How To Validate Two Textboxes At Single Button Click Using
Nov 22, 2010
How to validate two textboxes at single button click using ?
it shows an error :
Protected Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
If TextBox1 = "06:00:01 PM" & TextBox2.Text = "02:00:01 PM" Then
MsgBox "Submit"
End If
End Sub
Whatz wrong with my this code ? I wanna validate two checkbox using if statement ... on Button click
i am working on, for example in a form they are 10 text boxes i want to validate each textbox if it is empty it should display a alert message.
how to achieve this by using a single javasript method. can we pass texbox as an argument into javascript how to achieve this
I am developing a mini project in can i visible number of textboxes at runtime to insert records by single click in sql server 2005. for example. If I have assigned 3 subjects in Assign_Subject table then i want 3 textbox at runtime but when we retrieves the subjects from Assign_Subject table we don't know the exact number of subjects to insert students marks into Exam_Result Table....
I need to create textboxes dynamically as per assigned subjects and also I need to read the text entered later (in my case its marks of the student)then 1 Insert button to insert all subjects marks as per single click.
I have 3 Textboxes name, email, message. I want the to send an email message with a button click with the textbox name, email, message text in the message.
How can i dynamically add textboxes and dropdown lists on a button click. I'll be showing 4 text boxes and 1 dropdown list initially with a link button ADD MORE, Then after clicking ADD MORE button i need to generate same 4 text boxes and dropdownlist exactly in the below row as in EXCEL sheet.
I'm having a SQL table with 4 textboxes and a drpdown list values as columns and i need to insert them into the database. i previously worked on the same requirement where i've collected multiple values frm a listbox control and looped all the selected items and comma seperated them and inserted them into table(here the case is different, there is only one row so it became simple and straight forward during insertion). Now i need to loop throguh all the 4 textbxes which user enters and need to insert those 4 textboxes values into DB under same columns.
How to create a table in the code behind to display data from the database by creating a new table etc. How I could target existing HTML in my aspx file as opposed to creating a new table in the code behind?
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String a = DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Value; String b = DropDownList3.SelectedItem.Value.PadLeft(3, '0'); String c = TextBox2.Text.PadLeft(5,'0').ToString(); String d = TextBox3.Text.ToString(); String digit = a+ b + c + d; try { myConn = new OdbcConnection("Driver={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=testcase;User=root;Password=root;Option=3;"); myConn.Open(); //** string sql = "select * from testcase.main where reg_no =?"; //** OdbcCommand cmd = new OdbcCommand(sql, myConn); //** cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("?", digit); MyReader = cmd.ExecuteReader(); //** while (MyReader.Read()) { String f = MyReader["pet_name"].ToString(); String g = MyReader["res_name"].ToString(); Label9.Visible = true; Label9.Text = f; Label10.Visible = true; Label10.Text = "VS"; //Label11.Visible = true; Label11.Text = g; } MyReader.Close(); } catch (Exception e1) { Response.Write(e1.ToString()); } finally { if (MyReader != null && !MyReader.IsClosed) { MyReader.Close(); } if (myConn != null && myConn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { myConn.Close(); } }
I want to add another sql query which is using two tables to fetch the data and than i want to display it in a dropdownlist after fetching data from database. How should i proceed?? Should i create a totally new connection? I tried many different ways like, creating new connection and new reader and entire try and catch block i coded again but on running the website i t was taking very long to load the contents. What i did i modified only this portion(below code) and used the entire try catch again but it dint work.
while (MyReader1.Read()) { String f = MyReader1["ret"].ToString(); DropDownList1.Items.Add(f); }
I need to be able to validate multiple validation groups with the click of one button. My Form consists of two text boxes and a drop down list for input. The form also, currently, has three buttons, one for each control. Each of those buttons are tied to a validation control and if the validation is successful, it will add the user inputted data into a database that I have. The interesting part comes when I need to add a forth button which will act as a "Save All" Button. When this button is clicked, I need it to fire the three validation groups.
Is it possible to add multiple validation groups to the "Save All" Button?
how to run multiple queries on a single button click. Actually I want whatever a user write in text box and click the button the text would get inserted in table category and also a table name project should get updated. I am using Sql server 2005 and c#
I have little strange question. I would like to Validate my Page Controls on the button click which is there in the User Control. This user control is placed on the Page. If I check Page.IsValid property on button click event, it returns false. But Validation Summary message doesn't popup. So user doesn't know what's happening. It will not save the information and it won't give the validation message too.
In a multigrid i have validating two controls like date and is validating correctly when i press the tabevent.when i press the save button it is not validating.iam using two validations gruops and two validation summary.Then in save button i have also tried onclientclick() function with javascript it s working fine but if i give the correct value in date and amount records not saving how to over come this.
How to check all checkboxes on single button click event
if i have 45 checkboxes inside panel1 i want on button click event all the checkboxes will be checked and on another button click event all checkboxes will be unchecked...
I have reffered the Select and Upload Multiple Files Gmail Style using JQuery and ASP.Net to upload multiple files but i want to upload files in button click. how can i call the code in button click because above mentioned article uploads the file using upload .ashx?