How To Get Route Name From RouteData

Oct 17, 2010

I have several routes defined in my Global.asax; now, when I'm on a page I need to figure out what is the route name of the current route, because route name drives my site menu. I can't find a way to get current route name.

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MVC :: Webforms Route / Implementing Route In Global.asax

Mar 13, 2011

I tried to mix 4 webfrom and ASp.Net MVC 3. I add required lines in webconfig, but I've issues implementing route in global.asax

Currently I use several routes for webfroms. routs template are like below

routes.MapPageRoute("Node", _
"article/sport/{nID}/", _

I encounter error, when I add below lines to global.asax

routes.MapRoute( _
"Defaultss", _
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", _
New With {.controller = "Home", .action = "Index", .id = UrlParameter.Optional} _

I want to know how could I mix ASp.Net MVC routes with webforms routes.

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C# - How To Get RouteData In Application_EndRequest

Oct 26, 2010

I am building a simple performance logger that hooks in to Application_EndRequest / Application_BeginRequest

I would like to send my logger the name of the action and controller as some sort of key.

How can I access this information? (Don't mind if I have to intercept it earlier on and keep it around in the context)

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How To Access RouteData From Within An ASHX

Jun 29, 2010

My web site has a handler (FileDownload.ashx) that deals with all file download requests. I've recently migrated my site to ASP.Net 4.0, and it now uses routing extensively. Everything works fine when dealing with page requests (aspx), but it's not working with my handler - I encounter the following error:

Type '<snip>.Handlers.FileDownload' does not inherit from 'System.Web.UI.Page'.

This makes sense, as routing is only implemented in the page. So, my question is, what steps do I need to take to be able to use routing and my ASHX together? I want to be able to extract RouteData.Values from the url.

public class FileDownload : IHttpHandler

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MVC :: Create A RouteData From URL String?

Jan 7, 2011

Is there any ways to create our own RouteData from a URL string in mvc?

for example I have a URL string like this.

Url: http://localhost/supports/online chat?operator=A

From RouteData, I can find what is controller and action name.

but I have no idea to put it in RouteData.

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MVC :: A Route Named 'Admin_default' Is Already In The Route Collection?

Mar 9, 2010

when i run the app i got this error

A route named 'Admin_default' is already in the route collection. Route names must be unique.
Parameter name: name

this is my AdminAreaRegistration


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MVC :: Can't Access RouteData.DataTokens From Application_AuthorizeRequest

Jul 29, 2010

Although I'm not using routing in an MVC application, this post seems to fit best here :)

I'm trying to access the datatokens that I've passed with the MapPageRoute-method and in a simple Webforms page it works, but in Application_AuthorizeRequest it seems like it's not populated yet.. DataTokens.Count returns 0 although I have passed one item

Is there an alternate way to access the DataTokens? The routing has initialized (it seems), because there's a major difference between url's that is mapped and one that's not..

From the regular Webforms page I'm using Page.RouteData.DataTokens["PagesID"] and in the global.asax file I'm using Request.RequestContext.RouteData.DataTokens["PagesID"]

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MVC :: How To Access MVC RouteData In NinjectHttpApplication CreateKernel

Mar 30, 2011

How I can access the mvc RouteData in the CreateKernel override when using ninject.web.mvc extension and inheriting NinjectHttpApplication?


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Data Controls :: Get RouteData Value Inside WebMethod In URL Routing?

Aug 18, 2015

public static string GetChapterDetails()


I am trying to get the ID but its giving me null all the time

I am then binding them in my AJAX

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Route Constraints And Empty Route?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a url that I want to map routing to:


where tabvalue is one of: "personal", "professional", "values" or nothing.

I want to map it to a route like:


But my problem is - I don't know how to specify such constraints. I'm trying this regex:


but it only works when I use url



and doesn't work for


how to specify the correct constraint?

P.S. I'm not using MVC, just WebForms

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C# - MVC 3 Custom Route Handler - Skip To Next Custom Route Rule?

Mar 14, 2011

Was looking at mvc complex routing for tree path as an example of how to define a custom route handler for my MVC app. Essentially, I want to give the end user ultimate flexibility in defining the URL for any given page, so I provide them with a field in the interface to specify their own custom URL.

My custom route handler is basically a wild-card handler. It will do a lookup and if it finds a match, map it accordingly. However, if no match is found, I want it to fall back and find the next rule that matches in the global.asax. Is that possible? Or do I essentially need to code the mappings that used to exist in my global.asax into my custom route handler?

