How To Handle Null Values In Stored Procedure With Pivot

Oct 30, 2010

I am using this stored procedure with pivot.If i dont have data i am getting null with this stored procedure.Can u tell me how to handle null.below query is pivot.


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SQL Server :: Unable To Pass Dynamic Dates To Stored Procedure With Pivot

Oct 4, 2010

I am unable to date as dynamic parameter to stored procdure with pivot.i am getting


Msg 8114, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Sample, Line 3 Error converting data type nvarchar to datetime. Msg 473, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Sample, Line 3 The incorrect value "@date1" is supplied in the PIVOT operator.

below is my stored procedure


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Data Controls :: Bind Repeater With Stored Procedure Using PIVOT Method

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Need to bind repeater using PIVOT method via stored procedure.

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SQL Server :: Dynamic Pivot In Stored Procedure / Error - Incorrect Syntax Near '+@columns+'

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but this script make me go mad

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Web Forms :: How To Replace Null Values To 0 In Dynamic Pivot

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I tried to convert the (null) values with 0 (zeros) output in dynamic PIVOT function but have no sucess. Itried with below code but getting below error,

'SNULL' is not a recognized built-in function name.

SET @columns = N'';
SELECT @Scolumns = ISNULL(@Scolumns + ',','')+ 'ISNULL(' + QUOTENAME(Name) + ', 0) AS '+ QUOTENAME(Name)--HERE AM GETTING ABOVE ERROR


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DataSource Controls :: Handle Quotes In A Stored Procedure?

Mar 31, 2010

i am trying to write a stored procedure which constructs an email containing a table. typically, when creating a string of HMTL code, i might have something like:

@strEmail = @strEmail + chkNum + '<br>'

but how do you handle it if the html needs single quotes?

for example:

@strEmail = @ strEmail + chkNum + '<td bgcolor='#000'>'

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DataSource Controls :: How To Write Handle Exceptions In Stored Procedure

Feb 17, 2010

In sqlserver2005 how to handle exceptions in stored procedures and

1)redirect to other page

2)write in to log file

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How To Handle Null Values

Apr 13, 2010

I want to know how to handle null values....

for eg i hav a datetime field called Completion date which temporarily has a null value and when i display the records using a gridview it displays a default do i get rid of this default date.the completion Date gets entered at a later stage in the application following which the gridview should show this date....but initially it shouldn't show anything

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Stored Procedure Parameters - Sometimes NULL?

Jan 19, 2011

i have a stored procedure to update a table. not all fields are required and some can be blank.for example, title is not required, but when it's blank i get an error

Dim ptitle As New SqlParameter("@title", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 20)
ptitle.Value = objFormat.CheckSQL(title)
ex {"Procedure or Function 'sp_UpdateUser' expects parameter '@title', which was not supplied."} System.Exception

how can i fix it so that it allows for nulls if the data field is blank?

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SQL Server :: Insert NULL Int Into Stored Procedure?

Jan 17, 2011

I'm strugling with this problem for quite some time and I've tried many different solution but nothing works. In my application there are 3 textboxes. First is mandatory but user can leave second and third empty. I that case I want that application insert NULL.

Here is .aspx code:


c# code:


Stored procedure:


I've tested code when user fills all 3 textboxes and it's working fine. If one second or third (or both) textbox(es) is(are) empty I wish to insert NULL into table. I've tried with DbNull.Value, null, 0, "3232131" and nothing works. I always get error Input string was not in a correct format. which is strange since code works when 2. and 3. tbs are filled and I'm not inserting string. And I've specified that table allows inserting of null values.

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SQL Server :: Send NULL Value To A Stored Procedure Variable?

Sep 26, 2010

I want to send an image to a stored procedure variable that is varbinary(max) field, It works correctly when an image selected by fileupload and my image property has image file, and it can send to stored procedure. but when fileupload is empty I want to send NULL to stored procedure variable that is varbinary(max). I use DbNull.Value in C# code. But error occurs. What should I do for send Null to stored procedure?

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VS 2008 How To Handle Null Datetime Values Properly

Oct 25, 2010

I have a class with properties for stuff like FileNumber, OpenedDate, ClosedDate etc.When I Initialise the class I set the datetime variables to Date.MinValue.Then when I populate my textboxes I check if the value of the date variables are Date.Minvalue and I set the textbox text to an empty string.

If(File.OpenedDate = Date.MinValue, String.Empty, File.OpenedDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"))
However whe I try to save the data to my sql server db I get a datetime out of range error. What is the correct way to handle these null values in my date columns?

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Passing Null / Empty String To Oracle Stored Procedure?

Mar 1, 2010

We have an ASP.NET web service that invokes a stored procedure on our DB (Oracle 11g). The problem is that the call to the procedure blows up every time an empty string is passed as one of the parameters. We're seeing an ORA-01084 error, which indicates to me that call is failing before the procedure is actually run.

Here's the procedure, minus some logic that I believe is not relevant:


As an experiment, I modified the web service to pass null rather than an empty strings. When null is passed in, I see an error indicating "wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'CREATEREPORT."

I also tried passing DBNull.Value whenever the params were null/empty, but that resulted in the error

Parameter 'p_column_id': No size set for variable length data type: String.

(Of course, p_column_id was the empty parameter in this case).

So, how can I successfully pass empty strings as parameters to my stored procedure? We definitely want to allow the p_column_id parameter to be empty.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Handle Null Values In While Loop

Apr 16, 2010

i am unable to handle null values in while .even i tried to handle condition is breaking and coming null value comming inside loop.


