How To Access Localised Resources In A File

Aug 24, 2010

I have an ashx file which returns a localised message. This is called from an Ajax request. I need to access the ResourceManager in the ashx file.

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Similar Messages:

How To Access Resources File From A Referenced Library Project

Mar 9, 2010

I have an ASP.Net website, "MyApp", which contains the following resources files:


The website references a library project, "MyLib" from which I want to access those resources files. Here is the code I'm attempting:

var rm = new ResourceManager("MyApp", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
subject = rm.GetString("HelloMessage"); //always string.empty

The problem is that the executing assembly is always "MyLib" instead of "MyApp". Is it possible to access the resource files embedded in the website project from a library project?

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How To Access Local Resources (file, Printer,scanner) - Attached To Client PC

Jan 24, 2011

My application creates some images at client machine using client side scripting VBScript. I want to store those images in database, so I need some way to bring those images to server without any interaction with users (means I can not use the file upload control).Along with this, application would also like to use the printer attached to client's machine (it could be her network printer), without showing printer dialog.

Basically I need to create some client piece, dll which will handle the scanning, printing and uploading images from client pc to server and web application will interact with this dll.How could I achieve this? I explored a lot on internet. many articles suggest that use activex control, but how in c#?

I am not asking any spoonfeeding. Please show me correct article or small working sample or example, I would figure out the rest.

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C# - What Does The <% $Resources:My.Resource %> Access

May 25, 2010

I tried searching, but I guess the <% $ %> triggers something on google and it turns up nothing. What is this accessing in an .aspx page? I've used the = but never a $.

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Granting Access To Local Resources?

Apr 13, 2010

I have an ASP.NET web application that runs on a windows server 2003 server. there is a form that reads and writes data to an xml file inside the application's directory.

I always grant the NETWORK SERVICE user full control on my application folder so that it can read and write to the xml file. I put the application on another windows server 2003 server and did the same steps above but i was getting an Access denied exception on the form that reads and writes to the xml.

I did some search and found that if you grant the user ASPNET full control to the directory it would work, I did that and it worked fine. my question is: what is the difference between granting full control permissions to NETWORK SERVICE and ASPNET users ? and what can be the difference between the two servers that caused this issue ?

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How To Access External Resources From Website Aspx

Feb 26, 2010

My current solution consists of several Class Libraries and a Website. I'm in the process of globalizing the application and I realized that my resources need to be accessed by all the projects not just the website so placing my resources in the App_GlobalResources folder didn't work.

I added my resources to one my class Libraries and now I'm trying to figure out what the best way of accessing the resources are from my markup. When my resources were in the App_GlobalResources folder I was able to access them by using an expression such as this:

<$ Resources: MyApp.Name %> for server controls Or
<%=Resources.MyApp.Name %> for plain text

What's the best way of accessing my Resources from my website aspx files now that they are in a Class Library DLL?

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Determine Account IIS 7 Is Using To Access Folders (and Other Resources)?

Apr 8, 2010

Often, out of sheer desperation I will end up enabling "Everyone" access on a folder that a web app is accessing (perhaps for file creation, reading, etc) because I can't figure which user account to enable access on.

Obviously, this is a very bad thing to do. Is there a way to determine what account IIS is using at that exact moment to access folders (and perhaps other resources like SQL Server, etc)?

Are there logs I can look at that will tell me? Or perhaps some other way? I usually use Windows Auth without impersonation. Not sure if that information is relevant.

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MVC :: Hiding File-types And Resources With Routing?

Sep 28, 2010

does someone know elegant way to hidde/prevent direct access to some filetypes or web site resources, but that this resources remain accessible from application.

For example that mp3's in Music folder on cannot be accessed directly via url like [URL] With routing off course.

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How To Show Message From Global Resources File In Pop Up Window

Jan 6, 2010

i am getting error using this syntax

this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(string), "Test", " alert('<%=Resources.Text.Header_Login%>');");

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Web Forms :: Embedded Swf File With Its External Resources To Content Page?

