How To Access Local Resources (file, Printer,scanner) - Attached To Client PC

Jan 24, 2011

My application creates some images at client machine using client side scripting VBScript. I want to store those images in database, so I need some way to bring those images to server without any interaction with users (means I can not use the file upload control).Along with this, application would also like to use the printer attached to client's machine (it could be her network printer), without showing printer dialog.

Basically I need to create some client piece, dll which will handle the scanning, printing and uploading images from client pc to server and web application will interact with this dll.How could I achieve this? I explored a lot on internet. many articles suggest that use activex control, but how in c#?

I am not asking any spoonfeeding. Please show me correct article or small working sample or example, I would figure out the rest.

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Granting Access To Local Resources?

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I have an ASP.NET web application that runs on a windows server 2003 server. there is a form that reads and writes data to an xml file inside the application's directory.

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We have tried using the Crystal Report ActiveX for printing and it works fine if the user has the proper access rights to their PC but in the environment it will be deployed there is no guarentee this would be the case.

I'm looking for a method (that doesnt involve ActiveX) of printing a file saved on the server (example a PDF file) to the users local printer.

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How To Access Client's Local Files

Jun 24, 2010

it should be in but, it is urgent and important, wish someone here know the answer.

what I need do for an page is:

1) client select a file, or;
2) client select a folder;

Get file (or files in the folder)'s properties, something like name, ext, etc. and save to db.

it will be easy if it is a desktop app. however, in, how can I do that? do I have to upload all files to server first? is there a way to do this for all files in a folder? any third party control?

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Access Client's Local Files?

Jun 24, 2010

what I need do for an page is:

1) client select a file, or;

2) client select a folder; Get file (or files in the folder)'s properties, something like name, ext, etc. and save to db.

it will be easy if it is a desktop app. however, in, how can I do that? do I have to upload all files to server first? is there a way to do this for all files in a folder? any third party control?

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How To Access Resources File From A Referenced Library Project

Mar 9, 2010

I have an ASP.Net website, "MyApp", which contains the following resources files:


The website references a library project, "MyLib" from which I want to access those resources files. Here is the code I'm attempting:

var rm = new ResourceManager("MyApp", Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly());
subject = rm.GetString("HelloMessage"); //always string.empty

The problem is that the executing assembly is always "MyLib" instead of "MyApp". Is it possible to access the resource files embedded in the website project from a library project?

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Does Access To Server Resources Require Client Process To Login To Server Machine

Sep 22, 2010

Reposting my unanswered in question?

MSDN "ASP.NET Delegation" article tells:

1) "When you configure to use a particular account as the process identity, ASP.NET attempts to delegate that account. If it is a local account that is identical (including password) to a local account on a remote machine, delegation is possible. If such an account does not exist on the remote machine, to the network it appears as the Windows anonymous account (NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON). In addition, delegation is also possible if the account is a domain account that has access to the remote machine, in which case it uses the domain network identity of that account."

The same frequently repeated story as in case of manually/interactively accessing remote computer (server resource) in workgroup - it is necessary to create local account with the same username, the same password. But why?

If a workgroup Windows client process cannot access resources on server machine without having duplicate of such (local) account on target machine already pre-created,does it mean that client (process, machine, or user) can access server resources only by/after having logged (opening logon session) into server machine? Or, how to understand that such access is impossible without having corresponding duplicate local account on server machine?

The same MSDN "ASP.NET Delegation" article tells:

"NetworkService account. It behaves the same as the System account. This account possesses the network credentials associated with the machine account (domainnamemachinename) in the domain of which it is a member"

Does not any Windows have accounts ((NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE)? as well as many other common pre-built accounts? Why are they installed (before any joining to domain) but cannot be used for remote network access and client identification ? And what is identity used when the process from workgroup Windows under identity ((NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE) accesses a remote server?

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Oct 28, 2010

I have designed a report for printing cards and am able to print it on my local machine but when i upload on the server, i can preview the report but when i click print through a pdf its coming out blank.

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Jul 19, 2013

I want to Find the Printer under the Local Area network(intranet). 

After press print button, its give printout with out popup the print-window. is it posible in web allplication. if its posible means how can i approch.

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Apr 9, 2010

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MVC :: How To Use Local Resources With Razor

Feb 19, 2011

It seems that using Local resources is much more complicated when using Razor. I recently converted an MVC 2 app I was working on to MVC 3. The conversion went well but accessing LocalResources doesn't work and I can't get it to work. In MVC 2 I created an App_LocalResources folder in the /Views/Home folder and created an Index.aspx.resx resource file. In the Index View I could access the local resources with

<%: GetLocalResourceObject("FirstName") %>

Simple, out-of-the-box functionality, as it should be. Razor doesn't understand this. It seems that in Razor you have to use @HttpContext.GetLocalResourceObject(<virtual-path>, <resource-name-key>). I've tried everything for virtual-path but nothing seems to work ("~/", "~/Views/Home/App_LocalResources", etc.). I tried to directly access the resource file by providing the complete namespace, like you do with global resources (which works fine in Razor), but then it errors stating that the culture is required. Intellisense allows you to build the reference to the resource property but Razor doesn't understand it.