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DataSource Controls :: Stored Procedure - Insert Null In Foreign Key Column?

Apr 22, 2010

I am trying to create a stored procedure where I can insert null values in columns that have a foreign key constraint and allow nulls. The columns I am trying to insert nulls into are commentid and imageid. I have created an Insert statement in a stored procedure and I get the foreign key constraint error. Can you tell me how to allow inserting data in the other columns without having to insert anything in the commendid and the imageid?

Here is my exec of the stored procedure that is not working:



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DataSource Controls :: Stored Procedure Returning Null But Executes At SQL Server

Jul 1, 2010

I am using
SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(MyConnectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetInformation", new SqlParameter("@ID", ID));

In my stored Procedure, I am doing a lot of calculation with joins and it took 19 sec to execute at my sql Server 2008. My application had been working perfectly for 5 days but now as database increases, I found a problem that my connection is breaking at that point. At Sql Server, it execute fine but when I add a breakpoint and watch the stored procedure is returning null.

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Forms Data Controls :: Handle Null Values Being Assigned To A Calendar Control?

Nov 13, 2010

I've got a detailsview control on a page. The table that it interacts with has a DateTime column in it. This column is nullable, and a lot of the records have null for that value. In the EditItemTemplate I've got a calendar control. When I try to put the DetailsView into edit mode, I get the following error message:

System.InvalidCastException was unhandled by user code
Message=Specified cast is not valid.
at ASP.entries_aspx.__DataBinding__control44(Object sender, EventArgs e) in c:inetpubwwwrootMediaLibraryEntries.aspx:line 103
at System.Web.UI.Control.DataBind(Boolean raiseOnDataBinding)
at System.Web.UI.Control.DataBindChildren()

I am convinced that the problem is the null values in the DateTime column of the table. I've done some web searches on this, and some have suggested placing some dummy values into that column, but that seems more like a kludge, rather than a solution. How do I keep nulls in the table, and yet not have that preceeding error come up when a user tries to edit the selected record?

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Data Controls :: Handle NULL Values When Converting DataTable Cell Value To String In C#?

Dec 23, 2015

How to allow null value on my program?

for below statement, "WARNING_TYPE" IS NULL..

but when I run, it promp me error..what are the correct statement should i write. tq all

l_Connection.ConnectionString = constr
l_Command.Connection = l_Connection
l_Command.CommandType = CommandType.Text


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Data Controls :: Handle Blank / Spaces And NULL Values When Exporting GridView To CSV?

Nov 22, 2015


how do you handle null data on gridview? and also the white spaces, it seems that the white spaces are converting to " " 

 Note: i can't replace the   because i have 1 column thats in html form. 

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How To Get Values Output From Stored Procedure

Oct 26, 2010

From this below stored Procudure, using VB.Net code can i get the Values like "Number of Rows Affected" and "Yes / No" Value from "Select"Stored Procudure:ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[lookup] @week_date datetimeAS

DECLARE @currweek datetime, @inweek datetime
IF @week_date = '10/14/2010'
UPDATE dbo.work_status SET ob_flag = 0, ob_update_date = NULL WHERE dbo.work_tatus.week_date ='10/14/2010'

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SQL Server :: Add More Values For One Parameter In Stored Procedure?

Jan 9, 2011

i made stored procedure like that

select AssetCode ,Description
,EquipmentID from [FATMS].[fnMaintenanceHeaderRead](@ContextUser,@ContextClient,@ContextLang,@ContextApp,@ContextOrg,'1',@fnXmlParamMaintenanceHeader)
where MH.Status
( @Status)

when i put three values for parameter (@status) not work but one value work

how to put three values please to parameter @status when excecute that stored procedure

EXEC @return_value = [FATMS].[spMaintenanceReport]
@ContextUser = N'4806',
@ContextClient = 1,
@ContextLang = N'en-US',
@ContextApp = N'FATMS',
@ContextOrg = 23,
@ActionCode = N'1',
@Status=N' '
SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value

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Handle Failed Stored Procedure "gracefully"?

Nov 29, 2010

I have a stored procedure that uses an encrypted querstring. If a user "messes" with the querystring value, the stored procedure failes because it isn't the right type. How can I catch that the stored procedure failed, and display a friendly message instead of the .net error?

I know how to handle if ExecuteReader returns no rows, but not how to handle it if it failes to even execute.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Convert The Oracle Stored Procedure To Sqlserver 2005 Stored Procedure

Apr 2, 2010

This is surareddy. i nead some small clarification in the "Stored Procedure"

how to convert the oracle Stored Procedure to sqlserver2005/2008 Stored Procedure.

right now i am enhancing the project that project already developed the oracle Stored Procedure. now our company is using sqlserver 2005/2008.

how to convert the Oracle Stored Procedure to sqlserver 2005 Stored Procedure

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DataSource Controls :: Do Not Use Or Call Any Stored Procedure But It Says "Could Not Find Stored Procedure 'xxxxx'?

Dec 9, 2010

Initially, I have tried to use stored procedure. But I changed my mind and preferred to call sql query in codebase with command text. However, it stills tries to find initially-called stored procedure (which is neither called or exists).I think that it is related caching. But I tried it with different browsers it did not work.What might be the reason?

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DataSource Controls :: Can Pass A Non-key Values To A Stored Procedure

Jan 11, 2010

I've changed the definition on one of my tables by removing a field from my data key. However, I still want to pass this field to my stored procedure that inserts fields into this table from another table. The field in question is called ignum. I was using the code


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