SQL Server :: Search Word In All Tables / Columns Of Database

Sep 15, 2010

I am developing the Home page of a Client. Apart from various things on this home page I have a text box and search button. Having said that, I have a database in which I have almost 12 tables with varying number of columns. Now my question is,Is there anyway to search a word typed by a user in the textbox to search it in all the tables(all columns) of the database.

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Sep 17, 2010

How can I search a word in all the columns of a table?

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SQL Server :: Database With Less Number Of Tables And More Columns

Sep 28, 2010

What would you all suggest a database with less number of tables and more number of columns or more number of tables with less number of columns. I am developing a web application using Visual stuio 2005 and Sql Server 2005

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Data Controls :: Separate Out And Search Comma Separated Values In Database Columns In SQL Server

Dec 27, 2012

I have one table in sql server called student_info

In this table keys kills column contain value like below



I want to search the student information based on keyskills like naukri

1.Any keyskills from textbox1
2.All keyskills from textbox2
3.Except keyskills from textbox3

When I enter c,c++ or c++,c in textbox1 then it will dispaly all the student whose have c,c++ keyskill

How to achieve this.

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DataSource Controls :: Word Search In Sql Server Without Full Text Search On Particular Column?

Jan 27, 2010

I want a word search i doing the search like this , but it is giving character wherever there is in the string,if i give two character like ok it is searching for a full string where ever Ok is there select * from table1 where textfield like '%word%' this query would match word but also wordabc how can i make it aware of delimitions

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Search Multiple Tables In Database Via Textbox?

Mar 31, 2010

I have created a search page which outputs results in a repeater. It uses a stored procedure to search a table %like a textbox value, what's the best way to make it search multiple tables and output the results on one button click?

As i could just use seperate stored procedures and repeaters for each table i want to search, which is only 2, but this seems inefficient.

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DataSource Controls :: No Of Tables And Columns In Database?

Jun 15, 2010

I want to know that how many tables we can have in database and what is the maximum no. of columns.I also want to know the maximum size for each datatype.

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SQL Server :: How To Search For Possible Matches Of Word

Nov 11, 2010

I am not that good in SQL syntax and need some help. I am trying to create some search functionality for my website. Basically it just has to search for product names. Now I have a simple statement like SELECT * FROM Products WHERE ProductName LIKE '%' + @ProdName + '%' This statement does not fit to my requirements.I have 2 issues:

1. Assuming someone searches for "blocks". The result that I get is product names with the word "blocks" in it, however I would also like to display results with product names the have the word "block" in it i.e without the "s" In short I want to match the possible product names from the keyword e.g block, blocks, blocking etc I dont want it to search the exact name but may be just partially. If the keyword contains the exact word from the product name, well and good but it should also display the products where the keyword is partially matching.

2. Assuming someone searches for the words "concrete blocks". I get the result with products that have the words "concrete blocks" only. But I would also like to get the result with say "Louvre Blocks" in the total results displayed.So can someone kindly help me sort out my issues. Sorry if im repeating words but im just trying to make an understandable point.

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How Can Search A Keyword From A Database(all The Tables) Using A Single Query

Oct 2, 2010

i am developing a web site in Asp.Net using Visual Studio 2008.i want to know that how can i search a keyword that will be entered by the user, i want the key word should be searched in complete database(all the tables)using a single query.I am using sql database. how can the keyword be searched using like parameter...

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ADO.NET :: How To Create A Table Which Is The Combination Of Different Columns In Database Tables

Jan 12, 2011

How to create a table which is the combination of different columns in database tables.

I know how to make the var table using single table.

What is I have to combine multiple coolumns and create a table.

My requirement is a gridview which has a datasource which is loading from columns from multiple tables.

View 13 Replies

Columns Of Two Related Database Tables In One GridView With EntityDataSource

Feb 17, 2010

I have two SQL Server tables with Primary Keys (PK) and a Foreign Key (FK) linking the two tables:

1) Table "Order"

OrderID, int, PK
AddressID, int, FK

2) Table "Address"

AddressID, int, PK
City, nvarchar(50)

Then I've created an (ADO.NET) Entity Data Model out of those two tables. Now on my (ASP.NET) webpage I put a GridView with an EntityDataSource. In my GridView I want to display two columns:

OrderID City (belonging to that order and linked by the AddressID-key) How can I do that? My problem is: When I configure the Entity Data Source I can select an "EntitySetName" which can be either "Order" or "Address" but not both, nor can I select any kind of relationship. If I select "Order" as EntitySetName
then in the GridView I can add the columns


Adding the column "Address" displays empty cells. Adding "OrderID" and "Address.AddressID" displays the expected IDs. But how can I add the "City" of the related address to my GridView? Edit: Clarification:

The Entity Framework has created a class "Order" and a class "Address" corresponding to the database tables. The class "Order" has a reference to an "Address" object as a navigation property, corresponding to the 1-n relationship between Address and Order table. Basically I want to have a column in my GridView which displays Order.Address.City. I have tried to add a bound field with "Address.City" as data field to the GridView but it results in a runtime error ("no such property...").

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SQL Server :: Search Word In Column Separated By Enter Key?

Jul 30, 2010

how can i separate words in db column separated by enter key. I am entering data in a multi line textbox directly to db, and i want to search a word in that column. Since the words are seperated by enter key, how can i separate the words to search. If i use like i can't search the exact word is there..

