IE Its Working But Not In Firefox(It's Not Getting The Correct Url Path)?
Mar 8, 2011
I am using the javscript to popup a calendar when user click on calendar icon.So here I am using like "../calendar/calendar.html?datetime=" to trigger the calendar.html.But when I try to test it in IE its working but not in Firefox(It's not getting the correct url path).
i have developped an application localy that can browse excel files, pictures etc... and display them, the thing is, that on my PC when a user upload a picture it will be saved under local disk C: and to browse it i will access C:idpicture and display it, that easly. the problem is when i deployed the application on iis 7.5 it's not working anymore giving me an error saying that the path is wrong or the name of the file is changed etc...
i have understood that i can't put it on local disk C: because the picture or the excel file must be shared on all the PC's, so i have created a map network drive (PUBLIC X:) which is availble on all PC's, that way i will browse in X:idpicture but that is not working aswell.
my question is: what is the proper path to use to access file on the server (PUBLIC X: or C:) using IIS?
I want the arrow-collapsed image to be displyed before accordian headers and when accordian header is clicked and expanded, arrow-collapsed image should change to arrow-expanded image. What am I doing wrong below? Also, image paths are all correct. I have checked many times. my accordian:-
I created a one Java script calender. Its working fine in ie6 but its not working in firefox. I'm new to this java script so kindly give your suggestion as soon as possible.
After the implementation of ajax drag and drop, we have observed that which is working fine in IE and Firefox and not in chrome and safari, In Google chrome and Safari when we try to drag a module, the page getting scrolling to the top of the page.
i am using file upload control if i check tha applicaion in IE i get it correctly i slect a file using fileuplaod control and use fileuplad.postedfile.filename so i get teh physical path of the file whereas from firefox i just get the filename not the path hence i am not able to get teh file as its showing me msg unable to load file
i need to get the physical path of the file
i cant use server.mappath as the file can be from any drive
If Not IsDBNull(ext) Then ext = LCase(ext) End If Select Case ext 'Case ".htm", ".html" ' type = "text/HTML" 'Case ".txt" ' type = "text/plain" 'Case ".doc", ".rtf" ' type = "Application/msword" 'Case ".csv", ".xls" ' type = "Application/x-msexcel"........................
and I have 3 DropDownList that refer below thread [URL] ...
I use cascadingdropdown for these 3 dropdownlist below are codes:
[WebMethod] public CascadingDropDownNameValue[] GetCountries(string knownCategoryValues) { string query = "SELECT state FROM stateTest"; List countries = GetData(query); return countries.ToArray(); }
[Code] ....
at first I should select Item from DDLsate then DDlcity and at the end I should select Item from DDLregion
above code work correctly for ddlstate and ddlcity but it doesn't work for ddlregion...
I mean when I select Item from ddlcity in ddlregion shows:[Metod error500]
On our site, I use the category (in Russian) in the querystring. E.g.: [URL] (I notice the link is not clickable here, you need to copy the entire link to view the result) If you paste this link in IE8, it is translated to cat=???? and it does not work If I paste it in FireFox, it works. It gets even more weird: the same URL is reachable from the homepage, and if I click the same URL in IE8 from the homepage it works fine (unless I click open in a new tab, that it is back to ????). I am using ASP.NET 3.5(C#)
I'm trying to get my site to play a flash video the first time, and only the first time, a user visits the site. Currently, I'm using ASP session tags to install a sessionid cookie into the users browsers.
<% Session("name")="blah" Session.Timeout=7 %>
This method works fine in FF and Chrome, but IE8 doesn't seem to want to accept the cookie. I've tested it with IE's lowest security settings possible ("Accept all cookies"), but it still does not create any cookie. Is there any other way to make it so that all browsers will take the cookie?
The Div can be visible or invisible in IE, but not in FireFox, the main purpose is: when user typing text in a password textbox, if the CAP LOCK is one, show the div:
We were deploying our ASP.NET web app onto a new production server today. In our test server, the pages were working fine on both IE and Firefox. But now in the production server the main welcome page loads and to enter the application which has a submit/enter button in it does not work in IE and shows a page not found exception. The same link is working fine in Firefox. We are using css and JavaScript and i have read that they may cause problems. But i wonder how i did not have any issues with both IE/Firefox in my test server.
I am using PostBackUrls in ASP.NET which work fine in Chrome and IE. Nothing happens when I select a button that has a PostBackUrl in Firefox. How can I make this work? Is there a bit of code that can be applied to all postbacks that I can add without the need of changing each of them individually?
I,m having some issues with 3 user controls.heres the scenario.i have 3 UserControls: ctrA and ctrB and ctrC.the idea is: ctrC is collections of ctrB plus some minor info and ctrB is a collection of ctrA plus soe other minor info.ctrA is a simple control with 2 textbox and a label.u enter values on the textbox and the label shows the values multiplied by each other.ctrA is totally inside a updatePanel and when i drag-and-drop it on a custom-page or to ctrC it works just fine (notice that im breaking the disired hierarchy).but when i add it dinamically to ctrB (the correct hierarchy) its not working.the page is being posted back synchronously and worst,the controls if they were never there.
Sample code below. Either I am doing something wrong or missing something in 4.0.
1: The function CheckText fires upon button click in IE but not in FF. 2: The function CheckText fires upon button click in IE /FF when the site runs under 2.0 or 3.5.
I have a WebForms app that uses a field validator on a dropdownlist. It works in IE but not FireFox. This is pretty straightforward stuff I'm doing. Here are the setups for the dropdown and validator:
I'm running ASP.Net 2.0 on the web server. Javascript is enabled on the FireFox browser-- this problem happens on all FF browsers I've tested, on multiple everyday machines, so I don't believe it's due to a locked down install.