How To Access Public Global.asx.cs Property From A Business Class
Feb 2, 2011
I have a property on my Global.asax.cs class that I need to access from a business class, i.e. using HttpContext.Current. How do I do this? Global.asax.cs (in a web project)
public partial class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication
public static ProxyGenerator Generator = new ProxyGenerator();
Business class (in a separate business project)
var generator = ((Sei.Osp.Web.Global)HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance)
This obviously doesn't work and I don't want to reference the whole web project in the business project as it will create a circular reference (the business project is already referenced in the web project)
To clarify - the property I'm creating holds an instance of the Castle Dynamic Proxy Generator class. I've read that you shouldn't just create this all over the place. So I thought I'd create it in my Global.asax.cs and then just use that instance wherever I need to create a proxy class (I'm using it to do AOP) Is there a better way of doing this?
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set { this.infoLabel.Text = value; }
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<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="roleTextBox" Text='<%# CurrentRole.Name%>'></asp:TextBox>
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