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SQL Server :: Using BulkCopy To Map Columns In Tables

Nov 8, 2010

using sql server 2005 and vb.net 2005. I am writing a console application to import a mass amount of data from a non-sql database table into a sql server database table. The destination db table (sql server) has fewer tables than the source db table so I need to map the columns. does anyone have an example of how to do this?

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Data Controls :: Search Multiple Tables In Database And Display Result In GridView?

Apr 5, 2014

I want make a search by which want find data and display in gridview.

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SQL Server :: Add New Columns (with Data) To The Existing Sql Tables?

Jul 14, 2010

I have two sql tables.

- (Fields:PersonID, FirstName, LastName, Role, Department)


- (fields: PersonID, Unit).

I want to merge those with a single table ( Fields:PersonID, FirstName, LastName, Role, Department, Unit). How can I query to accomplish this so that same personID data go to same row ? ANY QUERY ?? (I have an idea : both export to excel and merge into a single excel file and import to SQL table but due to very long data it was truncated last time when importing so I don't want to reimport again.)

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SQL Server :: Full Text Search In A Word Document - How To Highlight The String

Aug 17, 2010

I´m currently programming a web search application in ASP.Net and having problem with full text searching. My requirements are:

1. Save a byte array from SQL server to word document as a temp file in a server side?

2. How to highlight the string I am currently searching in the Word document and return to the user the sentence with the highlighted string (like on Bing or any other search engines)? Is it possible to fullfill this requirement with full-text search integrated in SQL Server 2008?

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SQL Server :: Search Multiple Tables Via Stored Procedure?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm a novice in .NET programming. I was trying to figure a way to make a MULTI TABLE search via a stored procedure for my website. I've written a SP to select records from one table, which isn't working for some unknown reasons:


Whatever I search for, the datagrid is displaying all records from my table.

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DataSource Controls :: Search Various Database Columns Based On User's Input?

Nov 18, 2010

I have five textboxes(tb1, tb2, ... tb5) on the page, each textbox represent a column in the database table.

I need to search the database table based on the text in the textboxes. User can either enter text in all five textboxes or none.

What's the best way to do a search?

I am thinking for one textbox(tb1), depends on if tb1.text is empty or not, I need to do 2 searches


for two textboxes(tb1 & tb2), depends on if tb1.text and/or tb2.text are empty or not, there are 4 combinations, so I need to do 4 searches


for three textboxes, there are 8 combinations,

Does that mean for five textboxes, I need to do 2 to the power of 5, 32 combinations, 32 if statements?

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Data Controls :: Search Multiple Columns In Database And Display Results

Dec 8, 2012

I want to search record based on  Name, ID, Date, Report Type. from same table with one textbox. I can do search with one column how can do it with multiple column ...

protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(TextBox1.Text);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM Transactions where report_type = @report_type ");
cmd.Connection = con;

[Code] .....

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SQL Server :: Search Criteria For Multiple Columns?

Nov 18, 2010

im trying to write a query. for my ui ,i have 3 text boxes for firstname,flightno,sequencenumber.

i input search value on particular textbox it has to be searched on particular column of my db in a single stored procedure.

im using this procedure but it retrives only one column at atime. so like this i need to write three procedures.

but i have only one GO button.

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spp_searchUsers3]
@lastname nvarchar(50),
@Value varchar(50)
DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(500)
SET @SQL = 'SELECT firstname,flightnumber,lastname,status FROM tbl_pregister WHERE '
+ @lastname + ' LIKE ''%' + @Value + '%'''

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SQL Server :: Search Multiple Columns Of Different Datatypes From 1 Parameter?

Nov 11, 2010

We have 2 tables that i need to search thru..we are trying to be as flexible as possible with this search page.. a very stripped down version of how search engines are setup..

You have 1 textbox and are free to enter what ever you want..

Well in our case.. we want to setup a textbox on the page.. and pass that into our procedure and have it look thru 5 differnet columns ( id, date, name, time, number )

So if i enter say 1974 into the field, i want to go find any record that contains that in any of the 5 columns..

Is this possible without using SQL Full text indexing??

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SQL Server :: How To Save Pdf Files In Database And Create A Search Engine To Search For Pdf Files

Sep 28, 2010

in my project i would like to save pdf files in database, how to save pdf files in database ? along with that i would like to create create a search page to search for pdf files with PDF file names , how to accoplish these things

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SQL Server :: Get Only Two Word In Database?

Aug 21, 2010

i have a feild in database where we store data like


i want only first to word to show in textbox1 like(only PT).

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SQL Server :: Upload A File(word Or Pdf) To Database

Jan 30, 2011

i want to save afile(word or pdf) to database table and allow user to download itStored Procedure

alter procedure addAttachments
@ENo varchar(6),
@CID nvarchar(7),
@ATT image,
@Date nvarchar(50),

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Controls :: Automatically Replace Word In TextBox With Word In Database On Button Click

May 7, 2015

I have text box and submit button in my page and I have 2 table 1- WORD table   2-name table in database

when I click on submit button it insert textbox.text in database in Name table

I define some word in my word table like:

badly and other words

Now I want if users enter word's that is in Word table when they click on submit button it replace that word with this word-->"GOOD"

How I can do it?

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