How To Use Current User (default Membership) As A Data Fied In DetailsView

Aug 7, 2010

I am new to I have a details view control on my page. I use linq to sql. My details view is an admin panel for data entry page. So some members will enter some news to my database. I want to use "Writer" Data Field to be filled automaticly with the current logged user. How can I do that?

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Security :: DataBind() To DetailsView Membership User Info?

Jun 7, 2010

Is there an easy way to select a specific user that is already logged in and bind all the users info to a detailsview for edit and saving back to the tables?The tabels were generated in AWAT of VS 2010

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User Control / Default To Current Date To End Of Month

Mar 28, 2011

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Web Forms :: Display Online Users Except Current Logged In User In Membership

May 7, 2015

I have below code to display "list of all the online users" inside listBox using Membership function.


protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (!IsPostBack) {
MembershipUserCollection allUser = Membership.GetAllUsers(); // to get all the users
List<MembershipUser> onlineUsers = new List<MembershipUser>(); //creating list of online users
foreach (MembershipUser user in allUser)

[Code] ....

I want to remove that user from the list of online users, who himself has logged in. Example: if I had logged-in with UserName: Admin, then this Admin should not show to me in the list of "online users"

Tried below Code but not working:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (!IsPostBack) {
MembershipUserCollection allUser = Membership.GetAllUsers(); // to get all the users
List<MembershipUser> onlineUsers = new List<MembershipUser>(); //creating list of online users
MembershipUser m_user = Membership.GetUser(); //to get self logged-in user

[Code] ....

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Jul 5, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView - INSERT Default Value

Mar 23, 2010

I am using DetailsView to INSERT new records. I have a field "Paid Date"(date) that needs to be pre-populated with the current date. 90% of the time, the user will use the default date, however, there are times when the user will need to change the data as needed. I want to add this default in the code-behind. I DO NOT want to use template item.

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Forms Data Controls :: Set Default Value In Detailsview Insert Mode

Nov 17, 2010

How do I set the value of a field in a detailsview to the selectedvalue of a gridview on the same page? I am also trying to set today date as value of another field in the detailsview as well as UserID. I wrote the following codebehind for the date setting:

TextBox tb = (TextBox)DetailsView2.FindControl("TextBoxCreDate");
TextBoxCreDate is a template field in my DetailsView.

Unfortunately, I get a Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Error message.

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Forms Data Controls :: Assign On Page Load Current UsedID (GUID) To A Detailsview Field?

Nov 18, 2010

The detailsview is used for logged users to add a new item to a table in my sql database. The detailsview default mode is set to "insert".

The UserID is a field in the table in which the user enter the new record.

How can I get the UserID Guid value assigned automatically on pageload to the specific bound field in my detailsview

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Forms Data Controls :: When Page Load, How To Default The Detailsview To Show The First Record From The Gridview

Mar 12, 2011

A few questions regarding detailsview and gridview:

1) when page load, how can I default the detailsview to show the first record from the gridview? SelectedIndex does not have any effect to my detailsview.


2) how can I select a record in the gridview if my table has 2 key fields using below syntax?


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Nov 23, 2010

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<asp:ScriptManagerProxy ID="ScriptManagerProxy1" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" >


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How To Get Current Logged In UserID In Aspnet Mvc Membership

May 7, 2010

i am trying to show a list of users of my application "school", when admin logs in then he can view all the users in list but when school principals logins, he should get only users of his school, So i thought to get the current loggedIn userId first and then by that userId i'll get schoolId since userId is foreign key in school table...once i'll get the schoolId i can show the members of that school.

But my problem is how to get the UserID of currently loggedIn. I'm using MVC 1.0 Asp.Net -- "Membership" if my logic above is wrong then tell me the alternate good idea, so that principal can see only his users list.

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MVC :: What Is The Database Used By The Default Membership.provider

Aug 3, 2010

When a user is registered in an MVC application using the default Register action of the Account controller, where is the user info stored? Can I specify that this user table be stored in the database of the MVC application?

