How To Reuse Logic In A Context Sensitive Way In MVC

Feb 9, 2011

Trying to figure out the best way to organize a ASP.NET MVC site. Take a very simple 1..N relationship: Company can have many Contacts, Contacts must have exactly one Company.I have your typical routes:

Company/Index (list all companies)
Company/Details/{int} (details of Company {int})
Company/Create (create new company)
Contact/Index (list all contacts)
Contact/Create (create new contact, company is selected from drop down)

Now if I wanted to create a page that created a Contact in the context of a Company (from the Company detail page) so that the required company is filled in/not editable), what would be the best route of going about that, while not duplicating code where possible.Not sure if I can leverage the Contact/Create logic/view from the Company controller (and be able to route back to the Company Details page when complete), or mess with the routes to do something like Company/Details/{int}/Contact/Create (not even sure if that makes sense or would work)?There has got to be a better way then me adding my logic and view for adding a Contact into my Controller view and having it duplicated.

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I'm sure it's my app, but I wanted to make sure I'm not missing anything obvious. For some reason, my app and Encryptor only works when I pass < then 7 characters. If a pass 8, it doesn't commit to the database. If I remove Encryptor, the app will store

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So just to clarify:

1) User clicks { I like Product } link (HTML ActionLink)

2) That sends the Product ID and the IP Address of the user to the ActionResult in the Controller.

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Jan 21, 2010

we are making a project to run in ASP.Net on Mono/*nix Our problem is that we develop on Windows, and we just build and test it every so often on Mono. So we have been having a lot of trouble recently with case sensitive filenames. Everything seems to work good in Windows and then we move to Mono and it's silently broken.(as in, it builds but won't run or parts of it don't work)

How would you recommend that I detect this while we are developing on Windows? Basically, how do we make the case-sensitive filenames look wrong in our code where the code works on Windows but not *nix?

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How Can A Virtual Directory Path Appear Case Sensitive

Nov 18, 2010

To start with then we have a LinkButton whose text is actually an image tag. The image it links to is a Png and resides in a folder in the web directory. This is IIS V6 and win Server 2003.

The path is [URL]

Admin is a virtual directory configured in IIS.

The above url doesn't work but if you change it to [URL] (lowers case 'a') then the image is served, change it back to 'A' and it takes you to login, you log in and it loops back to log in. change to 'a' and voila the image is served. Weirdly this problem doesn't always occur and I have hunted for a resolution for days to no avail.

As requested this is the complete link button

<asp:LinkButton ID="lnkCommitAll" runat="server" CausesValidation="false"><asp:Image ID="imgCommitAll" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/Grid/confirm_16.png" AlternateText="Commit All Changes" /> Commit All</asp:LinkButton>

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C# - Can Reuse HttpWebRequest Without Disconnecting From The Server

Feb 8, 2011

I'm trying to debug a specific issue with my ASP.NET application. The client runs the following code:

void uploadFile( string serverUrl, string filePath )
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.
Create( serverUrl );
CredentialCache cache = new CredentialCache();
cache.Add( new Uri( serverUrl ), "Basic", new NetworkCredential( "User", "pass" ) );
request.Credentials = cache;
request.Method = "POST";
request.ContentType = "application/octet-stream";
request.Timeout = 60000;
request.KeepAlive = true;
using( BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(
File.OpenRead( filePath ) ) ) {
request.ContentLength = reader.BaseStream.Length;
using( Stream stream = request.GetRequestStream() ) {
byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
while( true ) {
int bytesRead = reader.Read( buffer, 0, buffer.Length );
if( bytesRead == 0 ) {
stream.Write( buffer, 0, bytesRead );
HttpWebResponse result = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
//handle result - not relevant

and Write() throws an exception with "Unable to write data to the transport connection: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine." text. I used System.Net tracing and found that something goes wrong when I send the request with Content-Length set.

Specifically if I omit everything that is inside using statement in the code above the server promptly replies with WWW-Authenticate and then the client reposts the request with WWW-Authenticate and everything goes fine except the file in not uploaded and the request fails much later.

