Web Forms :: Data Retrieve In Webpage / What Is Advantage And Disadvantage

Sep 2, 2010

If I use SqlDataSource control in my asp page to retrive data in viewgrid and some dropdownlist control then what is advantage and disadvantage?

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieve Images From Database One By One And Put Them In Webpage's Table?

Feb 18, 2011

how to retieve images which are stored in database one by one and put them in webpage's table.

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Web Forms :: Retrieve Images To Webpage

Apr 29, 2010

I have a folder at my server as Images consists of 200 images. My aim is to show those images in my webpage. What ever my be the control no problem like(gridview,.....) How to retrieve those images. *It should be dynamically generated. In future the count of images may increase. Better to have paging. If possible when i click on single image it should give a popup to show that image in large size.

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i have a web page in asp.net.vb code and sql database.

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How To Retrieve Large(approx: 50 MB) Xml String From Webpage

Feb 25, 2010

What is the preferred way to retrieve large(approx: 50 MB) xml string from ASP.NET webpage?

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I have following method on ASP.NET server which is exposed through WCF service to silverlight client.


Unfortunately these xml strings are approximately 50MB to 100 MB. Silverlight client needs to retrive these large strings and store it in a file on the client machine at the path selected by the user through saveFileDialog.

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Biggest Advantage To Using MVC Versus Web Forms

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MVC versus WebForms

What are some of the advantages of using one over the other?

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Apr 28, 2010

I have the following items bound to my combobox:

Value: 1, Text: SNS
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Value: 3, Text: ING

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ADO.NET :: Performance Advantage To Using EF?

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I'm now getting into EF and from what I'm seeing so far, I wouldn't have to worry about writing stored procedures any more. Looks like EF takes care of all of that -- including INSERT's that store data in multiple tables. One of the things they taught us when learning stored procedures was that they're compiled which has performance benefits. How does EF 4 fare against using stored procedures?

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Feb 8, 2011

What is the advantage of using a Mex Endpoint over setting


I am not able to add the service using Add Service Reference. I am not able to get the WSDL using a browser.

2. If I add the tag <serviceMetadata


and remove Mex Endpoint, I am able to query the wsdl using browser and I am still able to add a refernce using Add Service Reference.

Then, What's the specific use of Mex Endpoint.

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Aug 4, 2010

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Advantage Of Themes Versus CSS?

Jan 24, 2010

Since Themes in ASP.NET are used to style elements of your site, I was just wondering why would you use Themes rather than CSS, or is it common practice to use both? If so, when would you opt for one versus the other and why?

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MVC :: What Is The Biggest Advantage In Comparison With Webform

Jul 25, 2010

I hate webform that no matter what action is done with a client side page(such as clicking a dropdownlist to only see the Items), it cause a postback&re-rendering of the whole page and all of the page events is raised( page_init,page_load....complete....).

We know that the server side .cs page shoudnt have to go through all the events and many methods(such as "IsPostback",viewstate), in fact,it just have to do only one thing:get data from DB for the dropdownlist and show it to us, other part of the page just doesnt have to change.

We may achieve this effect using Ajax, but the key is I dont wanna raise too many useless event .

seems MVC can handle such a problem, one action of browser side is replied by exactly one method,and time isnot waste by raise event...

Is this the biggest advantage of MVC?

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Architecture :: Advantage Of Using MVC And/or Entity Framework

Oct 2, 2010

I am new to Entity frameworks-EF. As, EF is built on top of ADO.NET...If so, will there be any performance issue when we use it?Same way MVC also targets Test Driven , rapid application development only ..What speciality does it add for end-users?As per my understanding ASP.Net 2.0 itself is powerful without MVC and/or EF...

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Mar 4, 2010

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1. Singleton class Emp1 with Display Method and
2. Static Class with Static Method Display.

What is the advantage of singleton class over Static Class with Static members?


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AJAX :: Trying To Take Advantage Of The Content Delivery Network Support

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<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" EnableCdn="true">

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Best Practice For Making Links That Take Advantage Of Clean Urls

Mar 24, 2011

I'm using ASP.NET 4 and the routing engine. In my Global.asax I have something like this.


Is writing a link this this acceptable?: <a href="/Manager/Items"></a> Should I be using the <% %> tags and code within to retrieve the route name, "Items" in this case?

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Typesafe Coding And The Advantage Of Storing The Object In The Session?

Nov 24, 2010

When i started developing web applications i stored the authentication details of the user in two session variables


But someone proposed me an idea to create a class which holds the UserName and Password properties and on succesful authentication i have been asked to create an instance of the class and set the UserName and Password properties and store that instance in the session.

I have been told that the session object is TypeSafe. Can someone explain what is typesafe coding and the advantage of storing the object in the session.

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AJAX :: Advantage Of [WebMethod] Function At Aspx Page Called By JS Code?

Dec 19, 2010

I have this function in aspx page.


and I call this function from JavaScript as below:


I want to know what is this technique called and what is the advantage of calling the function on that way

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Web Forms :: Whenever Click On Any Button On Webpage, The Request Goes Through, But Nothing Show Up On The Webpage?

Dec 17, 2010

I am working on a financial portal and I am having a problem..I don;t know what to call it so i mentioned it as an 'unknown to me' problem..I have a webpage..whenever I click on any button on my webpage, the request goes through..but nothing show up on the webpage..then If I click on another link and then again come back to previous link,then only I see the results of button_click..


I have a currency conversion and investment form..so after filling up the form in following way and if I click on "INVEST" then nothing shows up..

so now if i click on any other link and go back to 'buy currency' link I see the result as 'investment successful'

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Web Forms :: Displaying One Webpage Content In Another Webpage?

Apr 24, 2010

I developed an application form which includes some textboxes for input. When the user click on the button the following tasks has to be done.

1) If page is valid all data should be stored in database

2) A new webform should appear on the same window and the some content of the application form should be displayed in it.

3) When clicking on browser back button it should not post back to previous page.....

I did the first task..and i don't know the code for the remaining tasks. Here is some information

.aspx button control code


I opened new webform by using Response.Redirect ("submit.aspx"). Where submit.aspx is the form to be opened after data stored upon the button click in application form.

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