the listbox in following way


The selected item should move downwards.

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Finding A Item In A List By Providing The Index?

Mar 10, 2011

is there any way to find a item from a list by providing the index???my list name is listStockItems i have a index of a particular item in that list and now i want to get the Stock_Item object from that list by providing the index to list.

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Get Index Of Item From DataTable Inside Of Repeater?

Jul 8, 2010

I am trying to get the index of the DataItem from the DataTable and insert that into the repeater. I tried this solution: [URL] but that does not give me what I want. that solution only gives me the location of the item within the Repeater, but I want the location of the item within its source DataTable. The reason for this is because I want to number my search results, and if I use the above solution then the numbers reset on pagination.

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Forms Data Controls :: Add Item To At Index[0] While Is Using SqlDataSource?

Feb 19, 2010

I am using SqlDataSource to populate <asp:ListBox>.

Sql Select query returns all the Unique city names. Then <asp:Listbox> is populated. Populated listbox looks like






But I want to add "Choose City" at index 0 so the listbox look like

Choose City




I am not allowed to modify select query (otherwise I would have used the UNION in select query)

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Access Data Repeater's Item By Index Instead Of Explicit Name?

May 21, 2010

Right now I'm using the following code in my markup:

<asp:HiddenField ID="TheName" runat="server" Value=<%#Eval("SpeakerName")%> />

I would like to use:

<asp:HiddenField ID="TheName" runat="server" Value=<%#Eval(0)%> />

I would like to be able to call it by index instead of explicitly by "SpeakerName". Is there a way to do this in ASP.NET 4.0?

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Set Tab Index Of First Input Element Inside First Repeater Item?

May 6, 2010

I have an aspx form containing many individual controls like and one repeater control. The repeater control items are basically having dropdowns, textboxes etc. next to each other. My problem is I can set the tab index of each individual element easily but I don't know how to set the tab index of the first element in of the first repeater item. That is why first I need to click the item and then the Tab index inside the repeater control works fine. Do you know how can I fix this? Should I handle this on the server side? or jQuery etc?

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Index Or Id Of Gridview Item Template

May 23, 2010

i am working on grid view that have an item template contain a linkbutton that should delete its row so my broblem is how to get the index of the row which i have clicked its linkbutton i tried to search online msdn and asp but no answer helped me or may be its just me i was able to delete row by using enable deleting from the smart tag of the grid view but i was using sql data source which brings data from sql table but later i had to replace the sql table with sql view after i did that i couldn't enable the checkbox of enable insert,update and delete statment in advanced sql generatiom options in configure sql data source wizard and this is the other proplem and i not asking this for delete the record only ,it could help in send emial button which is placed the in item tamplate too and i am using C# by the way.

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Web Forms :: Gridview Item Template Tab Index And Focus Problem ?

Oct 27, 2010

i have used the below gridview item template , which is working fine need to set Tab Index here.
1. I have a textbox outside of gridview , on pressing the tab from the textbox in need to focus on gridview item template first row.2.After user click add new button, again i want to focus on the second row on the gridview item template first column.

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