How To Save Html String

Feb 12, 2011

I want to create a database driven email, lets say it incorporates the top 10 best selling products on it. Producing the email is quite easy, howver I want to save the email as html so that it can be seen 'as was' and not 'as is' when best sellers change.

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C# - Save A String With Html As Image?

Feb 4, 2011

I have a string with whole html from web page. I want to save this string as image with all html rules. At the end to have image from webpage. How can I solve it with c# and

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How To Save A XML String Into A File And Pop Up A SAVE AS... Dialog Box For The User

Dec 15, 2010

My Asp.Net calls a SQL sproc and returns a XML file as a string. This is what I need to do:

- save that string into memory (as a file);
- pop up a dialog box asking the user which path he would like to save the file;

Any samples out do I achieve this task in Asp.Net C#?

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Save String To Client With Open/Save Dialog?

Aug 8, 2010

I am using the following code to write the contents of a string (converted to a byte array) to the client in ASP.NET/C#

byte[] data = StrToByteArray(strData);
Response.AppendHeader("content-length", data.Length.ToString());
Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
Response.AppendHeader("content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=" + fileName);

fileName is the name of the file ending with the file extension (.pgn). However, the file is saved as a .txt file, ignoring the extension that I am giving it. Would this have to do with the Response.Contenttype = "text/plain"? How can I get the Open/Save dialog to display and save the correct (.pgn) filename?

Also, if filename is a string separated by dashes or spaces, when the Open/Save dialog comes up, the filename is not displayed in its entirety but it is truncated where the first dash (-) or space (or comma) is encountered. How can this be remedied?

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Web Forms :: Error Input String Was Not In Correct Exporting HTML String To PDF Using ITextSharp

Jul 20, 2012

 //Read string contents using stream reader and convert html to parsed conent var parsedHtmlElements = HTMLWorker.ParseToList(new StringReader(contents), null);   
//Get each array values from parsed elements and add to the PDF document foreach (var htmlElement in parsedHtmlElements) pdfDoc.Add(htmlElement as IElement);   
//Close your PDF pdfDoc.Close();   Response.ContentType = "application/pdf";   
//Set default file Name as current datetime Response.AddHeader("content-disposition",

[Code] ....

Error: Input string was not in a correct format. Contents in html file giving error ...

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C# - Cutting HTML String Into Separate Lines Without Breaking HTML Tags

Oct 24, 2010

I have to break a HTML content string in to multiple lines. And each line should have some fixed characters, 50 or 60 Also I don't want to break the word..or html tags...

ex : <p>Email: <a href=""></a></p>
<p><em>"Text goes <font color=red>Hello world</font> Text goes here and Text goes here Text goes here 1976."</em> </p>

How can I acheive this in C#?

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Sending An HTML Encoded String In The Query String?

Jan 5, 2011

We are sending an HTML encoded string in the Query string. It was working fine on IIS 6 (windows 2003). We have recently moved the website to Windows 2008 (IIS 7.x). Since the move any Query String that contains "+" sign i.e., "%2b" gives error on the server "404 -File or directory not found."

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How To Replace Html Tag In Html Editor With Specific String

Feb 9, 2010

anyone knows how to replace a html tag in a string with specific characters:


string s1 = "<span style="italic">inluding <span style="bold">other</span> tags </span>";
string s2 = "<span style="italic">inluding </span><span style="bold">other tags </span>";

i want to replace "span" with "bold" to "bOpen" and "bClose" and to replace "span" with "italic" to "iOpen" and "iClose" in both c# and javascript.

i did use regular expression to do that: res = Regex.Replace(res, ".*?", replaceHtmlBold); but it cant match the nested tag and none-nested tag at the same time.

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Save Local File Path As String And Open File From Saved String?

Jan 29, 2011

I have a form where users can store some data for archived documents. All documents are ONLY in PDF format.

There are 2 things I would like to do:

1. there is a "file path" text box on the form. I would like to open a "browse file dialog" box when user clicks the textbox and then the user browses for the file (file is on the users local machine) and selects it. The full file path should be saved to the textbox as string (e.g. "c:archive2010document11122011.pdf"). Also I would like to "limit" the file browser dialog to only show PDF format files...

2. add a code behind command to open the file from the saved path+name (see 1.) in the user's default PDF viewer (Acrobat or Foxit)

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How To Save HTML Data In Sql Server

Aug 16, 2010

I have feedback panel where user can write HTML formated feedback using AJAX HTMLEditor I want to save this HTML DATA in SQL server HTML SOURCE

This is <span style="font-weight: bold; ">nice</span> question


This is nice question

Now how can i search to my database if your find "is nice" then my query can not response is nice because database contains HTML tags too. So what are best practices to save and retrieve HTML data using SQL Query &

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How To Save Html Table To SQL Server

Mar 3, 2010

I am trying to save html table to sql server table with unique name and save its data in a database. For example, I have a html table like this(it is dynamically created in browser by user).

