AJAX :: Display Sensitive Information For Only A Few Minutes?

Nov 2, 2010

I have a need to show sensative information but I would only like it available on screen for 2 minutes, and then after it dissapears.

Since this is part of my web application, I would like the user to stay logged into the web site before and after viewing the information, but in order to view it, I would like them to re-enter their username/password.

Are there any directions I can be pointed into accomplish this task?

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MVC :: Passing Sensitive Information Through HTML ActionLink?

Jan 29, 2011

I did some google searching on this, but I could not find anything useful.

Basically what I am trying to do is pass some sensetive information to an ActionResult through the click of a HTML ActionLink.

The information I need passing through is, the ProductID and the User IP Address.

So just to clarify:

1) User clicks { I like Product } link (HTML ActionLink)

2) That sends the Product ID and the IP Address of the user to the ActionResult in the Controller.

View 11 Replies

VS 2010 - Storing Sensitive Information In A Session Variable?

Dec 17, 2010

I am creating a website that allows users to login to their gameserver remotely and send / receive commands. The connection happens via an UDP socket and requires simply the IP of the gameserver, and a password.

On my website, users can add servers to their accounts, where the server IP and password are stored in a database. Then they can connect to any of their servers, which creates a new Socket object and connects to it using the IP and password of that server.

This Socket object, embedded in an object that also stores the server IP and password, is stored in a Session variable when the user connects, and is retrieved on every page. For example, there's a page where the user can view a list of the players on the server (and kick/ban them), a page with server settings, a page with messages, etc. All these pages require the Socket connection to get their information (they send a certain command and parse the response). When I need to send a command via the socket, I need to send the password of the server each time (otherwise it does not work). My question now is: how secure is this? The password of a server is sensitive information*, but I am storing it in a session variable and sending it (using the Send command of the Socket object) to the server.

i think the Session variable is stored on memory on the server, so I don't think so, but I'm really unsure about these kind of things and I'd like to be certain that my website is secure. Well, I think it will never be 100% secure but I want it to be at least not worth the effort for someone to hack the password. If it takes a lot of trouble then people wouldn't bother, but I don't want to find out that people's passwords are being thrown out on the street (so to speak) and that my website is completely insecure...

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MVC :: Type-Sensitive Display Of A Model?

Sep 16, 2010

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What would be the best way for displaying the Field objects correctly? I was thinking in my View using a switch statement and calling a specific partial depending on the case.


Is this a valid approach? What other methods would people recommend to do this?

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AJAX :: Using Ajax Accordion Control To Display The Information Of My Company Branches?

Aug 14, 2010

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AJAX :: Display Specific Date Information From Database?

Feb 22, 2010

how can I retrieve information when the user clicked on a specific link without opening a new web page? The information is stored in the database which is through web service. For example, when the user click on a specific link, e.g the date 28 February 2010, the datagrid will display the information on 28 February 2010.

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AJAX :: Slideshow Extender Retrieve Current Display Picture Information?

Feb 17, 2010

My slideshow extender work perfectly fine, but I want to retrieve the current display picture's information on the server side.

So I added a normal asp button on the same page as the slideshow extender. When button clicked, it fire off a server side function. In the function I grabbed the SlideShow's name label, description label or the Image, but none of them contain any current information of the picture displayed at slideshow extender.

Is there another way to obtain the slideshow extender current state? Or am are those name, description label text value should be updated?

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AJAX :: To Bind Data To This Control In Code Behind File - Taking 3 To 4 Minutes To Bind Data And Display The Page

Aug 27, 2010

i am using ajaxtoolkit:combobox and i tried to bind data to this control in code behind file.but it is taking 3 to 4 mints to bind data and display the page. I am providing my aspx code and code behind code here


Code behind code:

GetPrograms() method will return almost 6000 records. to load the control it is taking almost 4 minuts..

