How To Replace Subfolder And Querystring In Url

Mar 17, 2010

I want to change http://localhost:1190/Project/Subfolder/Default.aspx?Query=1



Tried somewhat below, no success:

Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Replace(Request.Url.AbsolutePath, "") + @"/Images/Image.jpg"));

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C# - Why Request.QueryString Replace + With Empty Char In Some Cases

Jul 28, 2010

I have a problem that if I pass a string that contain + in a query string and try to read it , it get the same string but by replacing + with empty charFor example if i pass query like ../Page.aspx?data=sdf1+sdf then in page load I read data by data = Request.QueryString["data"] it will get as below data ="sdf1 sdf"
I solve the problem by replacing any empty char with + .. But Is there any problem that cause that ? and Is my solution by replacing empty char with + is the best solution in all cases?

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Forms Data Controls :: Replace Value Retrieved From Storedprocedure With Querystring Paramater?

Feb 7, 2011

I've got a request to redesign the web application to allow support for up to 3 users (before there was data only for one people on page). Since I don't want to build entire page again I wonder how is possible to replace value which is for example:


with value retrieved from querystring?

Users are displayed on page in row: querystring value ID(for example 123), QS value ID2(for example 231), QS value ID3(for example 343).

Users are all stored in one row of the same table. If second user is selected then value of his/her should be taken as value of ID.

I'm using quite a lot <%# Eval ("ID")%> on my page and I don't want to replace it with some object but just overwrite it's value according to querystrings values.

I hope this doesn't sound too complicated as the real problem is fairly easy but don't have ideas how to deal with it. I've thought I can put to replace the value retrieved from SP but I can only change parameters. And ID is not select parameter.

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I need to replace <span> entries in a string to legacy html code because it's going to be used in a report for Crystal Reports. <b> works with Crystal, but the<span>'s do not.

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C# - How To Map SubDomain To The Subfolder

Nov 26, 2010

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I'm using 3.5, C#, Windows Server 2008, IIS 7

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Web Forms :: Querystring Value / Imagename In Also Want To Send Span Element's Text With Same Querystring?

Aug 30, 2010

How can i use querystring for this-

Here in below code i have used querystring for sending imagename from this page to another page. Now i just want that with this imagename in also want to send span element's text with same querystring.How can i achieve this?


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Data Controls :: Populate DataList Based On QueryString Value Throws Error When QueryString Is NULL Or Blank

May 7, 2015

The following code works well as long as I pass a querystring value to the datalist.

Private Sub BindGrid()
Dim id As Integer = Integer.Parse(Context.Request.QueryString("id"))
Dim strConnString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Conn").ConnectionString
Using con As New SqlConnection(strConnString)
Using cmd As New SqlCommand()
cmd.CommandText = "select Id, Name from tblFiles where Id=@Id"

[Code] ......

However, the page errors with the message "Value cannot be null." if I don't pass a value. I know that DataList does not have an EmptyItem Property like a Gridview control. I do not want the page to error if I don't pass a value. Need info to deal with empty values in a datalist.

Most websites have pointed me to this code to use:

<asp:Label ID="lblEmpty" Text="No Result" runat="server"

The 'list' throws an error. The error is "Too few type arguments to 'System.COllections.Generic.List". I am not sure if the code is written in C# and that is what is causing the error. It seems that it should work but I can not figure out the 'list' error.

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Can't Access Subfolder Without Slash At End?

Apr 15, 2010

I've got a folder in my project on a live webserver, called "admin" with a file in it called "default.aspx". Now, I cannot access this folder like this: [URL] however, if I put a slash at the end, it works fine: [URL]
or, this works fine, too: [URL]

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How To Host MVC Website In A Subfolder

Jan 12, 2010

I'm trying to run a little ASP.NET project in a subfolder of my hosting. My domain is [URL], but i want to run my app in ASP.NET MVC runs with no problems on the top level, but not in subfolders.

The server says this (line 58 is colored red):

Line 56: ASP.NET to identify an incoming user.
Line 57: -->
Line 58: <authentication mode="Forms">
Line 59: <forms loginUrl="~/Account/LogOn" timeout="2880" />
Line 60: </authentication>

What can I do to make this ASP.NET MVC website work? This isn't hosted on my computer, so I don't have access to IIS configirations.

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Web Forms :: How To Apply Theme In Subfolder

Oct 26, 2010

My site structure is like that I've 4 sub folders and few pages at roots when sub folder pages are viewed in browser their css breaks some of the images doesn't work well.

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Configuration :: How To Change The Subfolder Attributes

Mar 20, 2010

Using VS 2010, RC, VB, how do I change the subfolder attributes. When I publish and choose to delete all the files and folders, I have to recreate the security levels for them manually. I assume that I can have Web Config do that for me.

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Configuration :: Subfolder Not Picked Up By IntelliSense?

Mar 14, 2011

Why is it Intellisense only seems to show a file when it is directly in the app_controls folder:


If the file is put into a subfolder:


it will not show in the Intellisense list.

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Configuration :: Deploy Site Into Subfolder?

May 14, 2010

I've been working on site for a client who has just informed me (having completed the work) they want to deploy the site into a subfolder of their exiting domain. The site uses a number of class files in the App_code folder and as well as references to several XML files and and siteMap that uses localised urls for navigation. Obviously all of this stops working as soon as you put it in a sub folder. Is there any way I can configure the site to treat the sub folder it will be placed in as the root?