I use, C#, Sql Server 2008 express.How can after clicking on save button, create table with unique name, 2 colums int and varchar(40) types, and insert data?

I think it is possible by rendering table to XML, and then work this xml on C# classes, then save in database.

What you sing about it?


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Telerik RadEditor Memorystream/string Save To RTF

May 21, 2010

The required functionality I am aiming for is to pull out RTF content from a database, edit it through a web interface (with a WYSIWYG editor) and then place the modified text back in to the database (in RTF format).

The control that I am using to do this is Telerik RadEditor (we have a license already for these controls). In the most recent version there appears to be functionality to load in RTF content from a string or a stream, but the only method I can see that is exposed for getting RTF back out is exportToRTF(); this method modified the headers and allows you to save a RTF version of the content you have just edited as a file.

The functionality to convert from HTML to RTF must exist somewhere within their library as you can export a RTF file, but I can not find any publicly exposed methods to pass this in to a stream or a string.

Does anybody know of a way that I can convert the HTML back to RTF using the Telerik libraries without saving out to a file?

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C# - Get Web Page's Content And Save It Into The String Variable?

Dec 22, 2010

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How To Save Rdlc Report In HTML Format

Dec 22, 2010

I am using RDLC report.I want to conver the rdlc report in HTML format.

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C# - How To Save Current Aspx Page As Html

Jul 17, 2010

how to save current page as a html page on button click. My page contains only labels which I fill on page load event.

I am using the code below for this, but it's not saving (in HTML) all of the values that I see when my page is loaded (I think it converts before the values get loaded on the page).


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AJAX :: How To Save Data From HTML Controls

Nov 22, 2015

How to save data from html controls(radio button,dropdownlist,listbox,checkbox) to database by using jquery ajax.

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Web Forms :: How To Save Multiline Textbox Value In Form Of Html

Jan 1, 2010

I have a multiline textbox. I want to save its value at run time in html format. for example i write in run time.

Hi are you?

but when i get this value back it shows me like this

Hi are you?

which means it removes <br> tag.

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SQL Server :: Save Base64 String Into Database Without Losing Data

Aug 1, 2010

how to save a base64 string without losing any of the bytes in the process.

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Save Html In Docx Format And Read It (load In Web Editor)?

May 8, 2010

i won't a DLL to work with docx read from it and load the document in ajax editor control

Righ text format

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AJAX :: How To Save Editor Content As An HTML File To A Disk

Jun 2, 2010

How to save Ajax Editor content as an HTML file to a disk?

Let's say I have an Ajax Editor which allows user to type or paste in long message or writting. Once he clicks on "submit" button, an HTML file will be created and save to a disk. I am working on 3.5, ajax version 3.5 (from codeplex, work well).

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SQL Server :: How To Save Records With Autogenerated Html Links In Database

Aug 24, 2010

I would like to create a database where users can search for multiple fields. For example: if the record is personal details info like name, address, phone number and email id i would like to generate link for this automatically with the fields using stored procedure.. Is that possible.? If so can anybody provide me with the line of code or guideline on how to do that?

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Visual Studio :: Unexpected Error Has Occurred When Trying To Save Connection String?

Mar 25, 2010

when I make data source configuration wizerd

Data -> Add new data source -> ... -> Save the connection string to the Application configuration file (yes, save the connection) result in "An unexpected error has occured." Error Message; Could not load type
'Microsoft.VisualStudio.DataDesign.SyncDesigner.SyncFacade.SyncManager'from assembly 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.DataDesign.SyncDesigner.DslPackage,Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a'.

how I can solve this problem ?

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C# - Allowing User To Save Contents Of Html List To Text File?

Dec 2, 2010

I'm working on an application (ASP.NET, Webforms) that generates a list of outputs based on a user input. I want to allow the user to save the contents of said list as text file, or possibly as other filetypes such as .csv. What is the best way to approach this? Can it be done client-side with Javascript?

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Data Controls :: Join A List Of String As Comma Separated Characters And Save In Database?

May 7, 2015

i want to save id of all products, selected for user in a session variable 

after in another aspx file called basket.aspx, want get all items from session variable and bind DataGrid called List.

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C# - Embed String In The Html?

Feb 2, 2010 c# I am using the below code..

<%String h = "hello";%>
<!-- "wall_com_insert.aspx?Tid=" + Application.Get("Tid");-->
<div id="content_sr_comment" style="height: auto"> <asp:Label ID="Label8"
runat="server" Text="<%=h%>" ></asp:Label>

But I am getting the output..

output displayed on the label: "<%=h%>"

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