How To Retrieve Large(approx: 50 MB) Xml String From Webpage

Feb 25, 2010

What is the preferred way to retrieve large(approx: 50 MB) xml string from ASP.NET webpage?

Placing the xml string in file and downloading the file is not a choice.(This should be my last resort if nothing else works)

I have following method on ASP.NET server which is exposed through WCF service to silverlight client.


Unfortunately these xml strings are approximately 50MB to 100 MB. Silverlight client needs to retrive these large strings and store it in a file on the client machine at the path selected by the user through saveFileDialog.

My concern is WCF service will not allow such large messages. How can I address this issue?

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<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="2097151" executionTimeout="18000" requestValidationMode="2.0"/>

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Download Chunks (DAL)

public byte[] getBytesByDataID(int chunkSize, string dataID) { string query = "SELECT " +" FROM data " + " WHERE dataID = @dataID"; openConnection(); cmd = new SqlCommand(query, myConnection); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@dataID", dataID);


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The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter [URL]..... The InnerException message was 'There was an error deserializing the object of type iRacingForumServiceTest.ForumService.GetForumListResponseBody. The maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded while reading XML data. This quota may be increased by changing the MaxStringContentLength property on the XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas object used when creating the XML reader. Line 153, position 247.'. Please see InnerException for more details.

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<?xml version="1.0"?>

[Code] ....

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<service name="ForumService">
<endpoint address=""

[Code] ....

I figured out where to put it without getting errors (just as a child of the <configuration> element), but it just doesn't work. I get the same error no matter what values I try here... This shouldn't be such a difficult issue, how can I solve it?

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here i am using only just one property.


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listvalues = (List<string>)Session["mylist"];[code]....

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The output file name should include the data from the query of agent_input36. It could be several data.
I´m trying to make an order file. The orderfile name (.txt) should include the possible names of agent_input36. It could look like. YYY_"agent_input36"_Order_"Date"_CCC.txt. Can I retrieve the data of this column from a sqlDataAdapter into a stringvalue?

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