Get Physical Filepath From URL?

Sep 30, 2010

Is there a way to get the physical filepath from an ASP.NET's URL?

Scenerio: I have an app that is on two severs, but it will now be on lots more, and each server puts it in a different physical file path. Right now I'm doing this:

//for server 1
if (Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path).Contains(".com"))
{ Application["StoreFilesPath"] = "E:\Data\rootsite\f1\appsite\Upload\"; }
//for server 2
if (Request.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path).Contains(".net"))
{ Application["StoreFilesPath"] = "E:\Web\rootsite2\f34\abc\ghi\appsite\Upload\"; }

But what I need to do is something like this:

//for all servers
Application["StoreFilesPath"] = getPhysicalFilePath() +"\Upload\";

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Files 1000 - 2000 go to /path/1000s
Files 2001 - 3000 go to /path/2000s
Files 3001 - 4000 go to /path/3000s


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Bind("ImageURI") %>'

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Dec 22, 2010

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I am using IIS 6 and 2.0.

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Non Physical Location Authorization In IIS6?

Aug 30, 2010

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<location path="MyPath/ToThePage">


this is an Asp.NET MVC app, the path indicated in the path attribute points to an action method not a physical location.When this was running under IIS 7 integrated mode it was working fine. But when we switched to IIS 6 we get the login prompt even with the pages that are set to accept anonymous users.ow to make IIS 6 authorize anonymous access to non physical paths ?

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How To Determine The Physical Location Of Website

Jul 30, 2010

I've set up IIS7 on my home computer and have written a very basic ASP.NET website to be deployed on this webserver. Everything works great. How do I determine programmatically the physical path (for instance, "C:inetpub_MyWebsite") of the website? I need to write an XML file to the website's root folder dynamically and therefore need to know the folder's physical location.

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Jul 22, 2010

I use ASP.NET routing to rename the full paths of my URLs (ie. /page1/page2/file.aspx would just become /file.aspx). This doesn't work with web.config authorization, because that uses physical path/folder names.

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Regular Expression For Physical Path?

Jul 1, 2010

the javascript regular expression for physical path like

1) User Should enter something like this in the textbox( c://Folder1/) . Maybe in d: or e:

2) But after that acceptable

a) (c://Folder1/Folder2/)
b) (d://Folder1/Folder2/Folder3/abc.txt)
e) (c://Folder1/Folder2/Folder3/abc.txt)

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