Mar 8, 2011

Under Visual Studio 2010, I'm developing an application. I added a folder to my project called Flash. Under Flash folder I added a swf file with its external resources to run.

The folder content:
1- ScrollingImages.swf file to lunch the flash
2- ScrollingImages.xml file that the swf file uses to read images from thumbnails folder
3-thumbnails folder which content images used by swf file. I can embed the swf file to html easily using this code:


But when I use the same code to embed it to page I will have a problem that the flash will run but I cannot see the images so the swf file unable to locate the xml file and the folder of the images location and they all in the same folder.Here is the code I used in the content page.


I also tested it in page and I'm getting same result no images appear. I know that the problem is related to who to embed the swf external resources (the xml file and the images folder) to the page but I searched a lot and I could solve it.

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Localization :: Update Xxx.resources File On Server - Error Message?

Jul 15, 2010

I'm making changes to some xxx.resources files on our web server, everytime I try and copy the new file out to the server I keep getting the error:

'the process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.'

I get this for about 20 minutes or so after I check the web site. Is there another way to update/copy the xxx.resources file on the web server without waiting 20 minutes or so to do so?

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Web Forms :: Resource Name '.Resources.resources' Cannot Be Used More Than Once

Feb 3, 2011

I have recently upgraded to VS 2010 and converted my web site into a web application. Now, when I attempt to build, I receive the error:

Resource name '<name>.Resources.resources' cannot be used more than once.

There is no page name or anything, and I have completely exhausted all that Google has to offer.

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Does Access To Server Resources Require Client Process To Login To Server Machine

Sep 22, 2010

Reposting my unanswered in question?

MSDN "ASP.NET Delegation" article tells:

1) "When you configure to use a particular account as the process identity, ASP.NET attempts to delegate that account. If it is a local account that is identical (including password) to a local account on a remote machine, delegation is possible. If such an account does not exist on the remote machine, to the network it appears as the Windows anonymous account (NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON). In addition, delegation is also possible if the account is a domain account that has access to the remote machine, in which case it uses the domain network identity of that account."

The same frequently repeated story as in case of manually/interactively accessing remote computer (server resource) in workgroup - it is necessary to create local account with the same username, the same password. But why?

If a workgroup Windows client process cannot access resources on server machine without having duplicate of such (local) account on target machine already pre-created,does it mean that client (process, machine, or user) can access server resources only by/after having logged (opening logon session) into server machine? Or, how to understand that such access is impossible without having corresponding duplicate local account on server machine?

The same MSDN "ASP.NET Delegation" article tells:

"NetworkService account. It behaves the same as the System account. This account possesses the network credentials associated with the machine account (domainnamemachinename) in the domain of which it is a member"

Does not any Windows have accounts ((NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE)? as well as many other common pre-built accounts? Why are they installed (before any joining to domain) but cannot be used for remote network access and client identification ? And what is identity used when the process from workgroup Windows under identity ((NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE) accesses a remote server?

My related questions:

domained LocalSystem vs. non-domained LocalSystem account in Windows-es ? how to check group membership of an "NT AUTHORITY" account ? Is client LocalSystem (SYSTEM) identified by target/server machine? and in which context? Window workgroup LocalSystem vs. domain (AD) LocalSystem [closed]how to better set up machine for development both in workgroup and Windows domain? [closed] interoperating with Windows domain computer from workrgroup Windows [closed] the context of local user of AD-joined machine? Is it of domain machine account or of local machine account? RunAs under domain account from non-AD Windows [closed] how to better set up machine for development both in workgroup and Windows domain? [closed] how to share the same domain machine account with multi-boot workgroup Windows setup?

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Subsequent Access To File. Error - The Process Cannot Access File It Is Being Used By Another

Mar 29, 2010

I simply want to create one file and then delete it, means I want to access one file subsequently. I am getting the very familiar error as shown in title. (Process can't access the file,) I have tried using file stream and all other stuff that I found from Googling but no success so far. Does any body have small and neat solution? in short, I would like to run the following statements without any error.File.Create("C:\hsp1.txt");

File.Open("C:\hsp1.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None);

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Access :: Creating An Excel File From Dataset Or Access File?

