HttpHandlers / Modules :: How To Read The Custom Http Header
Jul 23, 2010
I have a very simple query. I have added custom header to my website. Now I want to read the custom header. I am using IIS 6.0 on windows XP. I have already tried using using the Request.ServerVariables and and Request.header method. But none of them give me the custom header added to website.
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Sep 3, 2010
Server cannot append header after HTTP headers have been sent
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Jul 20, 2010
I am trying to call a webservice that requires me to authenticate and then pass the session id returned from the authenticate method to subsequent web service calls. The session id has to be passed as HTTP request header. So I tried using the following code to add the session id to a HTTP request header:
System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection headers =
Type t = headers.GetType();
//get the property
System.Reflection.PropertyInfo p = t.GetProperty("IsReadOnly",System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance
| System.Reflection.BindingFlags.IgnoreCase | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic
| System.Reflection.BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy);
//unset readonly
p.SetValue(headers, false,
//add a header
"SID=" + sessionId );
The header is supposed to be called "Cookie" and the SID contains the session id. The problem is the last line in the code above gives an exception saying "Operation is not supported on this platform". I am running this code on my dev machine with with Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 and IIS 5.1. I haven't been able to find any solution to this problem after days of searching. I also tried to deploy my web app on IIS directly but had the same error.
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Mar 16, 2011
I am writing a custom HTTP module to implement user authentication and appropriate access rights. And for identifying access rights for the user also depends on identifying the client's machine details like IP address, machine name, etc. The access rights will depend based on from which location or machine the user is trying to login.
Can we get these details from the HttpApplication or HttpContext object?
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Nov 28, 2010
When I have a HttpHandler class in C#/ASP.NET mapped to a file extension in IIS any file with that extension fails to download/display in web browsers (it's downloaded as a 0-byte file in some browsers and nothing at all in other browsers). After removing the application mapping for the HttpHandler in IIS so it doesn't call the IHttpHandler class in C#, the web browser downloads the file successfully.
This was tested with an IHttpHandler class in C# that has an empty ProcessRequest method.
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Oct 5, 2010
cant read http custome header "MSISDN" from my web service ... same code works on regular page. Can anyone shade a light on that subject ?
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Jul 15, 2010
i redirect a page from http to https using http module begin request handler .i am calling webservice using ajax but it is saying webserice not defined .which otherwise works fineits work fine when rediect page in page_load instead .but i need to add function for https to http in every page. i still not know why ajax is not working when i use http module for redirect
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Jun 8, 2010
is httpmodules executed each and every time in request and response cycle ?? if Yes is it possible to disable a specific http module ??
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Jan 26, 2010
After adding a custom module, Module list is showing MyModule "Entry Type" as "Local".
and Entry Type of all other modules is "Inherited".
what is Entry Type and difference between "Local" and "Inherited"?
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Feb 7, 2011
How do we findout the whether the application is using any HTTPModules and httphandler in the applicaion?Is there anyway to findout from the url without checking the web.config file?
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Feb 3, 2011
It is good experience by reading posts/discussions so im programmer i need the knowledge of how to work with http handlers? Where can we use them and what are exact scenarios in our requirement?
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May 27, 2010
I have created a dynamic signature for our members in 2.0 with VB code behind that they can use as a signature in various message boards using an http handler.This is the first time I have evered used a http handler and I am probably missing a step on how to use it.The direct url to the signature is:
[URL]where the ID is a particular member. This works fine on most message boards and if you copy the link directly in a browser window, but not in other message boards.In order for this signature to work on all message boards, the url syntax would need to be as follows:[URL] or something similar where the URL does not have question marks, equal signs and the file name ends in .png .How can I go about doing this where the link will go to my http handler and overlay text, etc.
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Mar 26, 2011
am new to http handler concept and havent worked on it.What is http handlers and what is use of it??
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Aug 30, 2010
is there any mechanism similar to HTTP Module in classic ASP?
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Jan 11, 2011
I am having an Web application in .Net 3.5 Framework, deployed on IIS 6.0. Obviously we have used Http Modules in our application. The problem is that we are having many entries specifying the message "Http Module is getting Initialized" Now, I would like to know when does an Http Module get initialized? I mean is there any specific reason? Also, is there any case of recycling of http module?
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Nov 30, 2010
I use http handler for loading images.
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Jan 18, 2010
Can anyone tell me if there is a way to convert all URL's to lowercase using an Http Module for URL rewriting? For example should be converted to lowercase.
I cannot use the IIS7 URL Rewriter because I need to perform database lookups as part of my URL rewriting.
I have researched this extensively but have not had any luck finding a solution.
The only alternative I can think of is to use a dynamically created canonical link in my page headers.
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Aug 25, 2010
Our site uses urlRewriter http module that does the url rewriting for us. I want to create another http module that will handle our customize URL redirects. Now I want this new customize http module to be call before the UrlRewriter module (to avoid page not found messages the UrlRewriter generates). Is there a way we can contol the calling order ?
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Apr 6, 2010
I have a HTTP handler that returns a GeoRSS feed (type of XML) when called. This handler is called from a javascript and the returning xml is consumed directly by a Virtual Earth (bing) map control on the same page. I am Encrypting/Decrypting URL parameters but any one can see the source html, copy the url and get access to the xml feed.Since the call is from javascript how can I prevent unauthorized access to the HTTP handler?
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Mar 5, 2010
I am using this root .
It is working absolutely fine with this root folder('myroot'). When we change root foldername to "" handler not responding.I have checked it by RouteDebugger and it shows thatRoute: NO MATCH!Matches Current Request: True
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Oct 31, 2010
I'm in a situation where a GET request is made of my server without any content-length header. After the GET request is sent the client then sends a small chunk of data (8 bytes to be exact). It's imperative to note that this data is not meant to be treated as a request body. For this reason ignores it. I cannot read it and the input stream says it has a length of 0. This is the correct behaviour!
What I need to do is somehow hook into the request processing pipeline early enough to read this data and somehow append it to the request (Items?) I don't know how to do this 'correctly'. I figure I should probably create an IHttpModule to check if the request is of the type that will have this data, then somehow read it.
How would I go about this? How would I be able to read this information in from the stream? I've tried adding an event handler to HttpApplication.BeginRequest but everything I try to read the stream fails. I've read that I could potentially add a custom header using reflection (this would allow me to add a content-length header) but this feels nasty and hacky - I presume there's just a place where I can hook in and handle the reading of the stream before passing it on for further processing.
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Jan 16, 2010
I have found very strange problem with using asynchronous request. I wrote ASP.NET handler like follows.
Next, i write C# client application as follows.
This works very fine, s == "Test1".Now i want to make nonblocking call as follows.
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Apr 2, 2010
I am doing some redirecting of old url in global.asax's application_beginrequest. Redirecting works fine when getting the url's using an http get but not when using an http head request.
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Jan 23, 2010
as subject, how can i read Response Headers inside an httpmodule?
i need the "Content-encoding" header value.
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Jul 20, 2010
This is kind of cross-post; however, can a custom http handler be automated to run either using a timer or a filesystemwatcher to post an xml document to another server (with no human interaction)?
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