Of course an alternative could be to simply use the ASPX rendering engine in MVC 3, but I want to use Razor. Does anyone know an out-of-the-box method (not some exotic work-around) for accessing the LocalResources in an MVC 3 app using Razor?

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Php - Allow A Web Application To Access A Local File?

Oct 5, 2010

If I have a web application that needs to use a file, it presents the user with a standard open file dialog. But instead of uploading the file to server can it modify the file locally in a temporary location, while uploading in the background? That way the user does not have to wait for the upload before they can use my web app.

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Localization :: Local Resources Not Working In MVC 3?

Feb 14, 2011

I'm writing a sample project that supports multilanguage. I'm using Resource files for that. I want to use Local Resources.

Here is what I've done.

1. Add 'App_LocalResources' folder in View/Home/ directory.

2. Add 'Index.resx' for the default language and 'Index.en.resx' for my other language.

3. I've made the Access Modifier as 'Public' and Custom Tool from properties to 'PublicResXFileCodeGenerator' and gave identical Custom Tool Namespace to both of that files ('Example')

4. I put an example 'Title' string in both my resource files and accessed it from my 'Index.cshtml' view in Views/Home directory like this:


When I run the application the default language Title from the Index.resx displays like charm, but when I change the language it can't seem to find the other file 'Index.en.resx' and the Title doesn't change.

For the record I tried the same thing with Global Resources, i.e. Create 2 global resource files and get the title of my Index page from them and it's working, i.e. the language changes when I change the cultures.

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 Premium, version 10.0.30319.1 RTMRel, .Net Framework v 4.0.30319 RTMRel and MVC 3

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SQL Reporting :: Get Client Printer Property?

Jun 22, 2010

I wrote an ActiveX control using .net Framework 2.0 WMI to extract user's printer property. In my test environment I had to install .net framework and use the configuration tool to change the security zone to full trust. Would I have to do the same manually on all client machines? It would be fine if all client has to do is click "yes" to install an ActiveX but another if they actually have to run configuration steps themselves to change the trust level. If the client can't do it without running a manual setup I would need to create classic none .net ActiveX control to do the same thing. Can I use VS 2008 to create none .net ActiveX controls? How do I exact printer property without WMI?

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VS 2010 - Access Local File System

Apr 26, 2012

I have an ASP.NET page that I need to have access the local file system. It's an intranet. I need to download a zip file and an executable to a temp location and then run the executable.

Then afterwards, I need to delete the contents via an ASP.NET page.

Is there any way to access the local file system? Generally, I would think this would cause a security concern, but I've seen posts about Silverlight being able to access it.

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Server Side Print On Client Printer?

Apr 13, 2010

Exist there a component that allows to print directly to a clients printer (which ip/port is accessible) from server side?

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How To Custom Controls - VS 2008 - Generate Local Resources

Feb 4, 2010

I've build an simple control called Menu:

namespace MyControls
public class MenuItem
public MenuItem()
Visible = true;
public string Text { get; set; }
public string Link { get; set; }
public bool Visible { get; set; }


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Is It Possoble To Run 'Generate Local Resources Tool' Programmatically

Jan 22, 2011

Is it possible to run Visual Studio tool: 'Generate Local Resources' programmatically?

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AJAX :: Attach A File Using File Upload Control And Send It In Email Along With Already Attached File

Apr 27, 2016

I have an panel having various controls including gridview. I have converted this panel into pdf and attached it as an email attachment using memory stream. Everything is working fine. Now I have an File upload control outside panel through which I have to attach a file and send it in mail along with the already attached panel. But I am unable to figure out how to do it.

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Web Forms :: How To Access The Tags Of A Local (on Disk) Html File Programmatically

Apr 17, 2010

I m trying to read the tags of a local HTML file. I found out this code online but it works for the aspx pages on the server and of the current app only.

using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;

foreach (Control c in this.Page.Header.Controls)

if (c.GetType() == typeof(HtmlMeta))[code]...

THis code acceses the following section of an html page -

<meta name="Keywords"content=" B=Msdn;A=Forums;L=en-US;"

My question is how can i do the same for a local(client) html page?

Can i do it for a html page on server?

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Localization :: Some Controls Disappear In Run Time When Generating The Local Resources Automatically

Mar 5, 2010

when generating local resources by using ( "Tools"->"Generate Local Resource" ) i noticed that some controls disappear in run time.

is good to take advantage of Visual Studio to automatically generate it? or is better to create resource files and add meta:resourcekey="..." to my page manually??

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I am working on website development in where i have used Master Page concept and content page. and by using dropdownlist I am changing its language.

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Feb 9, 2010

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