HTML Partial Rendering Based On Multiple Dropdown Values?
Mar 29, 2010
I have a View that renders something like this:
"Item 1" and "Item 2" are <tr> elements from a table.
After the user change "Value 1" or "Value 2" I would like to call a Controller and put the result (some HTML snippet) in the div marked as "Result of...".
I have some vague notions of JQuery. I know how to bind to the onchange event of the Select element, and call the $.ajax() function, for example.
But I wonder if this can be achieved in a more efficient way in ASP.NET MVC2.
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Nov 8, 2010
I had successfully created a functionality where I can dynamically add rows and columns to a asp table by creating/re-creating controls on every page load.
I have 2 buttons - Add rows and Add columns that, basically according to a asp.,net page life cycle, occur in the following order and work perfectly fine.
Page load is fired and controls along with their viewstate are recreated. In Add row button click event - I just create a new table row and add controls to each cell dynamically.
Same thing with Add column, Delete Row and Delete Column button click events.
However, now I added a Dropdown which when its index is changed needs to retrieve values from the database and create controls based on those values and then also bind the Db values.
But it doesn't work correctly since the page cycle cannot capture the dropdown's selected value in page_load as the page_load fired first and then the selectedindexchanged event is fired later, the controls are not created.
I don't know how to handle this scenario and incorporate it into my existing code.
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Jan 15, 2010
I have two strongly Typed partial views (Developers list and Testers list) and the respective views are Developers.ascx and Testers.ascx Now I want to load one partial view based on the radiobutton selected.
How to read the value of the radiobutton option? if anyone can provide Code snippet or some guidelines.
Here is my parent Controller Code & View:
Parent Controller:
public ActionResult View IT People List(string type)
var developers = from d in itEntity.Developers select s; return View(developers);
Parent View:
<%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Mvc.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<IEnumerable<DataModel.Developers>>" %>
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="cphHead" runat="server">
<asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="cphContent" runat="server">
<h2>View All IT Dept List</h2>
<td><label for="txType">Select List:</label> </td>
<%= Html.RadioButton("Type", 1, true)%> Developers <%= Html.RadioButton("Type", 2, false)%> Testers
<td colspan = 2>
<%Html.RenderPartial("Developers", Model);%>
Two strongly Typed Controllers are:
public ActionResult Developers()
var developers = from d in itEntity.Developers select d; return View(developers);
public ActionResult Testers()
var testers = from t in itEntity.Testers select t; return View(testers);
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Sep 13, 2012
i have an application, i want to incorporate init the functionality of having the user select from a dropdown list a name, select multiple files (images), upload those images to a physical path on a server, save the image paths to a database on the said server.
If the user fails to select a name from the dropdown list then the user would receive an alert message stating that a name must be selected.
In addition once the files have been successfully saved to the server's physical location, then and only then should the path be uploaded to a table in the database.
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Feb 8, 2011
I have Multiple Dropdown list on my webform DropDownlist1, DropDownlist2,DropDownlist3,........,DropDownlist11, i wanted add all and result should e displayed in Textbox
Some thing like follows.
DropDownlist1+ DropDownlist2+DropDownlist3+........................+DropDownlist11=Textbox1.Text(Result)
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Mar 15, 2010
I have a question about how ASP.NET AJAX partial rendering actually works. Does it:
1) Renders the whole page on the server, transmits the whole page to the client, the client then merges just the area contained in the update panel.
2) Renders the whole page on the server, transmits and merges just the area contained by the update panel.
3) Renders, transmits and merges just the area contained by the update panel.
View 2 Replies
Feb 23, 2011
I'm populating a dropdown box bound to an sqldatasource. From the sqldatasource, I'm retrieving locationID,locationType and LocationName.
The locationName is displayed in the dropdown. The selected values is set to, "locationID'. Based on the 'LocationID' the user is directed to a new page.
However, I need to pass the "locationID" and also the "LocationTYpe" values for the selected Name, so the sure can be directed to a specific do I get BOTH values, 'locationID' and 'LocationType' when the user selects 'Location NAme' from drop down.
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Jun 25, 2010
I am trying to render a partial view and i can not get it to work. Probably i am missing something trivial, because what i am trying to do is really simple.
