How To Fetch The Values Of Each Input From The Attached HTML Using Regular Expression In C#

Nov 11, 2010

This is my code.



How can I fetch the values of each input from the attached HTML using regular expression in c#?

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Similar Messages:

Regular Expression / Input String Is Valid Based On The Given Regular Expression?

Sep 20, 2010

i have to check if an input string is valid based on the given regular expression.. this is the regular expression.

(a(bb+aaa+((ab)*bb+(aba)*aa)(a+b)*) + (b(aa+bbb+((ba)*aa+(bab)*bb)(a+b)*)

+ is an OR

* is a LOOP, it is optional, it may be done as many as a user wants.

i've tried many ways to solve the problem that my professor gave me but my knowledge isn't that enough to solve this problem..

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Regex - Regular Expression Input Could Not Contain Double Spaces

Mar 23, 2010

How can I write regular expression in C# to validate that the input does not contain double spaces? I am using Regular Expression Validation. However I do not know what is the Validation Expression to get the result.

"white snake" : success
"white snake" : fail

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Parse HTML Using Regular Expression?

Apr 16, 2010

have content html and put it into s variable


Any one show me way to get each row in above table and push it into string array ?

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Web Forms :: Regular Expression To Match In HTML?

Aug 22, 2010

Here is the kind of text I want to match via a regular Expression

The id="dgSchedule" is always present in the TAG but its location may differ

The table is span over multiple line/contains white spaces/tabs...

I have the regular expression to match the start and end tag respectively over a single line


Is there any regular expression generator available that can generate me a regular expression based on the text I select and the parameters I specify?

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C# - Check Text For HTML With Regular Expression?

Nov 23, 2010

This is slightly different to most questions regarding HTML tags in strings - I want to add HTML!

I'm using a WYSIWYG editor which produces some eratic results. What im looking to do is to check the string it produces and check whether there are any sentences that aren't wrapped in a <p></p> tag. Typical strings could be:

Example 1

<p>Hello, this is string 1</p>

But string two doesnt appear to be in a <p> tag.

Example 2

None of this text is in <p> tags.

Example 3

Single line of text, again not in a <p> tag.

Could this be done using a regular expression?

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Html - Regular Input In .NET?

Jun 7, 2010

Here's an example of a regular standard HTML input for my radiobuttonlist:

<label><input type="radio" name="rbRSelectionGroup" checked value="0" />None</label>
<asp:Repeater ID="rptRsOptions" runat="server">

I removed some stuff for this thread, one being I put an r for some name that I do not want to expose here so just an fyi.Now, I would assume that this would or should happen:

Page loads the first time, the None radio button is checked / defaulted
I go and select a different radiobutton in this radiobutton list
I do an F5 refresh in my browser
The None radio button is pre-selected again after it has come back from the refresh

but #4 is not happening. It's retaining the radiobutton that I selected in #2 and I don't know why. I mean in regular HTML it's stateless. So what could be holding this value? I want this to act like a normal input button.I know the question of "why not use an ASP.NET control" will come up. Well there are 2 reasons:

The stupid radiobuttonlist bug that everyone knows about I just want to brush up more on standard input tags.We are not moving to MVC so this is as close as I'll get and it's ok, because the rest of the team is on par with having mixed ASP.NET controls with standard HTML controls in our pages I'm surprised that it's retaining the change in selection after postback.

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C# - Define The Regular Expression To Match The Following Html Code?