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VS 2008 - Unable To Load A Class In Subfolder

May 25, 2010

I have a web application with root namespace called mywebapp The web application has as folder under root. Call it folder1. Now this folder contains a default.aspx page with code behind vb file class file. Call it subdomain1. Now when the default.aspx page under folder1 is requested, following error is shown Parser Error Message: Could not load type mywebapp.subdomain1. There is no problem what so ever when I run it localhost. Error is only thrown when the page is requested online. I also made some changes in a page in root folder to verify if the mywebapp.dll is correctly copied to the webserver. All the changes done for root folder are correctly reflected online

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How To Access App_folder Files From A File In A Subfolder

Oct 26, 2010

In my project I have a website that has 2 sides, the client side and the management side. Everything is completed and works fine.

My idea was to place the management files in a separate folder ( the problem is that when I moved the files it could not compile because my admin pages inherit from a class in the app_ folder and looks like it cannot access it.

I wanted to compile the files in the app folder into a DLL but when I try, it gives me a error in the namespace System.Web.UI.Security and the WebControls ns...

How can I access my classes if my files reside in a subfolder within the same application. If I take the files out of the subfolder everything works fine

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Configuration :: Add Subfolder To Main Website Folder In Iis?

Apr 21, 2010

I currently have a dedicated server running a number of sites, one of these sites I would like to add a subfolder to which runs a seperate index.html file, so effectively it looks like a different site.

I am struggling to acheive this, can anybody give me the steps involved to make this happen?

To clarify, i have a web address for example and would like users to browse to and open up a sub folder.

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MVC In Subfolder / Virtual Directory / Routing / Domain

Nov 19, 2010

I have a Domain like [URL] that is pointed to a virtual directory on my webspace like [URL]. The folder structure on my webspace is (off course) like this


If i call now [URL] i get the Site without CSS and the links are [URL]. I used the default and almost empty default "Internet Application". So the routing is default and all links are created with @Html.ActionLink. i tried so many things but i cant get it working. In my local environment i can affect that with IIS settings but (off course) i do not have access on the IIS settings of my host.

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Security :: FBA Authorization Is Not Being Enforced Correctly In Subfolder?

Oct 26, 2010

I have the following site structure:

- Site
- Administration
- Resources
- Home.aspx

Basically no unauthorized users should be able to use the system, so they get properly redirected to Home.aspx which has the login controls.

The Administration folder contains a page that should be only accessible to authorized users, but also only to users that belong to specific roles. So I have a web.config inside the Administration folder as this:


At first sight I'd say that this configuration would check that only SystemAdministrators and AccountManagers can access the SecuredPage.aspx. But it doesn't. If I log into the system as a regular user (not part of the roles) and then go to http://mysite/Administration/SecuredPage.aspx, it allows me in, instead of showing a "your not authorized" message.

I've also tried with location=Administration so to secure the entire folder, but same results.

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(VS 2008) Resource Can't Be Located (file In Subfolder)

Jul 15, 2011

He has a project set up with the master page and the default.aspx at the root level of the project.He then has several layers of subfolders.On subfolder is DynamicData, and under that PageTemplates and he has a file in there called ListDetails.aspx the uses the same master page on the root. If he sets the ListDetails.aspx as the start page, it says resource can't be found when he runs it.if he sets a redirect to it as:

Response.Redirect("~DynamicDataPageTemplatesListDetails.aspx"), it also says resource can't be found.

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Security :: Cannot Access Subfolder Files In Secured Folder

Mar 7, 2011

My restricted files are all stored in ~/Secured folder on the root. Authorized users have no trouble accessing aspx files in that folder. Recently I added a part of an application whose files I wanted to keep separate and created a ~/Secured/HR folder. I am getting a "resource not found" error trying to use any aspx file in HR folder even after user successfully logs in, as if the file does not exist at all. Here is my web.config security settings:


Do I need to configure security for that folder separately?

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Configuration :: Site Works At Root Of Domain But Not In A Subfolder?

Mar 26, 2011

So my website works great on my local computer. It also works fine when I use the Copy Web Site feature in Visual Web Developer 2010 Express. But I do not want all of my files and the default.aspx to be sitting at the root of my domain name. I want it to be in a subfolder.

So again, it works fine when it's sitting at

But when I use my FTP program to move the files to:

I get an error when I try to visit the site. It's just a general runtime error and does not display the specific error message. It obviously must have something to do with when I MOVE the files/folders from the root of the domain to the subfolder?

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Configuration :: Create New Application Pool And Assign It To Site Subfolder On Remote Host

Feb 28, 2011

I have a web site running on IIS7 on a remote server. I would like to do the following: Create a new subfolder under the root virtual directory. Create a new app pool. Add this new app pool to the new subfolder Normally, I would do this manually in IIS by first creating the app pool, and then right-clicking the sub folder an choose "add application", but I need to do this programmatically in C#. I've managed to make the above points 1 and 2 work, but I can't find the way to adding the application to the sub folder. This is the code I have used so far for 1 and 2:


So, I need to add "MyAppPool" to the "NytSite" folder. Is this even the correct way to do this?

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Web Forms :: C# Replace " With " Using The Replace Method?

Mar 15, 2011

How do you replace" with" using the replace method?

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No Querystring Logged In IIS Log On "A Potentially Dangerous Request.QueryString Value Detected"

Mar 5, 2010

I'm intermittently seeing this exception being thrown:

A potentially dangerous Request.QueryString value detected

However when I look in the IIS logs I can see that the request that failed has no querystring logged against it.

How could this be? Are "dangerous" query strings being stripped from the log or something?

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Security :: Encrypt Request.querystring And Descrpt Request.querystring

Apr 24, 2010

Encrypt request.querystring and Descrpt request.querystring

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