I have two controllers: NewsController and CommentController. In the "Details" view of the NewsController i'd like to render the partial view "List" of CommentController. So in Details.aspx i have this line:[Code]....
However, this line throws an excpetion:
"The controller for path '/News/Details/e4243192-55ea-4cfb-b8d3-9714cca4ff08' was not found or does not implement IController."
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Aug 17, 2010
I have a table, there is a column for "edit links" - i'd like to render a partial view under the table via JQuery - but i think i'm missing a step:
Heres the html:[Code]....
I hardcode the link and make it call the "editCloset" js function, hopefully thatll call my Controller, thatll build the ViewModel, and return the View that uses it - so it can be rendered in the PartialView contained in div id="Slots"Right now - im not able to get into the controller, so i missing something i think Heres the controller:
And heres the partial view "_ManageSlots"
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Nov 25, 2010
Just to get it work, I got a controller action that make use of a switch statement to decide which partial view to render, based on one of the members of the model passed in. (Written by someone else for what it matter...I'm just cleaning up)
The viewmodel is overcomplicated, but that's not my decision right now and just have to live with it.
All partial's get rendered passing the same viewmodel, just a different partial get called.
View 5 Replies
Jul 22, 2010
I have an ASP.NET application which calls aspx-pages in other ASP.NET applications (all on the same server and the same solution). This aspx-pages should be shown in a (fixed) region on the main-site in that way that that only the embedded pages is renewed, during user interactions there. Is an IFRAME the only way to achieve this goal, or can I use for example theAJAX update-panel or are there further possibilities / techniques?
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Nov 15, 2010
I have a panel that is initially hidden and is shown when a button is clicked. There is javascript inside that panel and it doesn't execute after the panel is set to be visible. I can see that javascript function gets outputted on page but it is not called. What can I do to make it so that function gets called? Here is an example:
<asp:LinkButton id="lbtn" runat="server" Text="show" OnClick="lbtn_Click" />
<asp:UpdatePanel id="upnl" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<asp:panel id="pnlContent" runat="server" visible="false">
content initially hidden.
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="lbtn"/>
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Nov 24, 2010
What is the best way to build a progress page? In short, I want a user to complete a series of "setup steps" and hit a "Start" button. I would like them to be immediately redirected to a "Progress" page that will show them the progress of each step. In my case these would be: Shutdown device, copy file, Start device.
My approach so far is to build a Progress View page and use partial views. Here is what I have so far. I would like the Progress page to show up right away even if the ShutdownStatus View has not finished rendering. At some point, I plan on including a progress bar but right now I'm just curious as to how I can show the Progress page immediately then show each partial View as it completes.
<asp:Content ID="Content2" ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
View 8 Replies
Nov 25, 2010
I am quite new to MVC and am gradually overcoming all my 'but WebForms can do that' issues but I still have one. I wish to have components which I can deploy into an Area in order to keep things nice and tidy. This area will have a bunch of re-usable partial views like this. MyArea/Views/Shared/MyAreaControl.ascx I can render this MyAreaControl partial view fine in other Views inside that area but it fails when I try to render it from a not inside the area (e.g. view in the root of the site). I am essentially using this syntax
<% Html.RenderPartial("MyAreaControl", new { area = "MyArea" }); %>
which seems to only look for this partial view inside the root Views folder, not the area one despite me specifying the area. Is this a restriction of the system, a bug - or am I just doing it wrong. ADDENDUM: Turns out it appears to be an assembly issue. My controller is found in a separate assembly from my MVC Application. Doing a bit of fiddling with moving my control inside and outside of the area and the separate dll I came to the following confusion:
- If partial view is in its own area and the controller is part of the MVC application dll - I can render it from my home view
- If partial view is not in its own area and the controller is part of an external dll I can render it from my home view
- If partial view is not in its own area and the controller is part of the MVC application dll - I can render it from my home view
- If partial view is in its own area and the controller is part of an external dll I CANNOT render it from my home view
The controller for path '/' was not found or does not implement IController.
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Jan 11, 2011
UpdatePanel1 contains dynamic controls and a Treeview,
UpdatePanel2 contains Image, and UpdatePanel3 contians dispaly information and several buttons. I set up the Triggers in the UpdatePanels.
however when I click one of the Buttons the dynamic controls in UpdatePanel1 get wiped out but the state of the rest of the controls seems ok. I would like for the dynamic controls to stay.