Oct 29, 2010

I was doing some web scraping and i was looking for some div elements with particular class names and markup. This is my objective , i have to extract everything within the div having the class s_specs_box s_box_4 Could someone provide the regular expression in .NET terms (i.e., which can be straight away passed into Regex's constructor)to match one such div (given below)

<div class="s_specs_box s_box_4"><h3>Display</h3><ul><li><strong><span class='s_tooltip_anchor'>Display:</span>
<span class='s_tooltip_content'><p class='s_help'><b>Display</b> - Phone's main display</p></span></strong><ul>
<li class='clear clearfix'><strong><span class='s_tooltip_anchor'>Type:</span>
<span class='s_tooltip_content'><p class='s_help'><b>Type</b> - Refers to the type of the display. There are four major display types: Greyscale, Black&White, LCD:STN-color and LCD:TFT-color</p></span></strong><ul><li>Color</li></ul>
</li><li class='clear clearfix'><strong><span class='s_tooltip_anchor'>Technology:</span>
<span class='s_tooltip_content'><p class='s_help'><b>Technology</b> - Refers to the type of the color displays. There are five major types: LCD, TFT, TFD, STN and OLED</p></span></strong><ul><li>Super AMOLED</li></ul>..............................

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C# - Regular Expression To Replace Quotation Marks In HTML Tags Only?

Mar 15, 2010

I have the following string:

<div id="mydiv">This is a "div" with quotation marks</div>

I want to use regular expressions to return the following:

<div id='mydiv'>This is a "div" with quotation marks</div>

Notice how the id attribute in the div is now surrounded by apostrophes?

How can I do this with a regular expression?

Edit: I'm not looking for a magic bullet to handle every edge case in every situation. We should all be weary of using regex to parse HTML but, in this particular case and for my particular need, regex IS the solution.

Edit #2: Jens Ameskamp helped to find a solution for me but anyone randomly coming to this page should think long and very hard about using this solution. In my case it works because I am very confident of the type of strings that I'll be dealing with. I know the dangers and the risks and make sure you do to. If you're not sure if you know then it probably indicates that you don't know and shouldn't use this method.

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Visual Studio :: Add Values To Standard Expressions List In Regular Expression Editor Dialog

Apr 25, 2010

In the "Regular Expression Editor" dialog in VS 2008 ( or 2005 for this matter ) ,

there is a list of "standard expressions" like :

"French phone number" , "French postal code" etc..

And of course there is an option to select a "Custom" and then enter your own regular expression.

Well.. I want to add a predefined expressions to that list . Like : "Israeli phone number" .

I don't want to enter it every time by selecting a custom value .

I want my developers in the team available items for them to choose.

Anyone knows how to alter that list ?

I've found some question about it on the web - and the answer given is that it's not possible .

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Web Forms :: Regular Expression - Make BBCode - Translation From Textarea - Stuck On Translate List To Html

Jun 18, 2010

Im trying to make some BBCode-translation from textarea, but im stuck on translate list to html. I have this fo Bold text:


But how can i do if i want to translate this:


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Web Forms :: Regular Expression Validator / Add Wording To Current Expression:  W+([-+.']w+)*@w+([-.]w+)*.w+([-.]w+)*?

Feb 16, 2010

I'm trying to use the validator to work on a email form to ensure that they enter a valid from email address. That part works. I also want to add to the expression the text that I pre-populate in the txtbox ("Enter your email address") so on postback, after sending the message, I can clear the fields and repopulate that box.

How do I add that wording to the current expression: w+([-+.']w+)*@w+([-.]w+)*.w+([-.]w+)*

View 4 Replies

Web Forms :: Validation Expression For Regular Expression Validator?

Feb 2, 2011

I am using Regular Expression validator for a text box. The below is working fine.It is not performing validation when I enter values like 0000..001.How can I modify validation expression? But it would allow values like 100,...5000 i.e zeros after a number.

<asp:RegularExpressionValidator ID="reg2" runat="server" ControlToValidate="rng2"
ValidationExpression="^[0-9]+" ErrorMessage="*Please Enter a Valid Number for Second Range."
ForeColor="Red" Font-Bold="True"></asp:RegularExpressionValidator>

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Regex - Regular Expression And Validation Expression ?

Dec 1, 2010

I need some help in regular expression.I am validating the textbox text when updating the records.When i click the update button,the first 5 letters should be equal to CM000 or cm000.How to validate this using regular expression in does anyone know validationexpression for this.

