How Can Search A Keyword From A Database(all The Tables) Using A Single Query
Oct 2, 2010
i am developing a web site in Asp.Net using Visual Studio 2008.i want to know that how can i search a keyword that will be entered by the user, i want the key word should be searched in complete database(all the tables)using a single query.I am using sql database. how can the keyword be searched using like parameter...
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i have make aquery---- string queryString = "SELECT Id , name " + "FROM TourHeader WHERE name like'%" + key + "%'AND city like'%" + key + "%' AND city like'%" + destin + "%'AND name like'%" + destin + "%'";
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private void GridView1_BindData()
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(connStr);
SqlDataAdapter dAd = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT kart_DemoOrder.OrderID,
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OR P.sku
+ @Keywords
As you can see I'm using the CONTAINS statement and searching against the name and description fields.I would like to give the results a weight (or score) based on how often the word shows up and in what field.Example:if the word shows up in the name field -- give it 2 points every time the words appears.if the word shows up in the description field -- give it 1 point every appearance.Then ORDER the query based on the Score. And, perhaps add a where clause that the Score > 1 or some value.I realize, I will probably have to re-write my query and this "point" system may not be possible, but I know there is a way to weight results, but can't find any help online. I would also assume, this would be done in temp tables and select statements and directly in the where clause.
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