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Jul 15, 2010
partial rendering using update panel .I was wondering when a control is clicked in an update panel does the entire page is sent as an asynchronous call or the just the content of the update panel , the server process the entire page or just the update panel content that is being changed.
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Jul 20, 2010
I am using a table and within the table i have gridview and textbox controls. On the rowcommand i am populating the data in text boxes. On top of the table i am using updatepanel for partial page rendering. When i select a row from gridview the text boxes are not populating, the table disappears.Below is the code
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Jan 31, 2011
I have to create facebook style wall in my project. So far I assume that I will get X(the number that needs to be shown be default) number of wall posts from database, bind them to some control like Repeater and add update panel in each row in repeater so that only the portion of page only related to that post is updated once any new comment is added in that post.
Now, since I am new to AJAX so cant figure out how to display the "older post" link functionality there. As we have link at the bottom of facebook wall which once clicked appends the certain number of older posts at the end of the wall.
Similarly, once a new post is added by someone, it gets added at the top of the wall, how can I acheive that so tha only the limited portion at the top of the wall gets refersed and updated instead of whole page post back.
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Feb 27, 2010
I am reading a tutorial article on this site about Partial Rendering using ScriptManager.EnablePartialRendering - [URL] The article uses button_click to demonstrate Partial Rendering without full page reload. I copy exactly the same codes but everytime I click the button the page refreshes.
I have examined after the page is loaded - ScriptManager1.EnablePartialRendering = true ScriptManager1.SupportsPartialRendering = true I am using vs2005 .NET 2.0 and AJAX extension 1.0 (same version as used in the article)
View 6 Replies
Jan 4, 2010
I have created a class UserDetailsModel.cs in my folder model. I have populated a selectedList in the model class.
I have create a view which is both strongly-typed and partial and the view data class is the abc.cs
I have the following code in the view
However, i`m getting the error of
View 10 Replies
Apr 14, 2010
I am building a ASP.NET 3.5 website, with WCF as the service layer. I have created an HTML table on the webform, and i am rendering a Drop down list inside it, embedded as in item template/
When i run it in IE7, it doesnot display the drop down boxes in the table. however, this works perfectly fine in IE8 or IE6.
Is there any known issue of compatability of IE7 with 3.5 webforms?
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Mar 4, 2011
I have a gridview where i have two fields. one is product and second is sub category.
I need to do 2 things.
1. I need to populate the two combos from the database. But depending what is selected in dropdown 1 this will determine what needs to be populated in drop down 2?
how can i achieve this?
View 2 Replies
Jul 9, 2010
I have a category and a subcategory column in a Jqgrid. I have enabled inline editing, both category and subcategory are dropdownlists columns (edittype:'select'). I need to filter the subcategory list based on the selected category. I wonder how can I acheive this functionlity? I tried the below event but its not working for me
afterEditCell: function(rowid, celname, value, iRow, iCol) {
//to do here
the above event doesn't get fired. my all column are editable
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Sep 16, 2010
I am a complete newcomer to ASP.NET. However in the few weeks I have been playing with it I have got pretty far and have mastered things like stored procedures, gridviews, formviews and templates.I have a dropdown box which is populated from SQLDataSource1
I have a second dropdown box which is populated from SQLDataSource2, but i need the query feeding this to be dependent on what was selected in the first dropdown box. I assumed it would simply be a case of modifying the select statement on SQLDataSource2 using the SelectedIndexChanged event on the first DropDownList to update the second SQL source, but I cannot work out for the life of me how to do it. Pretty much all of the code I have is ASP.
can i do this purely in ASP rather than using VB behind the scenes or do I need to use VB? I am pretty comfortable with but one of the other issues I have is referencing an ASP object from VB... so for instance if I had a text box in ASP, how can I read or change the properties of this object from VB?
FYI I am using Visual Studio 2010 and SQL/Server
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Oct 22, 2010
how to populate a dropdown list box based on selected value in another.
dropdown list box? Say, for example, the first dropdown is a list of car manufactures. When a user selected a manufacture from that dropdown list, the second dropdown would list would automatically gets populated with all the car models for that manufacture.
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