Nov 21, 2010

i have an application

c# code

i have adtabase in access and i craete adatset from it

i want to create excell file

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MVC :: Localization "resx File" With Satelite Resources

Jul 7, 2010

I have a class project with only localized .resx file, means An MVC project with a resource folder an in the public AxRes.resx neutral (en) resource what can be reached by project-name.resource.AxRes.label-name. If now the satelite dll is copied to inde the german label shoud appear, but it doesn't. What must be done when referencing satelite assemblies? Can all resources be in the class project, how to link these to my MVC project?

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Access :: Update Images Table In Microsoft Access DB Using File Uploader?

Jan 6, 2011

I have 4 file uploader in my form to upload 4 images in the DB for each article submitted. My issue when I want update/edit my article with some new pictures and I want delete or update the old pictures with the replacement with the new one.

How I can implement it? I am using ASP.NET based on VB.NOT .... NOT C#

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Access :: How To Create Data Access Layer Using Dataset.xsd File

Feb 3, 2010

Iam facing the problem with creating the Data Access layer using Dataset.xsd file and How to access the data from the file.

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Access :: Upload To Access DB / Restrict The File Type To .jpg?

Apr 18, 2010

i am building a member management site for a sports club, i have all the usual feilds

lastName, firstName, address1, address2, address3 ....

but they also want a photo

when i first made the DB i used access 2010 which uses the 2007 file type which supports attachments, however doesnt support the 2007 format. and the 2003 file type doesnt support attachments, i assume i use the OLE object data type but i have no idea how i get my aspx page "new.aspx" to upload an attachment. plus i want to restrict the file type to *.jpg

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Access :: Back Up And Restore Ms Access File

Jun 6, 2010

i just wanted to know how to perform back up and restore of Ms Access database on a folder on the remote server through c# code.

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Access :: Write In (mdb) File. Adox Vb Code For Save Textboxs Data In Mdb File?

Dec 21, 2010

there are an access file . >> "test_file.mdb"

there are a table in mdb file .>> "test_table1"

and there are 2 columns in "test_table1" >> "name" and "age"

and i have 2 textbox in my web form . >> "textbox_name" and "textbox_age"

and i have a button for save textbox_name.text and textbox_age.text in mdb file .

i need adox vb code for save textboxs data in mdb file .

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Access :: How To Open .Dat File In MS Access

Oct 7, 2010

I wan to edit Database file which is with .dat Extension.

The Connection string use in Configuration file that is.

<add name="TecsHomeConnectionString"
connectionString="Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=TecsHome.dat; Jet OLEDB:Database Password=fdsa"
providerName="System.Data.OleDb" />

I have TecsHome.dat file. I am opening it in MS Access using Passwored = fdsa but MS access prompting invalid Password

how can i open it if the given password in connectionstring is not working.

keep in mind i don't have source code. I just want to open .Dat Database file.

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Web Forms :: When Upload More Than One File Getting This Error "Cannot Access A Closed File "

Jul 1, 2010

whenever i m trying to upload more than one file i m getting this error "Cannot access a closed file. ". The file size is very small, the format is also .doc, .xls. The first file is uploaded correctly, no problem at all. The problem arise when system tries to write second file. Any ideas? On upload button event, I have taken all the files in httpfilecollection which i assign in session so that after attaching i can upload it later on save event. Problem occurs in save event that too on remote server. It's not happening on my local system.


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Web Forms :: Can Access GridView In Customer.aspx File From Another NewUserLogin.aspx File

Jun 23, 2010

How can I access my GridView in Customer.aspx file from another NewUserLogin.aspx file.

How should I chnge the access to my GridView to public so that I can chnge its values from another aspx file

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How To Get Resources Value

Mar 11, 2011

how can i get resources value

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