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VS 2008 HTML Input Controls Not Retaining Values?

Feb 16, 2010

I've got several HTML Input controls (type = "text", runat="server") on a ASPX page. As part of this page, I'm doing a callback (no postback wanted) and am attempting to get the values of the HTML Input controls.

However, when I set a breakpoint in the callback method on the server side, the HTML Input control values aren't there.

So, I have two questions...

1)... According to Microsoft and several other experts, when a Callback is initiated (Javascript calling a server side method), that there would not be a Postback. But, when I debug, I see the Page Load and several other methods being called. I can see the HTML controls in the Page Load event, but again, there isn't any values

2)... How can I retain the values of the HTML Input controls so that I can retrieve their values server side? Again, I'm using Runat = "Server" so that I can "supposedly" find them server side.

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C# - Regular Expression For Dd-MMM-yyyy And Dd-MMM?

Oct 4, 2010

I need a regular expression for support both date formats dd-MMM-yyyy and dd-MMM.



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Why Get A Error When Use Regular Expression

May 11, 2010

Regex rxQuarter = new Regex("d{5}"); why i get a error when i use this regular expression..its not recognising the "d"

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How To Check The Regular Expression

Nov 17, 2010

how can i check the regular expression for the following? the string should only contain this

! # $ % < > ( ) * + - _ ,.;:/ += [] @

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Regular Expression Letters Only?

Nov 19, 2010

I would like to know what the expression for "letters only" is for my web application. I tried ^[A-Za-z] but it does not work I would also like a regular expression for "numbers only except "-"

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Regular Expression Validation For Url?

Apr 21, 2010

writing the Regular expression validator for Url or web address,

I tried

(http(s)?://)?([w-]+.)+[w-]+(/[w- ;,./?%&=]*)?

But its aspecting http:// every time, i need to something which accept http:// and also without http://

i tried this one which i got from internet, but this accepts wwww, or


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Regular Expression On The URLRewriter?

Oct 27, 2010

I have the following:


Now the (.+) will not load up the page and throw an error if I have a + in the query string. what can I do?

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Regular Expression For A Range And -1?

Jan 24, 2011

I am trying to write a Regular Expression Validator to allow users to input any number (either positive or negative), except 0. I tried the followings but obviously they failed:

^[1-9-]{1,10}$ <= failed when the 2nd to n-th digit is 0

^d+$ <= failed to treat negative numbers as valid

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Modifying A C# Regular Expression?

Feb 24, 2011

I am using a regex to detect forum tags within posts, such as "[quote]text[/quote]" and then replace them with HTML formatting. I posted a question Forum tags. What is the best way to implement them? about a problem with nested tags.

I need this regex modified

string regex = @"[([^=]+)[=x22']*(S*?)['x22]*](.+?)[/(1)]";

Right now this matches an opening and closing tag, with match groups for the tag name, the tag content, and an optional value like the value after the equals in this forum tag []click me[/url].

What I need is for the expression to match the opening tag OR the closing tag and have a match group containing the tag name (including the '/' for the closing tag). I then want to iterate through them sort of like this:

Dictionary<string, int> tagCollection = new Dictionary<string, int>();
inputString = Regex.Replace(inputString, @"expression I'm asking for here",
match =>


So now, each tag is appended with a number and I could use the original regex to perform the tag functions and properly handle nested tags as separate tags.

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Mobile Regular Expression?

Sep 17, 2010

I have one field in database Mobile No.

In that I want to put validation which accepts "+" and numbers that is not more then 15.

And in that "+" should at the first place in value.

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Regular Expression To Get First Image?

Oct 6, 2010

I got this code from a regular expression library to get the src of the image found in a given input. However I can't get it to work because the double quotes(") in the regular expression is closing the string under the second parameter for the .Match function. I tried changing double quotes(") to " but it doesn't work too.


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