How To Bind Form Collection Back To Custom Model Object That Uses 2 Custom Objects

Mar 23, 2010

What I'm trying to do is rather basic, but I might have my facts mixed up. I have a details page that has a custom class as it's Model. The custom class uses 2 custom objects with yet another custom object a property of one of the 2. The details page outputs a fair amount of information, but allows the user to post a comment. When the user clicks the post button, the page gets posted to a Details action that looks something like this:

public ActionResult Details(VideoDetailModel vidAndComment) { ....}

The only fields on the form that is posted are CommentText and VideoId. Here is what the VideoDetailModel looks like.

public class VideoDetailModel
public VideoDetailModel()
I suppose if I added more form fields for the properties I need, they would get posted, but I only need 1 form entry field for the CommentText. If I could get the same Model objects value that were sent to the page to post with the page, it looks like the solution is rather simple. I think using the RenderPartial in the middle of a form is problematic somehow to how the form gets written in html. I can't really put my finger on why things went bonkers, but if I do my RenderPartials before my form and then begin my form with the text entry field and the hidden VideoId, the default ModelBinder works just fine. I was beginning the form, writing the hidden VideoId, rendering several partial views, create my CommentText field, and then closed the form out. The CommentText field would get bound just fine. The hidden VideoId would not. Maybe I missed a rule somewhere about using RenderPartial.

For completeness, the partial view I was rendering took a Comment object and just wrote out it's CommentText data. Several of these objects would exist for a single Video object. All of this data was in a custom type and passed into the View (the main view) as it's Model. This partial view did not have a form and did not have any data entry fields.

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My Label: <asp:Label />
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Public MyTextBoxString as String
Public MyLabelString as String
End Class

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Private _SportsName As String


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Apr 16, 2010

I have created my custom MembershipProvider. I have used an instance of the class DBConnect within this provider to handle database functions. Please look at the code below:

public class SGIMembershipProvider : MembershipProvider
#region "[ Property Variables ]"
private int newPasswordLength = 8;
private string connectionString;
private string applicationName;
private bool enablePasswordReset;
private bool enablePasswordRetrieval;
private bool requiresQuestionAndAnswer;
private bool requiresUniqueEmail;
private int maxInvalidPasswordAttempts;
private int passwordAttemptWindow;
private MembershipPasswordFormat passwordFormat;
private int minRequiredNonAlphanumericCharacters;
private int minRequiredPasswordLength;
private string passwordStrengthRegularExpression;
private MachineKeySection machineKey;
**private DBConnect dbConn;**
public override bool ChangePassword(string username, string oldPassword, string newPassword)
if (!ValidateUser(username, oldPassword))
return false;
ValidatePasswordEventArgs args = new ValidatePasswordEventArgs(username, newPassword, true);
if (args.Cancel)
if (args.FailureInformation != null)
throw args.FailureInformation;
throw new Exception("Change password canceled due to new password validation failure.");
SqlParameter[] p = new SqlParameter[3];
p[0] = new SqlParameter("@applicationName", applicationName);
p[1] = new SqlParameter("@username", username);
p[2] = new SqlParameter("@password", EncodePassword(newPassword));
bool retval = **dbConn.ExecuteSP("User_ChangePassword", p);**
return retval;
} //ChangePassword
public override void Initialize(string name, NameValueCollection config)
if (config == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("config");
ConnectionStringSettings ConnectionStringSettings = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[config["connectionStringName"]];
if ((ConnectionStringSettings == null) || (ConnectionStringSettings.ConnectionString.Trim() == String.Empty))
throw new ProviderException("Connection string cannot be blank.");
connectionString = ConnectionStringSettings.ConnectionString;
**dbConn = new DBConnect(connectionString);
} //Initialize
} // SGIMembershipProvider

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<form id="formNF" runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtRef" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:TextBox ID="txtArticle" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>


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Creating Custom Objects For Wcf?

Oct 2, 2010

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This is obviously a one-to-many type relationship. I have my navigation properties setup correctly and getting strongly typed object properties works great. However, how do I send serialized anonymous type object(s) over the wire. Like an object that sends all instances that are equal to groupid=1 and include the names of the template and the object.Am I missing something or do I have to create another class object for WCF that would look like this:

WCF Object


I guess I could alter my tables to account for this but that seems wrong too. I know that IEnumerable objects can't be serialized and I know that throw away objects are probably not the way to go either. I want to do this the right way but I am not sure how to go about it.

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Mar 14, 2010

i am developing a sharepoint webpart. In this webpart i need to use a repeater control. The problem is, i can only use codebehind for creating and using the control. So i have some questions:

1. After creating the repeater control in codebehind, how to create some templates (itemtemplate, footertemplate, etc.) and use it?

2. How to bind a object collection to a repeater control?

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$.ajax(..) And Passing Custom Objects By Ref?

Dec 10, 2010

How to use $.ajax(..) JSON to invoke asmx webmethods that have 'by ref arguments' for custom classes/objects? Is it possible?

My c# code -
public class MyCustomClass{ public int MyProperty; MyCustomClass(){}}
[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public Method1(ref MyCustomClass MyCustomObj)


This all works fine if the webmethod's argument is NOT by ref.With the above mentioned signature of the webmethod, i.e. with a by ref argument, I get a server error (in server response seen using firebub ) -

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Add Custom Properties Into Control Objects In ExtJs

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How can I add custom properties into control objects in ExtJs.

For example :


This control comes from server dynamically and I want to write my custom property as well like below :


I tried it but it said undefined. Normally since JavaScript is loose, I can easily modify objects but in this case it wouldn't work the way I expected.

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I have a model containing a List with custom objects, let's say Customer objects. Like this:


In the View I print out (for simplicity) the name and id of the customer objects on the model. How to restore these values on postback if the method signature looks like this:


Should I use hidden values? This is not possible if the List contains items of interface type, for example List<ICustomer> where ICustomer is an interface. Is there any other way to "save" the values on each postback? For example I may want to view validation error messages when the user submits the form and then the properties of the customer object must still be there..

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WCF / ASMX :: Webservice Custom Objects As Input Parameters?

Nov 9, 2010

I have a fundamental question to ask about web services. I'm currently writing a service that has custom classes (lots of them). Let's say a car is one example. For some reason I was thinking that the service should expose these objects. However once I created a site to consume the service, it looks as though the classes are not meant to be exposed. It looks like the best practice is to take in a string which may be xml or not and convert that string into the object in the service code.(especially for error handling or input validation)

For example, if I had the web method:

public car getCar(int carId)
//code here to return car object

This will take a car ID and return a car object. It also shows all the elements in the SOAP request and response objects (as well as the WSDL) which can be to external developers. However, when trying to consume the service from a website (or reference it in my code), I then need access to the Car class (which implies i need to expose it through the services as well?).

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