I am reading about writing a custom membership provider. I want to have some linkage between application specific user info ( current orders, items the user has ordered ) and the login database. I want to hook the "register a new user" process so that a new customer is added to the customer master.

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Security :: Default Membership Provider Must Be Specified

Mar 16, 2010

Server Error in '/' Application. Default Membership Provider must be specified. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details: System.Configuration.Provider.ProviderException: Default Membership Provider must be specified. Source Error:


Stack Trace:


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Jan 3, 2010

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How To Create Default Users In Web.config For Membership

Sep 6, 2010

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Got Error Message, Default Membership Provider Must Be Specified?

Feb 28, 2011

I'm trying to make my own login functionality without using Membership Provider, but after I login using the

System.Web.UI.WebControls.Login control and set the authentication cookie using FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(username, rememberMe);

I got the following error message, Default Membership Provider must be specified.

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Security :: Website Without Any Default Membership Database?

Oct 1, 2010

I am in the initial stage of implementing a new webstie, which will use only twitter and facebook to login and use. So my approach is not use any Default memberhip database, just simple store the user data in my created "membership" database. I will set cookies and use sessions to restrict and grant access to various parts of the sites. So for example, the user creates an account and I set a cookie allowing him or her to traverse the site. And on each page request from the client browser check to see if my website cookie is there in the browser and if it has expired or not.

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Security :: Default Membership Tables For Oracle?

Sep 6, 2010

Is there a way to create the required Membership tables/SPs for Oracle? Just what aspnet_regsql does. Something like aspnet_regORACLE :).

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Using SQL Membership Provider - Store Own Per - User Data?

Mar 27, 2010

I'm using the ASP.NET SQL Membership Provider. So, there's an aspnet_Users table that has details of each of my users. (Actually, the aspnet_Membership table seems to contain most of the actual data). I now want to store some per-user information in my database, so I thought I'd just create a new table with a UserId (GUID) column and an FK relationship to aspnet_Users. However, I then discovered that I can't easily get access to the UserId since it's not exposed via the membership API. (I know I can access it via the ProviderUserKey, but it seems like the API is abstracting away the internal UserID in favor of the UserName, and I don't want to go too far against the grain).

So, I thought I should instead put a LoweredUserName column in my table, and create an FK relationship to aspnet_Users using that. Bzzzt. Wrong again, because while there is a unique index in aspnet_Users that includes the LoweredUserName, it also includes the ApplicationId - so in order to create my FK relationship, I'd need to have an ApplicationId column in my table too. At first I thought: fine, I'm only dealing with a single application, so I'll just add such a column and give it a default value. Then I realised that the ApplicationId is a GUID, so it'd be a pain to do this. Not hard exactly, but until I roll out my DB I can't predict what the GUID is going to be. I feel like I'm missing something, or going about things the wrong way. What am I supposed to do?

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Forms Data Controls :: Detailsview Insert / Prompt The User To Enter Data In All Fields, If Left Empty?

Oct 13, 2010

I have a detailsview in insert mode. I want to prompt the user to enter data in all fields, if left empty. Could someone please find a few minutes to show me how to do it?

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How To Bind User Defined Data Type Object To DetailsView

Dec 13, 2010

am having a class which contains user defined data type property. I have created an instance of that class. When I bind that object of that class to DetailsView it is showing all properties except user defined data type property. Here is the sample code.

public class Customer
public string CustomerName { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public Address CustomerAddress { get; set; }
Address class looks like
public class Address

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MVC :: Html.TextBoxFor - Way To Display Current Date As Default

Mar 22, 2011

am using the Html helper for textbox in my partial view and use it in my View. I got 2 textbox for the date attribute of my Model (storagedate and expired date), I wish to display a textbox with default value as Today's date if the date of that Model in DB is null, how can i do that???Here is the code for my partial view:


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