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AJAX :: Dynamically Create HoverMenuExtender - Display Information About The Room Occupants When User Hovers Over The Label

Jul 3, 2010

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I would like to display information about the room occupants when the user hovers over the label. Is the HME the right tool for this? If so, how do I add it?

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Web Forms :: Convert Minutes To Hours And Display Using C#

May 7, 2015

my output is 87:02 hours 87 minutes 2

using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(constr))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),InTime,108 ), CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),outTime,108 ) FROM aten WHERE Id = '" + txtid.Text + "' and date between '" +


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Security :: How To Redirect The User After 2 Minutes If There Is Inactivity For 2 Minutes

Feb 13, 2011

I want to redirect the user after 2 mins if there is inactivity for 2 mins. I am not using ASP.NEt membership. And I dont want to use Sessiontimeout for this. Session timeout will logout the user even if he is working on the system. My objective is like screensaver process.

If there is no action for the specified time, the screensaver runs. Similarly, I want to redirect the user to login page.

note that i have already handled it with the following javascript:


Here what my problem is,

the user is working on the site...ok.. he want to see someother site.he browse someother site and works on....or even he can do some other work in his system...but he is active in his system... What this script does is, it automatically logout the user and redirect him to login page. But it should not do while he is active...IT SHOULD REDIRECT IF HE IS NOT ACTIVE REALLY (Similar to Screensaver process)

Is it possible ?

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Web Forms :: Display A Context Sensitive Menu Using Menu Control?

Jul 28, 2010

I know that the code depicted below will not work but I am including it to convey the idea of what I wish to accomplish. I want to use a different SiteMap to construct the menu on the displayed page for each of three different classes of service (COS).

I set a session variable named "COS" at the login and want to test its value prior to rendering each page. I want to display a menu based upon the appropriate COS. Here is my first stab at it but I know that I cannot include <asp:...> controls within the "case" statements. Can anyone suggest methods of doing this? I know C# and can use that but I do not know how to select the proper sitemap within the <menu> control. I am also using a CSS in my production version.


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Web Forms :: Display Session Timeout Time Left In Minutes And Seconds?

Jul 25, 2013

sessionTimeout = sessionTimeout - 10;

I Set session timeout I wnt to show the remaining session timeout on the page and show in the format seconds i.e. 7.45min remaining

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AJAX :: Trigger Confirmbutton Every 10 Minutes After Pageload?

Jan 10, 2010

How can I trigger a ajax confirmbutton every 10 minutes after pageload? Like a warning before the sessions ends.

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AJAX :: Request Takes A Few Minutes Then Times Out - Only In Firefox

Nov 22, 2010

I have a very peculiar problem that I've been wrapping my head around and I just can't figure it out. I have an updatepanel. Inside that I have a TabContainer. And inside that I have three TabPanels, each of which has checkboxes. Sometimes (and it happens often enough that I can easily reproduce it, but strangely may not happen with the same exact steps), when I click on different tabs or click on checkboxes inside the tabpanels (basically when I do an AJAX async postback), the request takes about a few minutes, after which the request just stops. Looking at the Firefox error console, I see this popping up after a few minutes...

Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: An unknown error occurred while processing the request on the server. The status code returned from the server was: 0 Now, the asyncpostbacktimeout property for the ToolkitScriptManager is set at 360000, which is 6000 minutes, so the problem has nothing to do with that setting. In IE, I never have this problem and the AJAX requests are instantaneous and smooth, no delays. So this isn't a network or database lag issue. Something to do with how AJAX is run in Firefox. Why is it that sometimes, an AJAX request in Firefox takes a few minutes and just stops processing the request? And once again, the steps to reproduce this problem may not be the same every time, it seems random - very strange. Google searches have yielded very little help on this. I've tried things like extending the timeout property (which again has nothing to do with this), setting Response.Cache.SetNoStore() everywhere. Is there a crude workaround I can do (at this point, I'm willing to settle for a workaround). I just don't know anymore.

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AJAX :: Comet - Detect If The Client Disconnected During Those 10 Minutes?

