Get Metadata Of Any Document?

Jan 25, 2010

n an online document management system, I need to get the metadata of uploaded documents (author, title, comments). The documents may be different types(word, pdf, txt...).

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MVC :: Extend The HtmlHelper By Using Metadata / Access Metadata In HtmlHelper Extension Method?

Jan 9, 2010

I would like to extend the HtmlHelper by using metadata (similar to DataAnnotaions metadata). Specifically I want to be able to add a 'Title' attribute to html controls that will then appear as a tooltip on the control. I would like to keep the tooltip text with my model, for example by adding 'Tiltle' metadata to the model as follows:

[DisplayName("User Id")]
[Title("Enter your 10 digit user id")]
property UserId { get; set; }

So the questions are:

1. How do I add metadata (such as 'Title') to my model?

2. How do I access this metadata in my HtmlHelper extension method?


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Social Networking :: Hide URL Of Document When Using Google Document Viewer With IFrame

Jan 24, 2014

<iframe src="" style="width:600px; height:600px;margin-left:20px;" frameborder="0"></iframe>

I am using above code to show our document online.

But when we inspect element it is showing url of file which we dont't want.

it is possible to hide this url or any other alternate to show our document to user without exposing our physical file path.

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Aug 16, 2010

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Web Forms :: Convert Word Document To PDF Document Using ITextSharp

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Web Forms :: Hiding The Document Name When Launching A PDF Document?

Sep 15, 2010

I am launching a pdf document using either:

1. Response.Redirect("filepath/document.pdf"), or

2. Response.ContentType = "Application/pdf"

Both methods successfuly launch the PDF document displaying the document path and title in the title bar. For security reasons I'd like to HIDE the document title. Can someone advice how this can be done? (How can a PDF document be launched without showing the actual document's name)

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Convert Word Document To PDF Document?

Jun 10, 2010

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VS 2010 LinqToSql DomainService Metadata

Feb 3, 2010

I have some datatables in a LinqToSql entity model (edmx) that are structured like this: SalesOpportunity *<-1 User *<-1 Person i.e Many SalesOpportunities / 1 User, Many Users / 1 Person Anyway, My DomainService is SalesOpportunity centric, and I want to serialize info about the person into the metadata class. I can serialize data about the user without any problem like this:

MetaData Class:
<Include("UserName", "UserName")> _
Public User As User
DomainService Class - GetOpportunities()
Return Me.ObjectContext.Opportunities.Include("User")

I've been trying for several hours to get the Person information. If you have any tips, I'd be grateful to hear them.

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Programmatically Create WSDL From Metadata?

Mar 7, 2011

How can I override the way ASP.NET creates a WSDL file for my Web Serive from my WebMethods' metadata?

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Architecture :: Dynamic UI Generation From Metadata?

May 3, 2010

one of my client have a core requirement to develop a web application which can generate dynamic UI pages with metadata elements and relevant operations for various different products. We are thinking on lines of a approach where UI elements details will be stored in metadata and the application will read the meta data and render the UI pages based on it.

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ADO.NET :: Unable To Load Specified Metadata Resource?

Aug 18, 2010

i use vs 2010 ultimate. i created a ' web application' from scratch, right clicked app_data and added a new sql server database (named MyDB), built two tables and saved it, added a ' entity model' to my project(named EDM_MyDB). then i dragged and dropped a 'list view' and 'entity data source' on my default.aspx. i tried to configure my 'entity data source' instance. in configuration window, underconnection string i tried to choose my entity instance (which i'd created before) but suddenly a popup message came up and said: The metadata specified in the connection string couldn't be loaded. Consider rebuilding the web project to build assemblies that may contain data. The following error(s) occurred: Unable to load the specified metadata is my whole connection string tab:


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Web Forms :: Create Metadata Assembly?

Mar 23, 2010

i need create metadata assembly for a function..

and i dont know how to create the step for creating assembly..

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MVC :: DataAnnotations And Model MetaData Caching?

