How Do Display Total Number Of Rows In A Table Into A Label

Oct 6, 2010

i use sql server 2005 and Visual Studio 2008.

I am using and for my website.

i have a table with number of rows 50,000.

i want to display the number of rows at my table in a Label when the page is on load.

so can u give me the code or the hint?

my second question is.

my table has around 50,000 items.

and i have a search box, it look like this

str= select * from mytable where item='car'

the item Car is located in my table in row number of 45,000.

i guess when i search from the table where the item is car, then it will search row by rows, then as the number of rows become huge, it will be so late to find the result.

so is there any method how to search from table with good speed of searching?

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Setting Label Text To Number Of Rows With JQuery?

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This is my code but nothing happens.

$(document).ready(function() {
var totalRows = $("#<%=GridView3.ClientID %> tr").length;
document.getElementById('Label6').InnerHTML = totalRows;

this is what i ended up using

var rqnum = $("#<%=GridView3.ClientID %> tr").length - 1;
document.getElementById('rqnum').innerHTML = rqnum;
var oknum = $("#<%=GridView4.ClientID %> tr").length - 1;
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var xlnum = $("#<%=GridView5.ClientID %> tr").length - 1;
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var dynum = $("#<%=datalist1.ClientID %> tr").length / 3;
document.getElementById('dynum').innerHTML = dynum;

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<script type="text/javascript">
function multiplication(txtQuantity, txtRate, txtAmount) {
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var rate = document.getElementById(txtRate).value;
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FROM Reservation
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protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (txtSearch.Text == "") {
lblMessage.Text = "";
lblMessage.Text = "Empty charchter, Try Again";


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Label1.Text = GridView1.Rows.Count.ToString()
Dim ONYO As Integer = 0
Dim DONE As Integer = 0
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[Code] .....

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May 7, 2015

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