Jan 29, 2010

I implemented a chat using the COMET "way" described in this article: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/CometAsync.aspx

In this example, the client connects for 5 seconds every time. I wanted to hold the client longer, for about 10 minutes.

My problem is - how to detect if the client disconnected during those 10 minutes? I tried using Response.IsClientConnected but it returns true even if I close the client. There must by some inidicator since the socket gets disconnected if I close the client.

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How To Display Non-Bound Information On The Forms

Mar 2, 2010

This is a newbie question, and yes I have searched the web and the Help section. How do I display non-Bound information on the forms? Perhaps I should explain a little better.I have a form where I use dropdowns and other items to insert and update fields. These fields work correctly.

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SQL Server :: Display Information Between 2 Different Dates?

Sep 28, 2010

I stored 5 months data in Database(for Eg. 1 Jan 2010 to 31 may 2010 ).

Now I want to display information between 21 march 2010 To 21 May 2010.

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Limit Display Information By Client

Apr 21, 2010

I haveasp:GridView displaying client requests using asp:SqlDataSource. I want to limit displayed information by client:

View.aspx has to display everything, View.aspx?client=1 has to display only requests from client ID #1.

So I'm using <asp:QueryStringParameter Name="client" QueryStringField="client" /> for query "EXEC getRequests @client". Everything works properly when some client is specified. But don't - if not. I tested my SP using SSMS - it works properly in both cases - when parameter is specified and when it isn't (NULL passed explicitly).

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Web Forms :: The Best Way To Display Information Out Of The Exception?

Aug 16, 2010

Using try, catch finally, and end try, what is the best way to display informaiton out of the exception.

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C# - Display Basic Account Information

Jan 31, 2011

I was wondering if a user logs in using the login controller for asp.net, how do I display the users information in a "My Account" page. Do I simply do that through C# and SQL? Is there something that gets stored when a user logins already so I can return the username anywhere in the project?

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JQuery Hotspots With Vb - Display Information On Hazard?

Jan 29, 2010

What I have is an image of a room (birds eye view) and in this image there are 4 red squares that each represent a hazard in the room for example a gas cylendar or a wind panel. What i want it to do is when the user highlights the red square is to get a text box appear to the right of the page and display the relevant data from the database regarding that particular hazard. So far with hotspots i have just managed to do a postback function and this is not enough. In my database i have a rooms table with a list of rooms e.g room1 room2 and room3 and i have a hazards table e.g gas cylendar, chemicals etc. Each room has up to 4 hazards and the image for the room is a simple blue rectangle with red squares around it. How do i exactly make it so that when a user hovers over the red part of the image it looks in the database at the room and see the hazards for that room then display the infomation on that hazard in a text box to appear?

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C# - Display All The Session Information Of Page (aspx)

Apr 6, 2010

I want to display all the session information of my asp.net page (aspx) in the page. How can I do that? The programming language is C#.

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Security :: Iterate Through Profile Information And Display

Aug 27, 2010

I have a site I'm working on where the values being stored in user profiles can change so I need to iterate through all available profile options and display them (say in a label or gridview for instance). Here is an example of a web.config I threw together

<profile enabled="true">

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C# - Using A Popup Window To Display Extra Information?

Feb 3, 2011

In my code I am using a popup window to display extra information. I also have the ability to export the information in the main window to Excel.The problem is, after the window pops up -> I see the info -> I close the popup window -> but if I try the export to Excel button, it throws the exception "null object referrence" (if I use a try/catch, the exception doesn't occur - but I don't get any information). In the export function I am doing something like this:

//some code .... here
session["dss"] = mydataset;

In the export button click event:

system.data.dataset dss = (system.data.dataset)session["dss"];
//then some work on this

I think, probably when the popup window opens it ends the execution and that's why when I come back to the main window and try the export button the values for the tables and all goes out of scope.Also, if I refresh the main page after closing the popup window I don't have any issue and can export the data.

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