Nov 1, 2010

My case:I am developing an application that will run for multiple clients, each client has the ability to customize field displays and error messages.My issue:I created some custom attributes which inherit from DisplayNameAttribute, RequiredAttribute etc... and in them I am pulling out the resource needed.However it is only executed the once, so if my context changes it will be pulling the incorrectly cached value instead of pulling the new value need.Has anybody attempted to try something like this with the data annotations? Or any advice such as just don't use them for this scenario?

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AJAX :: Unable To Publish Metadata

Jun 28, 2010

I have never faced something like this before, is it .Net 4.0? or Me?

Here is my config file

<serviceHostingEnvironment multipleSiteBindingsEnabled="true" aspNetCompatibilityEnabled="true" />
<service name="LookUpService" behaviorConfiguration="LUSBehavior">


It is pretty basic, my problem is I always get following

Metadata publishing for this service is currently disabled.

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Why Metadata File Not Found In The Bin / Debug Folder

Mar 5, 2010

I have solution that has two projects in it. One is an project and the other is a class library for the project. I get this error but don't understand why or how to correct it.

Error 1
Metadata file 'C:UsersxDocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsWeb AppsVet ClinicClassLibraryinDebugClassLibrary.dll' could not be found
Vet Clinic

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Metadata Versus Manifest - Finding Difference

Sep 9, 2010

1. What is actually a metadata, how ih this created & what it contains and why this metadata is important in .NET Framework?

2. What is manifest, how manifest is created and why manifest is important????

3. What is the difference between manifest and metadata?

4. What is the actual difference between CLS & CTS????

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C# - Getting Metadata Related Exception When Using Entity Framework 4?

Sep 9, 2010

I use VS 2010 Ultimate. I created an ' web application' from scratch, added a 'ADO.NET Entity Model' to my project (EF4).

The problem I'm having is that whenever I try and use an EntityDataSource to pull data out of my entity model I am near constantly getting the following error:

"The metadata specified in the connection string could not be loaded. Consider rebuilding the web project to build assemblies that may contain metadata. The following error(s) occurred:"


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WCF / ASMX ::Metadata Publishing For Service Disabled?

Mar 22, 2011

At random, we get the "Metadata publishing for this service is currently disabled." message. There is nothing I can do to make it go away, iisreset, deleting all websites, stopping all sites, etc. If I open any site, I get that same message. The only site that remains functional is Outlook Web Access, the other 20 ASP.NET just fail. Is there a way to trace where the message is coming from? I have no default binding in IIS (Removed the default site), and the site keeps responding with this message after stopping the sites that bind to the specific url. The frustrating is that there is nothing I can do to reproduce or solve the error, even the more drastic steps.

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EF4 Error: Unable To Load The Specified Metadata Resource

Oct 26, 2010

I have just deployed my ASP.NET MVC 2 application using EF 4 and I am getting the following error:

Unable to load the specified metadata resource.

On my local machine it runs fine with no errors. This error only comes now when I deployed to the server. I have my enity data model file in MyProject.EntityModel. I used the POCO entity generator to separate my context and entities. These 2 are in another project called MyProject.Entities. I have the connection strings in the app.config in the 2 projects exactly the same. The connection string in the web.config in my MVC app is also the same. I'm not sure why this is giving me issues? I'm also running the app in IIS (that comes with Windows 7) and it works fine. The IIS version on the server is 6 (I think). Here is the full error message:

Message: Unable to load the specified metadata resource.
Source: System.Data.Entity
StackTrace: at System.Data.Metadata.Edm.MetadataArtifactLoaderCompositeResource.LoadResources(String assemblyName, String resourceName, ICollection`1 uriRegistry, MetadataArtifactAssemblyResolver resolver)
at System.Data.Metadata.Edm.MetadataArtifactLoaderCompositeResource.CreateResourceLoader(String path, ExtensionCheck extensionCheck, String validExtension, ICollection`1 uriRegistry, MetadataArtifactAssemblyResolver resolver)
at System.Data.Metadata.Edm.MetadataArtifactLoader.Create(String path, ExtensionCheck extensionCheck, String validExtension, ICollection`1 uriRegistry, MetadataArtifactAssemblyResolver resolver)
at System.Data.Metadata.Edm.MetadataCache.SplitPaths(String paths)
at System.Data.Common.Utils.Memoizer`2.<>c__DisplayClass2.<Evaluate>b__0()
at System.Data.Common.Utils.Memoizer`2.Result.GetValue()
at System.Data.Common.Utils.Memoizer`2.Evaluate(TArg arg)
at System.Data.EntityClient.EntityConnection.GetMetadataWorkspace(Boolean initializeAllCollections)
at System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext.RetrieveMetadataWorkspaceFromConnection()
at System.Data.Objects.ObjectContext..ctor(EntityConnection connection, Boolean isConnectionConstructor)
at MyProject.HolsboerBFGA.Entities.HolsboerBFGAEntities..ctor()
at MyProject.HolsboerBFGA.WebMVC2.Controllers.HomeController..ctor()

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Web Forms :: Create Metadata Assembly For A Function?

Mar 23, 2010

i need create metadata assembly for a function..and i dont know how to create the step for creating assembly..

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MVC :: Call An Editor Method - Lose Your Metadata?

Apr 23, 2010

Ok I have this object.ascx. Everythings works fine in an Add scenario (model is null). However when the model isn't null I have metadata for the property in object.ascx then when I call Html.Editor(prop.PropertyName) I have a default instance of modelmetadata within that template. About the only value that is preserved is propertyname. My AdditionalValues are gone, IsRequired, Watermark etc all have default values. I'm seeing bizarro state driven behaviour like this all over the place when it comes to templates. It is peeving me.


So my question is: Why does having a non-null model cause a completely unexpected (and stupid) behaviour? I find it hard to believe this is intended.

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Web Forms :: Read / Add Metadata Of A Video File?

Aug 3, 2010

am trying to read the metadata of a video file and also change/add some fields to that.

Note: .Net 3.5, VB

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MVC :: Generate View With Loop And Metadata Class?

Feb 12, 2011

I'n trying to setup a view template dynamically using a foreach loop. The view template is as follows:


My metadata class is as follows:


The partial seems to render the labels correctly, displying the appropriate name for the fiields that I have annotated. However the value of the fields is always set to the class property name itself rather than the value of the given record itself.Now I'm pretty sure my problem is something stupid, but I can't see what I am missing. I followed Brad Wilson's guide here adjusting it for Razor's syntax:

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MVC :: Model Metadata And Strong Types Views?

Jan 14, 2010

In my project I use Strong Types Views. Because I find it nice structured.

public abstract class AbstractViewData: View Page ( ICollection Foo; )
public class HTML Component View Data: AbstractViewData ( string Foo2; )

I have the same structure in my code, as in the corresponding pages.And here starts the problems. I would like to use HTML.Display (o => o.Foo) could be a customer for that matter.But my Strong Types Views have not posted Metadata Model into my classes.Like: Return View ( "FooView", customer); would.Is there a way to write some code that can solve this problem for me?

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MVC :: How To Reuse Model Metadata For Custom View Models

Oct 19, 2010

I'm working on an ASP.NET MVC 2 project with some business entities that have metadata dataannotations attributes applied to them (Validation attributes, Display attributes, etc.).

Something like:


Using the metadata from different views is no problem, as long as I am using my business entities as viewmodels or as part of a viewmodel like this:


However, sometimes I need to code a view for editing some, but not all fields of an entity. For those fields I want to reuse the metadata already specified in my user entity. The other fields should be ignored. I'm talking about custom view models like this:


That's where I am running into problems. The custom view model above leads to an exception when the view is generated, because it has no password property.

The associated metadata type for type 'Zeiterfassung.Models.ViewModels.Users.UserNameViewModel+UserModel' contains the following unknown properties or fields: Password. make sure that the names of these members match the names of the properties on the main type.

Also, even if this exception did not occur, I expect to get into even more trouble with model validation on form submit because Password is marked as required in my business entity.

I can think of several workarounds, but none seem really ideal. In any case I can't change the database layout so that the password field would be in a separate entity in my example above.

How would you handle this scenario?

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