HTML To RTF Converter For .NET?

Jan 11, 2010

I've already seen lots of posts on the site for RTF to HTML and some other posts talking about some HTML to RTF converters, but I'm really trying to get a full breakdown of what is considered the most widely used commercial product, open source product or if people recommend going home grown. Apologies if you consider this a duplicate question, but I'm trying to create a product matrix to see what is the most viable for our application.

The converter would be used in an ASP.NET 2.0 application (we're upgrading to 3.5 shortly but still sticking with WebForms) using SQLServer 2005 (soon 2008) as the DB.

From reading a few posts, SautinSoft appears to be popular as a commercial component. Are there other commercial components that you'd recommend for converting HTML to RTF? Price does matter, but even if it's a little on the expensive side, please list it.

For open source, I read that can be run as a service so that it can convert files. However, this appears to be only Java based. I imagine, I'd need some kind of interop to use this? What .NET open source components, if any, are out there for converting HTML to RTF?

For home grown, is an XSLT the way to go with XHTML? If so, what component do you recommend for generating XHTML? Otherwise, what other home grown avenuses do you recommend.

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<asp:Repeater ID="RepeaterF" runat="server" DataSourceID="DSF" >
If Eval("Item_Batch") = 0 Then
%><tr><td></td><td colspan="2"></td><td></td></tr><%
Else %>........

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function setData(associateValue, reviewDateValue) {
var associate = document.getElementById("Associate");
var reviewDate = document.getElementById("ReviewDate");
associate.value = associateValue;
reviewDate.value = reviewDateValue;

Here is the asp .net mvc line where I'm attempting to create a Radio button with a click event that calls the above function and passes data from the model as javascript parameter values.

<%= Html.RadioButton("Selected", item.Selected, new { onClick="setData('<%=item.Associate%>','<%=item.ReviewDate%>' )" } )%>

The above throws a bunch of compile issues and doesn't work. A call such as the following does call the javascript, but doesn't get the data from the model.

<%= Html.RadioButton("Selected", item.Selected, new { onClick="setData('item.Associate','item.ReviewDate' )" } )%>
<%= Html.RadioButton("Selected", item.Selected, new { onClick="setData('item.Associate','item.ReviewDate' )" } )%>
<% String functionCall = String.Format("setData('{0}','{1}')", Html.Encode(item.Associate), Html.Encode(item.ReviewDate )) ; %>
<%= Html.RadioButton("Selected", item.Selected, new { onClick=functionCall } )%>

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Roy, 2/11/2011:
Sree, 2/11/2011:

But it gets saved in some HTML format in Database as follows.


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<%= Html.ActionLink("mylinktext1", "bar") %>
<%= Html.ActionLink<MyController>(x => x.Bar(), "mylinktext2") %>

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<a href="/bar">mylinktext1</a>
<a href="/Bar">mylinktext2</a>

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<% Html.RenderAction<MyController>(x => x.Foo()); %>

Then the links are rendered without targets.

<a href="">mylinktext1</a>
<a href="">mylinktext2</a>

Why would this be happening, and how do I work around it?

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Convert Html In A Textbox / Need To Enter Html Code Into (like < Strong>?

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C# - Clean Up Poorly Formed HTML Using HTML Agility Pack?

Mar 21, 2011

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<p class="someclass">
<font size="3">
<font face="Times New Roman">[code]....

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Feb 9, 2010

anyone knows how to replace a html tag in a string with specific characters:


string s1 = "<span style="italic">inluding <span style="bold">other</span> tags </span>";
string s2 = "<span style="italic">inluding </span><span style="bold">other tags </span>";

i want to replace "span" with "bold" to "bOpen" and "bClose" and to replace "span" with "italic" to "iOpen" and "iClose" in both c# and javascript.

i did use regular expression to do that: res = Regex.Replace(res, ".*?", replaceHtmlBold); but it cant match the nested tag and none-nested tag at the same time.

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Can Assign HTML Values In MVC View Using HTML Helpers

May 17, 2010

is this right? i am trying to display value in input box dynamically?

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HTML Codes In Strongly Typed HTML Helpers

Jan 20, 2011

So, I am having a hard time getting this to work. I am trying to add some typographic HTML codes to some labels I have strongly typed to my model.

<%: Html.LabelFor(m => m.Name) %>

I am using data annotations to customize the DisplayName of the property:

[DisplayName("Your friend’s name")]
public string Name { get; set; }

However the actual code is being displayed for the label:

Your friend’s name

I have also tried just using the old write method:

<%= Html.LabelFor(m => m.Name) %>

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MVC: When To Use Custom HTML Helper Methods Vs Html.RenderAction

Feb 10, 2010

It's a little unclear for me on when to use a custom helper method and when to use RenderAction and also when to simply use ViewData instead. Some of their functions overlap slightly.

For example, if I were to create a Category navigation bar, would I create a new helper method and place that in some partial view? I had initially though of doing this, but I read on some blog to use RenderAction instead.

Assume the list of categories is coming from some data source.

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MVC :: Validating Is Not Working When Put HTML.TextBox Instead Of HTML.TextBoxFor?

Dec 4, 2010

I have a comment form inside the blog posts. in the form, if the user is authenticated, I will assign the values of the user into textboxes. that part is as follows;


But when I add HTML.TextBox instead of HTML.TextBoxFor, I am not getting validation if the user erase the fileds. Also, this form is inside the indext page and it is related to another action as follows;


so I cannot assign ModelState.AddModelError from controller.

What should I do here.

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Html Helper Html.RouteLink Possible To Place Image?

Aug 30, 2010

<%= Html.RouteLink(">>>", new { page = (Model.PageIndex + 1) },null)%>

Is it possible to set image instead ">>>" and how?

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