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MVC :: How To Add A Certain Route

Apr 5, 2010

I want to do the following:

routes.MapRoute("testwithoutcontroller", "Overview/Index/{year}", new {year = 2010});

But it fails when I call Overview/Index/2010 and gives me this error:

The RouteData must contain an item named 'controller' with a non-empty string value.

What must I do in order to only have Overview/Index be possible for my route?

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MVC :: Why Do Route Values Not Get The New Value

Jul 11, 2010

When I do an Html.RenderAction( action, controller, new { varName = value } ); if the original request had a parameter equal to varName, then the value is not changed in a render action.


1. Post to "C1/A1" with a string var _test = "abc"

2. Inside C1/A1 get some data and return a partial view

3. Inside the partial view I invoke an action on another controller. The action has an input variable with the same name and type (string _test) Html.RenderAction( "A2","C2", new {_test="fgh"});

4. the value in _test that arrives at C2/A2 is still "abc"

I've traced through it step by step, and the value used in the view render action call is correct, but in the next trace step, the value received at C2/A2 is incorrect.

If this is not an error, and creating a new route value to pass in render action is not the correct way to handle this, what is?

View 7 Replies

How To Access The Route

Mar 11, 2011

I'm using ASP.Net 4 URL routing on a web forms site.

I have multiple routes to a single page

routes.MapPageRoute("","our-services", "~/Information.aspx");
routes.MapPageRoute("","our-company", "~/Information.aspx");

On the destination page (Information.aspx) how can I tell which route was used to get there, for example was it from our-services or our-company?

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Where To Use Route-name Of Routing In Mvc

May 19, 2010

i'm new to routing in aspnet mvc.. i have following code:


when i enter "localhost/school" in addressbar, it is giving 404 error instead it should route to my "schoolIndex" action

i have given route-name as "School" where it is used ?

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How To Route Url With # Character

May 3, 2010

How to route url contains # sharp character like this:


to be:


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How To Route URL From One Domain To Another

May 24, 2010

I am an C# ASP.NET developer. I am trying to route URL from one domain to another using Godaddy IIS Virtual dedicated server or Dedicated server for ASP.NET.

For example I have a website application for client_A in my server which is intended to be use by multiple clients with different products.

An example URL: or using pretty URL

I would like to setup for my client to point to client_A using his/her domain.

My Client example URL will be: or using pretty URL

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How To Route Subdomain

Feb 27, 2011

I have made an mvc 3 application with an area called blog. I want to route this area to my subdomain How can I achieve this?

How do I need to define my route? Do I have to configure the DNS?

Currently I just use the default area route. I can access my blog area for now at this way.

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Id In The Beginning Of The Route In MVC?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a situation where I want a route in my application so that the application's index method can recognize this[URL]The problem is that, when I set up the route corresponding to the first URL, the route for the second URL does not work (even if I set up a separate route for that).

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How Will You Do This In MVC Custom Route

Jan 22, 2010

What I need to know here is the Controller Action, and the Global.asax routes

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MVC :: How To Add A Custom Route

Feb 15, 2010

I have added a new route to enable me to have nice seo friendly URLs instead of an id field for some news items I am displaying from a database

My global.asax looks like this


The problem I have is that since I have added this extra route all my standard URLS (Home etc) are now displaying the controller and action name after them, for example [URL] is being displayed in the URL for my homepage

The news URLS all look fine they are [URL]

why the Controller/Action is now being displayed on non news URL's and how I can stop this happening, would I use a constraint of some sort on the News route ?

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MVC :: Route To An Outside URL From Within A Controller?

Dec 17, 2010

I'm embarrassed to ask this question, but not sure what the syntax is to call a URL from within a controller (not associated with the application).

The reason I need to do this is because I am sharing authentication with another webforms app and would like to clear out the session variables before rerouting to that other URL. I'm just not sure of the syntax to route from an Action method to a URL like

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C# - Add An Additional Route?

Mar 31, 2010

Here is my default route.

new { action = "Index", id = "" }

I'm looking to add 'status'. This is what I currently have and it isn't working. I haven't worked with routes.

new { action = "Index", id = "" });

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Way To Register Default Route

May 7, 2010

I am using C#/3.5 and stuck.

PHP Code:
Route myroute1 = new Route("{controller}/{action}/{slug}", new MyRouteHandler());
Route myroute2 = new Route("{controller}/{action}", new MyRouteHandler());
Route myroute3 = new Route("{controller}", new MyRouteHandler());

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Best Way To Find Out To Which Route Url Is Getting Mapped In Mvc?

Jun 6, 2010

is there any way to find out to which route my url is getting mapped in mvc.

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