I'd like to do the following: send an request without data, wait for WWW-Authenticate, then repeat it with WWW-Authenticate and data. So I tried to modify the code above: first set all the parameters, then call GetResponse(), then do sending, but when I try to set ContentLength property an exception is thrown with "This property cannot be set after writing has started" text. So HttpWebRequest seems to be non-reusable.

How do I reuse it for resending the request without closing the connection?

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C# - Reuse A Dropdownlist Each Row Of A Table Instead Of Rebuilding It?

Apr 30, 2010

I have a table the uses the same dropdown list in each row. I thought that I could just create one dropdown list and then reuse it in each new row, but the table only ends up with one row unless I create "new" dropdownlist. Am I approaching this all wrong? In the interest of efficiency, is there a way to build the list once and then reuse it by creating another instance of it or something? I was trying to avoid rebuilding that list umpteen times.

private void UserRoles()
Table table = MakeTable();
Ewo.sqlDataStore.Administrator sql = new Ewo.sqlDataStore.Administrator();
DataSet dataset =sql.SiteUserRoleList();
DropDownList sel = RoleList(dataset.Tables[0]);
if (dataset.Tables.Count > 1)//existing roles are #2, show the roles the user is part of
foreach (DataRow dRow in dataset.Tables[1].Rows)
table.Rows.Add(CreateRoleRow(Convert.ToString(dRow["SitePageGroupName"]), sel));//add a row with data
table.Rows.Add(CreateRoleRow(sel));//add a blank row on the bottom
AdminSiteUerRoles.Controls.Add(table);//add it all to the page

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Web Forms :: Reuse A Created Web Project?

Jul 22, 2010

i have created a dynamic web site that is made of these parts

1- Main Site (clients use this part to view the main site

2-Control Panel side (Admins can view and manage the First Part's content)

my problem is that i want to use both projects for another client's web site,but client 2 needs some custom features that should integrated with the existing control panel or Main Site, what is the efficient plan for do this?

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VS 2010 - Storing Sensitive Information In A Session Variable?

Dec 17, 2010

I am creating a website that allows users to login to their gameserver remotely and send / receive commands. The connection happens via an UDP socket and requires simply the IP of the gameserver, and a password.

On my website, users can add servers to their accounts, where the server IP and password are stored in a database. Then they can connect to any of their servers, which creates a new Socket object and connects to it using the IP and password of that server.

This Socket object, embedded in an object that also stores the server IP and password, is stored in a Session variable when the user connects, and is retrieved on every page. For example, there's a page where the user can view a list of the players on the server (and kick/ban them), a page with server settings, a page with messages, etc. All these pages require the Socket connection to get their information (they send a certain command and parse the response). When I need to send a command via the socket, I need to send the password of the server each time (otherwise it does not work). My question now is: how secure is this? The password of a server is sensitive information*, but I am storing it in a session variable and sending it (using the Send command of the Socket object) to the server.

i think the Session variable is stored on memory on the server, so I don't think so, but I'm really unsure about these kind of things and I'd like to be certain that my website is secure. Well, I think it will never be 100% secure but I want it to be at least not worth the effort for someone to hack the password. If it takes a lot of trouble then people wouldn't bother, but I don't want to find out that people's passwords are being thrown out on the street (so to speak) and that my website is completely insecure...

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Security :: How To Perform Signing Sensitive Data In WebApp

Jan 18, 2010

How do i perform signing sensitive data in WebApp?

My algoritm:


The code above works in WinApp but doesn't in WebApp .

Can you fix the code above so it can run under WebApp -or- other method to protect sensitive data from modifying?

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Security :: Saving Sensitive Data To Sql Server Database?

Jul 14, 2010

Im passing sensitive details from my web app to a database on a different server. I've set up encryption on my database. Should I encrypt the data in the code behind file of the web app and then pass it to my database stored procedure or pass it to the stored procedure as it is and encrypt it there?

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Databases :: Case Sensitive Sorting When Running A Query?

Mar 4, 2010

When doing a query e.g. "select ID from myTable order By SomeStringField" from SQL Developer my data the data are sorted correctly according to database settings:


But when using the System.Data.OracleClient namespace and a DbProviderFactory to create a DbCommand and use that to create a DbDataReader, the data is sorted case sensitive:


Is there some setting on the command which needs to be set? Can you even change the case sensitivity in the .net framwork, overriding the database settings?

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